View Full Version : A-paw-logies

11-15-2005, 04:27 AM
Now that I finally have photobucket (kind of) figured out, I can post pictures in the usual way and have made my first attempt in the thread below.

Seems though that some of the pictures are the wrong size so this is just to say please bear with me just now till I properly get the hang of the whole thing, and the new camera and the settings on that too. don't think I'm focusing enough but again, hopefully I will become more familar with it.

If anyone has any tips that'd be great, but s'pose for just now huge oversized kitties are better than none at all!!

laura :D :D

11-15-2005, 07:22 AM
I resize the pics before I load them to photobucket. In this way I can see already the final size that my picture will have in my post. Does it help?

11-15-2005, 08:03 AM
Thanks Sonia! I'll give that a try. ;)

11-15-2005, 09:35 AM
Dont worry,I am sure that there are PTERS who could tell you stories about how long it took me to get my Found Cat Photos onto Pet Talk.
And a few that are sorry I learned I hear.
But all you have to learn to do is the Edit feature and you are home free.

11-15-2005, 09:43 AM
I'm sure I'll get there eventually, after all I seem to have made a bit of progress in the last few days.

Purrsonally speaking I could never tire of found cat pictures. It always tickles me when they're in a big lovely warm heap. It always puts me in mind somehow of those stunt formation teams where you have about 12 people strategically balancing on a motorbike. they never fail to raise a smile.

AND, I am poised to pounce on Miss Dusty the next time I spy her out in the garden. The shot I have so far isn't the best but my goodness, I would to see her in the flesh. the resemblance to Mr MT Magnificent is just so striking. I hope to get a really good shot of her soon. the nights are dark now and we don't get out in the garden really until the weekend. usually the shed door opening is cue for her to appear as she translates this to mean the Thomas treats are on tap! :cool:

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-15-2005, 09:58 AM
I resize the pics before I load them to photobucket. In this way I can see already the final size that my picture will have in my post. Does it help?

I did the same thing! I resize them with Paintshoppro to 400x300 ad then upload them to photobucket! NEVER had any problems! :)

Killearn Kitties
11-15-2005, 10:06 AM
Do you have any photo editing softward apart from the standard stuff that comes with windows? I'd be happy to re-size some, if you need a hand.