View Full Version : Siameses?

11-30-2005, 07:14 PM
Dont get me wrong, I LOVE cats, heck I have one

I think I was scared of siameses cats from the cartoon movie "Lady and the Tamp" remember those two evil siamese cats?

lol funny isnt it? they just kind of scare me lol

anyone else feel the same way? Im sure they are loveable

sorry I think I have spelt it wrong?

11-30-2005, 07:24 PM
Nope, sorry. Meezers have their own very unique personalities. I've rescued them, fostered them and think they are very cool.

To each his own, I guess. ;)

11-30-2005, 07:27 PM
Dont get me wrong, I wouldnt hurt any thing just cause I didnt like it.

I just find them a bit creepie but I guess I havent met one

Laura's Babies
11-30-2005, 07:29 PM
I guess someone could be scared of a certian type of cat.. I know a ton of people are afraid of black cats because they have heard they are bad luck.. I have always heard they bring their owners good luck and that is my answer to that one when someone says it.

You need to overcome that fear by getting to know one. They are just like any other cat, just have a different coat on to me.

11-30-2005, 07:30 PM
I guess someone could be scared of a certian type of cat.. I know a ton of people are afraid of black cats because they have heard they are bad luck.. I have always heard they bring their owners good luck and that is my answer to that one when someone says it.

You need to overcome that fear by getting to know one. They are just like any other cat, just have a different coat on to me.

Oh I dont have a fear of them, just find them a bit creepy but then again

I blame Lady and the tamp! lol

11-30-2005, 07:36 PM
Not afraid of them one bit - you have to have to have to meet one, Clarebear! Nothing yowls quite like a Siamese with an opinion - and most of them are very opinionated!

11-30-2005, 07:39 PM
I LOVE siamese cats, I've always thought they were beautiful. I used to have a siamese named Zasper she had the best personality. She would let me take her out on a leash! I used to take her to the pet store will me all the time.

Right now I have a siamese mix named Tibby and she is just the sweetest cat ever.

11-30-2005, 07:42 PM
I used to have this fear of rabbits and halves (have I spelled that right?)

My brother made me watch this cartoon in the 80s (yes he tormented me a lot, still does lol) and the rabbits were fighting with each other breed and they fight till they breed.


brothers are just mean

11-30-2005, 07:45 PM
I never thought much of them until I got Harry and Abby. If you knew them, you'd know immediately that they have some siamese in them.... and I LOVE how vocal, intelligent, personal they are.

11-30-2005, 07:47 PM
Just want to say this

no offence to those who own them

11-30-2005, 07:50 PM
Are you more creeped out by the traditional Siamese (skinny faces) or the apple heads (normal cat sized faces)? I have a few Siamese cats, one is an apple head very handsome boy Eli, and the other is all black, but 99% Siamese... Chip. Chip is the kind of guy ANYONE would fall in love with! He's the most talkative, smart, animated cats I've ever seen. He's the official greeter to all my new rescues, and makes friends with every animal or person he meets. :D He loves to play games with me like racing me up the stairs (I tell him he cheats, and he gurgles back at me)! Or hanging on the sisal wrapped beam in the cellar like a squirrel while I tell him he's a GREAT 'QUIRREL!..he rubs side to side and gets really funny. :D He won my heart years ago. :) I agree, you have to meet one as they are stunning creations IMO! ;) And can't forget Simon..a rescued feral boy... ;) Does he look scary? :confused:

11-30-2005, 07:52 PM
I guess not!

have to admit it but he is cute!

11-30-2005, 07:53 PM
Are you more creeped out by the traditional Siamese (skinny faces) or the apple heads (normal cat sized faces)? I have a few Siamese cats, one is an apple head very handsome boy Eli, and the other is all black, but 99% Siamese... Chip. Chip is the kind of guy ANYONE would fall in love with! He's the most talkative, smart, animated cats I've ever seen. He's the official greeter to all my new rescues, and makes friends with every animal or person he meets. :D He loves to play games with me like racing me up the stairs (I tell him he cheats, and he gurgles back at me)! Or hanging on the sisal wrapped beam in the cellar like a squirrel while I tell him he's a GREAT 'QUIRREL!..he rubs side to side and gets really funny. :D He won my heart years ago. :) I agree, you have to meet one as they are stunning creations IMO! ;) And can't forget Simon..a rescued feral boy... ;) Does he look scary? :confused:
I think I am more creeped out by the traditional Siamese (skinny faces) but I guess I will learn to like them

11-30-2005, 09:46 PM
I have to highly recommend going to a cat show and talking to the Meezer breeders and meet some of them. I grew up with an apple-head Siamese and will never forget her. I love the breed, but right now I love Maine Coons even more .... My Mishi Goon! :D

11-30-2005, 10:40 PM
I foster Siamese cats.

You apparently haven fallen victim to the Number #1 myth about Siamese.

'Siamese cats are mean.'

When asked why would you think that?

Reason given: Lady & the Tramp

Well, here's the news: it's a cartoon.

Unperpetuating the mean Siamese myth is one of our major efforts at

My Snowy, is a big goof. Not a mean bone in his body. And my Bella is a velcro lover cat. Malfi is an angel, he never even struck out at us when we had to debri his wounded leg for 6 weeks, nightly. How it must have hurt him.

I'm sure someone could come up with a story about a mean Siamese, but aren't there a few mean cats of every color. More so, what is happening to these cats that they need to be 'mean'. Are they provoked, abused?

Please check out: meezer.com and siameserescue.org

(they can be weird looking critters though)


11-30-2005, 10:42 PM
There Are 6 Meezers Here,and They Are The Warmest,funniest Cats Going.
And They Get Along With The Non Meezers So Very Well,that You Would Think That They All Came From The Same Litter.

11-30-2005, 10:47 PM
There Are 6 Meezers Here,and They Are The Warmest,funniest Cats Going.
And They Get Along With The Non Meezers So Very Well,that You Would Think That They All Came From The Same Litter.
Gary..me thinks you have one of those flukes of nature..conjoined sextuplets..and then some lol! :D I agree they are very smart, and bond well with others, and their slaves. ;)

11-30-2005, 11:19 PM
I foster Siamese cats.

You apparently haven fallen victim to the Number #1 myth about Siamese.

'Siamese cats are mean.'

When asked why would you think that?

Reason given: Lady & the Tramp

Well, here's the news: it's a cartoon.

Unperpetuating the mean Siamese myth is one of our major efforts at

My Snowy, is a big goof. Not a mean bone in his body. And my Bella is a velcro lover cat. Malfi is an angel, he never even struck out at us when we had to debri his wounded leg for 6 weeks, nightly. How it must have hurt him.

I'm sure someone could come up with a story about a mean Siamese, but aren't there a few mean cats of every color. More so, what is happening to these cats that they need to be 'mean'. Are they provoked, abused?

Please check out: meezer.com and siameserescue.org

(they can be weird looking critters though)


I KNOW its a cartoon lol I guess its just the thought of them being mean lol.
I just find them a bit creepy but I do love cats and even those breeds, just wondered what they are really like.

12-01-2005, 12:55 AM
The purebred Siamese can have a sinister look with the flat skinny head, that is probably why Disney made it a villian in his movie.

But they are so sweet and have lots of personality. Some say they are more like a dog in personality. Outgoing and vocal.

My Siamese is true to that. He likes to be with people and is so intelligent. If I talk to him he tries to understand what I am saying. He also knows some words. My Tabby never tries to understand what I say. She's just a cat and goes her own way. Cute but I call her my dumb blonde. LOL

12-01-2005, 12:58 AM
The purebred Siamese can have a sinister look with the flat skinny head, that is probably why Disney made it a villian in his movie.

Thanks for pointing that out!

12-01-2005, 01:01 AM
My Butter is nothing like the "We are Siamese if we please" kitties on Lady and the Tramp. He has an evil streak, but for the most part, he is a socialble fellow and loved by me and my friends at Pet Talk!

12-01-2005, 04:13 AM
Our Nicholas(or should I say my husband's) is part Meezer!!! He is the leader of the clan(as oppose to the top cat who is Ralph), the TALKER, ball player and retriever, and LOVES to eat and try all diferent foods!!! He was a rescue from the streets of Palinfield,NJ, and ended up on the convent steps. Do not like that fool you, Nicholas can be Mr. Mischief!!! One day he was sick and had to spend the day at the vet's, the house was like a tomb!!! He is such a PERSONALITY!!!! Sandra

12-01-2005, 07:01 AM
how can anyone think that this is creepy :confused: :confused:


or this..... :confused:


12-01-2005, 07:06 AM
My Butter is nothing like the "We are Siamese if we please" kitties on Lady and the Tramp. He has an evil streak, but for the most part, he is a socialble fellow and loved by me and my friends at Pet Talk!

My friend Butter has NO evil streak. He is just defensive and one misunderstood kitty. Kisses to him :)

12-01-2005, 07:23 AM
I am still amazed at the impact of one simple movie has on cats, 40 years later.

I would like to personally thank Walt Disney for doing more damage to a lovely breed of cats than he ever imagined. From all the Siamese cats that were abandoned, or dumped, and for all those who were never given consideration to be adopted due to his movie.

If the Siamese cats were the loving stars of the movie, and the two dogs were the sinister, evil ones, it would have been a different story for Siamese cats. Don't you agree?

12-01-2005, 10:29 AM
Actually, those cats were one of my favorite characters in that movie. They were so bad that they were funny!!! Imagine if I had two Butters! Then, that would be scary!!! ;)

12-01-2005, 10:39 AM
[QUOTE=Abby&Buddy'sMom]how can anyone think that this is creepy :confused: :confused:


or this..... :confused:


Ok you got me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

12-01-2005, 10:56 AM
No way, actually they are one of my favorite breeds! I used to have one, Luange was her name, although I was young and I never really knew the exact spelling but thats how it sounded, with the n pronounced even.

12-01-2005, 11:45 AM
I am still amazed at the impact of one simple movie has on cats, 40 years later.

More than the cat issue, I hate how movies like Lady and the Tramp and 101 Dalmations make breeding look like a thing just anyone should do.

For my part, there's a siamese mix in my cat family who's a darling- her favorite thing to do is cuddle with you under the blankets. In addition, she is also the one who's nicest with the dog! Occasionally I'll catch them cuddling together (so cute!).

Also, my black cat is my favorite! (shh, don't tell the others)

Mad Mags Moo
12-01-2005, 04:43 PM
I love the Old Style Siamese (rounder faces) they are just so chatty and very intelligent. I have a regular feline client who is a lovely old lady of 17 years of age and all she has wrong is arthritic front paws! She greets me at the door and we have a very long chat when I prepare her food and play with her....I would love to have a Siamese....if you please :D
Photo of my lovely old lady!!!!


12-01-2005, 04:58 PM
I think siamese kitties are one of the most friendliest and talkitive kitties!!

12-01-2005, 07:02 PM
I think Siamese are absolutely stunning. I've never met a purebred, but other than the movie I haven't heard anything bad about them. I'd love to get a Siamese X (that still looks like a Siamese ;) ) one day. I've seen crosses at work that still have the coloring and they are just so pretty!

12-01-2005, 07:11 PM
I think Siamese are absolutely stunning. I've never met a purebred, but other than the movie I haven't heard anything bad about them. I'd love to get a Siamese X (that still looks like a Siamese ;) ) one day. I've seen crosses at work that still have the coloring and they are just so pretty!
since march 2005, at our shelter we have gotten over 5 purebreds, they all have been really sweet

12-01-2005, 07:16 PM
I thought maybe we should visit some Extreme Meezers, and desensitize ourselves a little. Nowadays they are bred for large ears, long muzzle and very blue eyes.

Take a look at these lovlies....






And look at the color definition here:


As opposed to this guy:


What a gorgeous bunch.

I love them, any shape, size, color, breed. Love 'em cats!

12-01-2005, 08:54 PM
I just love Siamese cats!
My favorite thing about them is their beautiful blue eyes!
My next cat is going to be a Siamese or Snowshoe rescue kitty.
I loved the two Siamese cats in Lady and the Tramp, it showed that two Siamese cats can be much more fun than one.
If I had my way, I would have a house full of Siamese cats because I love them so much. :)

12-01-2005, 10:41 PM
Zoe, I know one thing. You are a BRAVE woman! LOL!!!!!! And you met Butter, too, and still want one!! ;)

12-02-2005, 10:35 AM
I kinda see where Clarebear is coming from................

Let's go back in time (ok, w-a-y back!!) growing up in the 1960's my cousin had a Siamese cat, Gertrude. Gertrude was beautiful, but oh my what a temper that cat had! She terroized and scratched EVERYONE in site except my cousin :eek: and that wasn't even a firm rule.

There were many times we all just stayed clear of her, but then one night while sleeping over, I awoke to a fuzzball cuddling next to me! :) then I realized itwas GERTRUDE :eek: :eek: I remember having to pee so bad but I dare not move in fear of this cat. Well time went by and Gertrude was the talk of the family, i.e. many trips to the ER :rolleyes:

Fast foward to 2000 when Lisa (K&L) tells us of a cute little white kitty with blue eyes (she knew I had wanted one for quite some time :D ) So along comes Yoshi...........after a few weeks of showing him off, everyone was calling him a siamese............WHAT???? I don't want a Gertrude!! Of course by then Yo-Yo had firmly planted himself inside our hearts and I didn't care WHAT he was.

But just to be clear, Yoshi & Gertrude are exact oppsites, Gertrude WAS mean, Yoshi has his streaks, but he is also still very much a momma's boy. Everynight while watching TV he lays in my arms, like I am holding a baby. ;) and he sleeps on my pillow, holding my face at night :p NO~ he isn't spoiled at all!!!!! :D :D

12-02-2005, 06:49 PM
I'm having a flaskback to the 60's as well.
I lived with my aunt, and she had a Siamese and an big ole Maine Coon type fellow. Well, it was the Maine coon who was mean.
And I remember his politically incorrect name. Booby. :p