View Full Version : My Melissa may have a new job..guess where?

10-30-2005, 02:57 PM
Well some of you will know Melissa has been a paper girl for nearly a year and a half now, she decided she wanted to find a new job and she may just have found one at our local Boarding CATTERY, yahoo, the dream job for her, sure it is not glamourous, total cleaning etc, but she will get to be with the kitties which is what really attracts her to the job, she is going out next saturday for an hour to see if she likes it before giving up the paper round.

There are pluses and minuses for both jobs, she will work sat and sun mornings from 8 am to 11 am or until finished depending on how busy it is, this is their busy time up until easter next year, they have around 140 cats in residence at xmas etc, after Easter her hours will probably be cut down,however she will get the minimum adult wage in NZ which is $7.50 an hour, not bad and because she will be working double the hours will double her pay packet, disavantages are no sick pay as only considered a part timer, whereas she got all those extras on the paper round as it is considered full time, she also got double time on public holidays and a day off in lieu, which she will not get at the cattery, still I think if she likes it she should take it, a different type of job, and more experience for her CV, she is only hoping to work there until she is 15 and then get part time work at Supre, a very popular retail fashion store here in NZ for the young and young at heart lol.

Advantages are not having to be out in all weathers, starting later, not six days a week, and better pay as more hours,no maintainance on her bike,and being with Kitties.and less danger I think, not being around traffic etc, mind you some of those kitties could be classed as dangerous lol.(also the boss lady Chantelle seems really really nice and would be good to work for I think.)

Disadvantages, are no more free paper, no sick leave or double time no xmas pressies from customers or free movie ticket at the end of the year,also the job will not have permanent hours as they get less busy probably the biggest disadvantage really, still they are only minimal really, anyway I have warned her it is jolly hard work cleaning, so we shall see whether she decides to take it on or stay with the round.

10-30-2005, 04:13 PM
Well some of you will know Melissa has been a paper girl for nearly a year and a half now, she decided she wanted to find a new job and she may just have found one at our local Boarding CATTERY, yahoo, the dream job for her, sure it is not glamourous, total cleaning etc, but she will get to be with the kitties which is what really attracts her to the job, she is going out next saturday for an hour to see if she likes it before giving up the paper round.

There are pluses and minuses for both jobs, she will work sat and sun mornings from 8 am to 11 am or until finished depending on how busy it is, this is their busy time up until easter next year, they have around 140 cats in residence at xmas etc, after Easter her hours will probably be cut down,however she will get the minimum adult wage in NZ which is $7.50 an hour, not bad and because she will be working double the hours will double her pay packet, disavantages are no sick pay as only considered a part timer, whereas she got all those extras on the paper round as it is considered full time, she also got double time on public holidays and a day off in lieu, which she will not get at the cattery, still I think if she likes it she should take it, a different type of job, and more experience for her CV, she is only hoping to work there until she is 15 and then get part time work at Supre, a very popular retail fashion store here in NZ for the young and young at heart lol.

Advantages are not having to be out in all weathers, starting later, not six days a week, and better pay as more hours,no maintainance on her bike,and being with Kitties.and less danger I think, not being around traffic etc, mind you some of those kitties could be classed as dangerous lol.(also the boss lady Chantelle seems really really nice and would be good to work for I think.)

Disadvantages, are no more free paper, no sick leave or double time no xmas pressies from customers or free movie ticket at the end of the year,also the job will not have permanent hours as they get less busy probably the biggest disadvantage really, still they are only minimal really, anyway I have warned her it is jolly hard work cleaning, so we shall see whether she decides to take it on or stay with the round.
Carole, knowing Melissa from you talking about her I think she will excel at this new job at the cattery. Melissa strikes as being a hard-working, responsible young lady!

10-30-2005, 05:33 PM
Thanks David, yes most of the time she is all of what you say, I had known she wanted to quit the paper round, and we just did not know of anything else she could do because of her age, most jobs you have to be 15, so I had offered to pay her some money for token jobs around the place, but to be perfectly honest we cannot really afford to do that, but she said No I really like working, I think she figured it really wasn't the same as working elsewhere.

Well whatever she decides to do we will support her in, she can either take the cattery job or continue on her paper round, it will be her choice.I have always helped Melissa with her paper round, doing a few houses as I like the exercise, but I hate the heat, so i am looking forward to retiring too lol. ;)