View Full Version : Wish us luck please

10-28-2005, 01:57 PM
I'll be off in about an hour to the vets once again to see if we can get rid of this diarrhea thats been affecting the cats for a little over a week now. It's Tiki's turn now, even though Meko still has diarrhea & elevated eyelids. Not only did she sneak out the door this morning & wouldn't come when called she's also already been to the vets twice for this problem. I figure maybe they can find something in him that'll point us in the right direction.
I sure hope so!
If you can wish some "find the problem with the diarrhea" thoughts for us we sure would appreciate it.

10-28-2005, 01:58 PM
Ohhh GOOD LUCK and sending positive thoughts your way!!

10-28-2005, 02:01 PM
Good luck i'll be thinking of you guys!

10-28-2005, 03:29 PM
Well, another visit with no answers. Geesh. I was given some meds for them, Albon & Metronidazole, which will help with diarrhea, cocidia, gardia (sp?) and one is also an antiobiotic. They've already been dewormed.

So now we ask for prayers that this works! lol :D

10-28-2005, 11:48 PM
Hopefully the meds will work. Both of my kittens were on Metronidazole and this didn't help them. I hope that there diarrhea problems will soon be a thing of the past. Good luck. :)

What kind of food are you feeding them? Have you switched brands recently? You can also try feeding them some rice or pumpkin to make their stools firmer. I've also heard that some deworming medicines will cause them to have diarrhea but it shouldn't last long. Once again good luck.

10-29-2005, 08:40 AM
Sending good wishes for firm stools!!

(Nowhere else could I send a post like that!)

Seriously though, are we just talking plain diarrhoea or is there mucus or blood in there?

When TopCat1 had a period of chronic loose stools with some mucus she was put on a higher fibre diet and it really helped, it was Hills Prescription Feline W/d. However given that more than one puss is affected it sounds more like an infection than a systemic problem.

I hope the meds work and things start to work out harder very soon :confused: I think you know what I mean!

Best wishes

10-31-2005, 11:48 AM
Well so far Tiki has improved quite a bit. His stools are still a *little* soft but at least they are now formed and more solid than they have been.

But Meko on the other hand is having no improvement at all with the diarrhea. Although she is not having as many bowel movements per day and less accidents outside her box her stool is starting to have some mucus in it.

They are fed Innova cat formula and I have checked with natura pet (makers of Innova) and there has not been any changes in their food recently. But just as a precaution I bought a new bag last week.

10-31-2005, 05:22 PM
Sorry I missed this! Good luck and best wishes to all of you!

10-31-2005, 05:56 PM
Have you tried adding some acidophilus(to maintain healthy GI flora) to their food?? Whenever a cat goes on an antibiotic, I add this and it helps to keep things becoming loose. It is a nurse thing....Sandra

11-01-2005, 07:38 AM
Have you tried adding some acidophilus(to maintain healthy GI flora) to their food?? Whenever a cat goes on an antibiotic, I add this and it helps to keep things becoming loose. It is a nurse thing....Sandra

No I haven't, I haven't even heard of it. Is it just a supplement that I could get a health food store or the like?
Would it help in her case, where she had diarrhea BEFORE being put on antibiotics?

11-01-2005, 09:13 AM
The L. acidophilus is a good idea. You can probably find it as a supplement (a probiotic), or simply buy yoghurt (sorry I have no advice for a brand because I don't know what is available in the US) that contains L. acidophilus or other probiotics. If the yoghurt is not sweet and fat, it can only be good for cat health (and human too) :)

11-01-2005, 12:12 PM
acidophilus is available at the health food stores. It MIGHT not be a good idea to give the cat yogurt, that might upset the GI tract even more! I open the capsule and mix it in the wet food. You can get a pill version, if you do not use wet food, it is small enough to pop down a cat! Sandra

11-01-2005, 12:15 PM
I forgot!! I have given my cats PLAIN yogurt in the past!!! They LOVE the whole milk organic kind. They are rather fond of the cream on top!!! But they are healthy and not having any diarrhea. NO FLAVOURED YOGURT!! Sandra

11-01-2005, 04:20 PM
Boy, I wish you luck w/this one. It just seems to go round and round. Hoping it all 'firms up' for ya soon. ;)
