View Full Version : Effects of the full moon.

03-29-2002, 10:54 AM
Let's say that the full moon didn't have very good effects on the dogs...well Smudge at least who decided he was going to be a jerk (it wasn't just me who said that but everyone else that we were with last night) first running across the street, true it was to say high to me but I dislike the dogs crossing the street without me, I've seen one dog get hit by a car don't need to see another. Then at the barn he couldn't decide between behaving or misbehaving he setteled for the last one until after we were done...his stay was wonderful though :D

Anyhoo I took my digitial camera with me last night and took some pics that really didn't turn out all that well I think it's a combo of bad lighting and well my camera's a cheap one. A couple of them did turn out though so I'll show them to you guys.

The that's attached right now is of Tegra and Rookie...a friends duck tolliers Teg (in the back) is actually Rookie's mom.

03-29-2002, 10:55 AM
and this one isn't at the barn but it's a really cute one of Winter that I took this morning with a stuffed animal of mine that the owner of Teg and Rookie (actually it was her dogs) gave me for Christmas.

03-29-2002, 11:07 AM
You mean the one on the left is a stuffed animal? I could barely tell!! I'm still not sure if I'm seeing it right!

I just love looking at pics! We're slow here today because many businesses are closed so I've just been looking at pics on the internet of different breeds!

03-29-2002, 01:46 PM
I had to take a second look at the picture, I couldn't tell one was stuffed!