View Full Version : Can a dog like being...

11-05-2005, 02:50 PM
Can a dog like being outside more than being inside? Today we painted two rooms of the house, so we left the back door open to air out the smell. Well, Astra, my siberian husky, practically stayed outside the entire time. She only came in to get a drink of water then she would go outside. Molly on the other hand only goes outside when she needs to go potty then comes right back inside. I know that maybe when it is cold Astra would like to be outside more, but today it is nothing but cold. It is in the low 80's so I think she just likes to be outside.

finn's mom
11-05-2005, 02:53 PM
i think it just depends on the dog. I know my dog, Bruno, liked to be outside, but, not if he was alone. And, Finn, as long as there are people around, he likes being anywhere where he can run and play. He obviously has more room outdoors, but, I don't know that he'd rather be out there than inside. I know if he's out on the patio and we're inside, he cries like a big baby. ;)

Toby's my baby
11-05-2005, 02:55 PM
Can a dog like being outside more than being inside?
I know that maybe when it is cold Astra would like to be outside more, but today it is nothing but cold. It is in the low 80's so I think she just likes to be outside.

All of our dogs, maybe not Autumn, like to be outside more than they do inside. Boo boo HATES being in the house. Our two cats dont like being inside either. CP comes in and out a lot during the day, but she is outside a majority of the time. All our animals like to be outside more than they do inside. I dont know why in the winter the average is 10-15 degrees BELOW Farenheit. ::o

11-05-2005, 03:00 PM
Molly only likes to be outside if someone is outside with her. If nobody is outside with her then she will go potty and immediatly come inside. I guess it does depend on the dog. Thanks for the replies:)

11-05-2005, 03:00 PM
Charlie LOVES just sitting outside in the yard and watching the trees and leaves and cars drive by. He will just sit there for hours! And I come out every now and then and ask him, "do you want to come inside?" because he knows what it means. He'll just look at me and lay there. If he wants to come in he'll get up and stand next to the door and stare in at me like, "ok mom, I want to come in now!" hehe

So yes, its very possible!!

Buddy Blaze Lover
11-05-2005, 03:25 PM
Yup, it is possible!! Blaze absolutely LOVES being outside!! Don't ask me why, he just does...plus he can't get into as much trouble, and he can run his little heart out! lol:D;)

11-05-2005, 03:29 PM
Mickey loves to just lay outside or play around, but not by himself. He just cries and cries and cries if we leave him out there.

11-05-2005, 03:36 PM
zoey and t.j love sitting outside too.

11-05-2005, 03:40 PM
I think some dogs might prefer to be outside then inside. Sometimes I think Katie could mostly be an outside dog. She loves it out there. Even when it is raining I have a hard time getting her to come in. She loves to stand in the rain and hold her head high and sniff, sniff, sniff. When she feels the need for human contact or feels like something is going on inside she is quick to come in though. Tori loves it outside also but desires human contact much more than being outside.

11-05-2005, 03:40 PM
My dogs love it outside, but only when we are with them. :)

11-05-2005, 04:01 PM
SammyJ would not like to be outside, he does his thing and comes right back in, Kirby now would stay out all day and only come in at night..hes a cuddler at night, and loves to cuddle with my daughter all night..lol.. :D

11-05-2005, 04:10 PM
Maggie loves to be outside, where the action is. :D Likes to chase around the yard and bark at the squirrels. Smokey likes it better in the house, or where ever I am.

11-05-2005, 04:18 PM
Jack is the only one of the Hoodlums that enjoys being outside. He gets a choice every morning before school to get in his crate or go in the huge dog kennel outside, he ALWAYS chooses outside, if we let him out to go potty in the morning and he knows we are leaving soon he will go sit in his kennel and refuses to come out. He also likes laying around outside and will just sit out there for hours on end...The other 4 however would much rather be under the covers on the bed, lol.

11-05-2005, 04:25 PM
If we let her, I'm sure Astra would stay outside all day. Molly was once an outside dog so I guess she is afraid we would leave her outside and that's why she doesn't really like to be left outside:)