View Full Version : My Puddy, suddenly and without warning

11-24-2005, 06:05 AM
is sick again. She was doing great and then, suddenly, yesterday I noticed that she was sitting in the praying position. Last night she vomited several times, even though I gave her meds for nausea. She drank a lot of water this morning, so I gave her SQ fluids even though she had them yesterday. Why now, when Dr. Lee will be gone for the holiday? Of course, I'm having a houseful today and I've got to get busy w/the preparations for Thanksgiving. But, please, friends, whoever reads this, if you can take time out from your busy day to send my Puddy some healing thoughts and energy, I would be so grateful. I'm also having a houseful tomorrow night but I'll call Dr. Lee first thing in the morning and, if I have to take Puddy in, so be it. My little girl....


Killearn Kitties
11-24-2005, 06:26 AM
Puddy sweetheart, please hang on. Perhaps you will get some turkey later!

The girls will be keeping their paws crossed for little Puddy. :)

11-24-2005, 06:42 AM
Many prayers for Puddy will be sent all day. I am sorry this happened on the holiday. Hang in their little kitty, and try to feel better real soon.

11-24-2005, 07:17 AM
Poor puddy. :( I hope you feel better and can hang in there till you see the vet.



11-24-2005, 07:22 AM
Oh Puddy, please try to eat a little and I know these sub-Qs are good for you!

All my best thoughts to you and your meowmie.

11-24-2005, 07:40 AM
We send Miss Puddy lots of love and good wishes and hope that she is feeling better soon. We are concentrating all of our kitty energy to ensure that she does not feel sick any more and please, please let us know how she gets on. :(

Pawsitive Thinking
11-24-2005, 10:21 AM
Dear Puddy - lots of love heading your way

11-24-2005, 10:47 AM
Well, Puddy ate a little bit of canned K/D, which I'm ecstatic about! Normally she'll only eat dry and that's it, period. So maybe the extra SQ fluids helped her, along w/the Clindamycin and the nausea meds. I'm going to give her more SQ fluids in the morning even before I call Dr. Lee. I have to do all I can to keep her hydrated. I have her set up in my bedroom so that the other furkids will leave her alone. Coco Puff just can't resist aggravating her and I don't want her to become agitated.

Thanx for your support, friends, and I'll keep you apprised of any developments. Happy Thanksgiving. :)


11-24-2005, 11:30 AM
Of course good thoughts and prayers for Puddy! Come on little girl, keep eating and please get better.

Hope your day goes well Mary and that Puddy will improve.


11-24-2005, 11:37 AM
Prayers and healing thoughts are heading Puddy's way!! It is good to hear that she ate a little of the k/d!! Sandra

11-24-2005, 01:42 PM
mary, for some reason my mind told me to check into cat health forum first, now I see why!

whew.. your thread title got me for a moment.

gosh, as I see your posts, which you rarely post, went up - I must have missed a lot and just got back on yesterday..

while I have bunches I'll have to catch up with, of course your dear puddy, definitely, will be in my thoughts on this warm, thankful day! I'm sorry this had to happen today.

please puddy, for today, don't go down a bit again, I pray you'll ease, rest and feel better, like killearns said, perhaps to have some chunks of turkey later!

I'll be thinking of you too, mary. you have my warm hugs and have put your puddster in many of our thoughts, we will share together and take your day easily, okay?

have a happy thanksgiva!

11-24-2005, 01:59 PM
Sending good thoughts to Puddy and keeping paws crossed, hope she'll perk up soon! Keep her hydrated and also, put her in a quiet place while you have guests. :)

Laura's Babies
11-24-2005, 06:58 PM
Sending good thoughts and vibes and prayers.. Get better quick sweetheart!

11-24-2005, 07:45 PM
My little girl isn't doing well. I've kept her in my bedroom away from the festivities all day and she's hardly moved at all. She did eat a little canned k/d but that was this morning. I cut up some little pieces of turkey which she normally would've scarfed down and it looks like she tried to eat a little but it was hardly touched. I could give her some appetite stimulant but it upsets her stomach and then there we go again w/the vomiting. I can't do it to her. She looks absolutely drained. Her eyes are watery and she can barely lift her head. i'm going to give her SQ fluids again; Dr. Lee said that I may have to do it twice a day when she's really weak and dehydrated. I did it yesterday and today, so I'll do it again tonight and tomorrow morning, though I fear she may not even make it through the night. I felt that way before, though, and she pulled through. But I don't even know if Dr. Lee will be in tomorrow. I'm going to call first thing in the morning. She didn't even make it a full month since her last hospital stay. Poor girl must be exhausted. I don't know....


11-24-2005, 07:50 PM
Sending prayers and postive thoughts for Puddy.

Killearn Kitties
11-24-2005, 07:57 PM
Thinking of you and Puddy tonight, Mary. Sending you and your sweet girl all the positive thoughts I have!

11-25-2005, 06:54 AM
More prayers for Puddy.

11-25-2005, 07:20 AM
Filou purrs gently in Puddy's ear. My thoughts are with you and your girl.

smokey the elder
11-25-2005, 08:28 AM
Poor Puddy! Please try to eat some turkey for your meowmie. Maybe some turkey broth mixed with the k/d will help her appetite.

11-25-2005, 11:54 AM
Puddy's doing better. This cat never ceases to amaze me. She is so tough! I guess the extra SQ fluid treatment perked her up. She slept well all night, snuggled in next to me and this morning she groomed herself. Last night she could barely lift her head, so when I saw her grooming herself, I nearly cried. Then I closed the bedroom door behind me and she meowed, so I popped my head back in and she ran out the door and down the stairs to sit in the sunroom. I talked to Dr. Lee and he said "You're doing the right thing, trusting your instincts and aggressively treating this thing. It sounds like she did take a turn for the worse but you're so vigilant that you caught it in time, I think. Give her the SQ fluids every day, twice a day if you feel she needs it, and if she gets worse, bring her in tomorrow. I won't be in but they can get ahold of me at any time and I'll talk to them about Puddy."

I haven't given her the fluids yet today because she smelled the turkey when I opened the fridge and I gave her some and she really ate! And Coco Puff started to annoy her, so she nailed him!

Thanx are in order for your prayers and support and I'll keep you posted on how she's doing. As for me, I'm sooooo grateful. But exhausted. And I'm giving a party tonight, so I have to get things ready. Lord willin' and the creek don't rise, I'm gonna sleep in tomorrow. ;)


Killearn Kitties
11-25-2005, 11:58 AM
That is so good to hear! Good grief, but I think Puddy is trying to use up your nine lives here! :D

I'm glad she's comfortable, hungry, and argumentative tonight.

11-25-2005, 12:31 PM
Oooo!! I like the fact that Puddy "nailed" your other cat!!! The girl still has spunk!!! Hope Puddy(and you)are doing better today! Sandra

11-25-2005, 05:28 PM
I was feeling so sad and worried for your Puddy until I got to your last update! WAY TO GO Puddy, you have a loving and caring mommy! ;)

11-26-2005, 12:41 AM
thank you puddy!!

I too am thrilled to hear she has go 'up' and is eating!

mary, have you tried raw diet? it has really, really helped my little spunky girl, star a lot. I can't promise you if these raw chunks will help yours too but should/have you try?

I'm (still) amazed at how it helped, improved my little furgirl.. :eek: she went sick so fast but recovering so well after we started.

she still has to do one set of (two) SQfluid (bags) everyweek to make sure she won't go downhill again!

I know how heartaching and scary this is, please know I feel you very much and am giving you much of my comfort hugs as much as you need. and for pudster too if she would like for some! :)

best wishes, (((hugs)))
..gina & sympathizestar

11-26-2005, 05:46 AM
Glad to hear Puddy perked up, this is so worring for you,Mary, an emotional roller-coaster.

Hope everyone's thanksgiving was good. We don't have that here, but I was thinking of my US friends at this time.

Gina's Ark - what raw food to you feed your cat? I thought it would be too high in protein for a renally compromised cat?

As I typed this, my Cleo just barfed up some yellow froth, as they are wont to do with this condition. Oh dear...

11-26-2005, 08:04 AM
Thanx, everyone, for your kind words of encouragement and support. Thanksgiving was tiring but good. It was nice to gather w/friends and share our gratitude. I was missing my son but he'll be home for the Yule season, so that's a good thing. :)

I talked to Dr. Lee about the raw diet and he doesn't recommend it. He said that it's popular right now but that he ends up treating the cats w/other illnesses because of it such as tape worm and all sorts of bacterial infections. As I mentioned on a previous thread, I'm not trying to talk anyone out of or into anything. Just merely reporting what Dr. Lee said and, at this stage of the game, I'm going to listen to him. Puddy has more problems other than renal failure; she also has an inflamed colon, pancreas and liver. So, everyday w/her is a blessing. Right now, she's on the upswing again, so this Thanksgiving was especially wonderful for me.

It definitely has been an emotional roller coaster ride but that's life, eh? I slept in til 8:00 this morning. I was so tired after my party last night that I didn't know if I was walkin' or ridin' a horse. ;) So the long night's rest really did me good and recharged my battery. I have nothing planned today except to be a slug. Yep. I wrote it on my calendar. "Be a slug." I'm going to make a pot of turkey rice soup, wear my sweats, watch TV and read by the fire while I drink hot chocolate. Ok, I'll run the vacuum cuz w/7 cats, that's a 'must do'. But that's it.

Blessings to you all and I hope you have a wonderful Yule season....

Blessings again,

11-26-2005, 10:54 AM
I am glad to hear that Puddy has improved. Something more to be Thankful for. I am glad that you had a nice holiday too!

11-26-2005, 11:26 AM
topcat3 & medusa,

that was my vet's corcern too, too high protien. but he said I could go ahead, try and give not as much as more than a large grape-size and give it twice a day. so I gave her one 'grape' mixed with A/D Hills wetfood. one plus about it, she ate about 3/4 more than the day before. (I got raw beef from trader joe's as noahsmommy suggested).

by few days, my star, everything (eyes, skin, furs & purrs) got better so I wanted to continue that, just slowly. then by 2nd week, strong enough to handle a bigger chunk ('two grapes' 2x/day still) of raw diet with light chopped veggies and her usual kibbles. when she was very her-self, I tried her meals without chunks as we didn't needed keeping up with, she ate on her own! I guess we use that to encourage her eating habits.

as of today, she hasn't had these chunks for a long time now and she's great as a new cat.

sorry if I have hjacked your thread, thought I'd share my miracle - but medusa, I absolutely understand if you wanted to follow dr. lee's opinions, I would do the same and mine told me I could try. I didn't think it'd hurt if they are made by naturals & you do it a bit by bit.

mary, you're puddy's meowmie and you know her more than I do, as she has 'other' problems, and I wish you the best on whatever you both think is best for your little girl puddy! I just hope and want her so much to feel way better, build a roller coaster that will never have to go down! :)

kisses on puddy's nosie and hugs from me for (((you))) .. keep us updated please! glad thanksgiva and party went good and you're having a big enjoyable break today.

best wishes!!
..gina & star

11-26-2005, 11:33 AM
If it was my Coco Puff, he'd eat a raw meat diet in a heartbeat. I have to be sure when I offload groceries to put everything away immediately or he bites into the package and drags it onto the floor. :mad: But Miss Finicky Puddy wouldn't eat it no matter what. Hey, whatever works for your kitties is what's best for them and you, no doubt about it. But at this point in time, I'm letting Dr. Lee call the shots unless it's something that would really go against my grain, although I'm hard pressed to figure out what that would be.

I'm so glad Star is herself again. You had quite a time there for a while. And thanx again for all your encouragement. I love my Pud and she loves me and life is good. One day at a time. I'm learnin'...... :)


11-26-2005, 11:41 AM
oh, so she have tried them already.

seems you both don't really have a choice, except loving her. that poor spunky. I hope you and dr. lee will find a way to stop all of these heartaches really soon. hate to see my friends, their furkids going down and up more than enough.

(((mary & puddy))), enjoy your weekend, will be thinking of you both.

..star & me :)

11-26-2005, 02:25 PM
I am happy to hear Pudster the Fighter is doing better :)

With these kidney kitties on one hand they can't get too much protein on the other hand it must be good quality protein. And they shouldn't lose weight. So with Puddy whatever she eats will be fine.

Whenever I am using ground beef for human cuisine I am only using ground steak, lean and good quality. And I always buy a little more for Filou ;) I agree that a raw meat diet can bring other problems but he loves it so much. I warm it a little in my hand and then he really scarfs it down. Being so finicky with his kidney diet (he doesn't eat Hill's K/D he only accepts Royal Canin kidney diet- ok whatever he eats is ik) and sometimes eating not more than 1/4 lb per day I am happy to give him some raw meat from time to time.

11-28-2005, 10:15 PM
hey there mary & puddy..

posting this doesn't mean my thoughts with you are over! I'd love to hear from you both...how is she doing lately? did you got a good rest?

I pray nothing has happened as three days rolled off without a word.. :(

please come back as soon as you can! gentle hugs for both.

..your worried friend, as well my furriends..

11-29-2005, 01:46 PM
Hey there,

11-29-2005, 01:51 PM
Hey there,
Puddy is doing ok. I've been giving her the SubQ fluids every day and that seems to be keeping her strong. I got rested up but then got tired again cuz I dragged out my holiday stuff the day after my party which was the day after Thanksgiving. Am I crazy? I think so. I've had so much work to do, then I got a call last night and it kept me up til after 1:00 AM and I get up at 4:00, so I'm running on 3 hours sleep right now. But if I take a nap, I'll be up all night again, so I'm gonna resist the temptation. I was so tired this morning that I just couldn't give Pud her fluids, so I have to do that yet and she's on to me, I can tell. Aw well, I'll let her have a little false security, then I'll nab 'er! Heh heh heh.... :cool: Between that and stopping the other furkids from eating the Yule trees, I have my hands full.

Thanx for asking and I hope this finds you all well.


11-29-2005, 06:15 PM
Mary, what upsetting news about dear Puddy!! Will be sending prayers for both of you. Have you tried chicken baby food? That was one thing I could get Boo to eat...Sandra

11-29-2005, 06:16 PM
Oops!!! I did not see that the thread went 3 "pages!" I am so glad that Puddy is doing better! Sandra

11-29-2005, 06:21 PM
Yep, me, too. LOL I just gave her the subQ fluids and she sat still for it but when it came time to give her the antibiotic, fuhgeddaboudit! It tastes yucky and, boy, does she ever put up a fight! That's my girl! ;)


11-29-2005, 09:58 PM
Mary, it is so good to read that your Puddy is doing better.

I hope you have been able to catch up on some sleep. I know what it is like to run on only 3 hours sleep.

Keep being strong and well sweet Puddy.

11-30-2005, 08:15 PM

:eek: the notification didn't come! so I thought I should check in anyway, ah there it is.

jeez, only three hours isn't good.. hope you have caught up some!

way to go girl, keep fighting! ( :eek: not to hurt your meowmie.. :cool: ) here's my happy, happy {{{snuggles}}} for you!! :D :D

still all the best wishes, in my thoughts always.
..gina & the trumpetin' ark http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif

11-30-2005, 08:19 PM
Nah, Puddy doesn't bite or scratch any more. Not me, anyway. ;) I think she knows that the subQ treatments and the meds are helping her cuz she feels better, so I get a reprieve. I admit to having her still sleep w/me cuz when she gets sick, it happens so quickly and I want to keep a close eye on her. She purrs so loudly and she looks up at me and just melts my heart. She holds my gaze for a long time and I can't look away. I treasure every single moment. I love my Puddy girl.


12-01-2005, 03:24 AM
Good to hear Puddy's doing fine at the moment :) Filou has been very good with the vet for his Sub-Qs but last time he began the wiggly worm game and couldn't get all of the liquid! I really don't see that I will ever be able to administer them myself. :(

Pawsitive Thinking
12-01-2005, 06:22 AM
I love my Puddy girl.

Thats shines through in all your postings - so happy she is feeling better again. She has a purrfect meowmie

12-01-2005, 08:06 AM
Barbara, I can sympathize w/ya on the subQ fluids, believe me. If you'll remember, when I first started, I panicked and started bawling and had to take Puddy to Dr. LeBeau and he showed me again how to do it. I think it's when both he and Dr. Lee said "You can't hurt her" that I calmed down. I was letting my imagination run away w/me and pictured myself injuring her. Of course, the first stick is a little painful but if you pull up enough skin and put the needle in flat-like, it goes smoothly. Puddy was the most feisty cat ever and when I'd take her in to Dr. Lee's, I'd hear a vet tech yell from the back room "We're ready for Puddy now!" I pictured them all in hockey masks and welding gloves. ;) Puddy bit and scratched everyone, me, too, no exceptions! But just like us humans, I think they realize that after the treatment, they feel better, so they let us do it.

I'm not trying to talk you into doing it yourself; you do what's best for you and Filou. But for me, I know that it's easier on Puddy if I do it myself. And it's sure cheaper. I'd rather pay $10 a bag which is good for several treatments than $10 a treatment, which only lasts approximately 5 minutes. I'm sure your vet could show you very easily how to do it but, again, it's your decision. As long as you and Filou feel comfortable w/how you're handling it, that's all that matters.


12-01-2005, 08:19 AM
So, glad to hear that Puddy is doing well at the moment. Please keep up the good work Puddy!