View Full Version : Do your cats play in their water dish?

03-24-2002, 06:27 PM
I have three male cats and two of them like to play in their water dish. Pepper started doing it when he was a kitten and then stopped for quite a while but has started to play in the water dish again. Sunny plays in it every day. I had to put the water dish in a litterbox so that water wouldn't go all over the place. Do you think that they are just bored. :confused:

03-24-2002, 06:32 PM
LOL, im afraid ive never seen a cat do that, though my little kitty accidentally jumped into the toilet because she thought the seat would be down.
I'm pretty sure she didnt have much fun in there though, lol

03-24-2002, 06:51 PM
K A K, welcome to Pet Talk. In answer to your question, yes, I have Snow Cat ( a flame-point Siamese) who plays in the water bowl while drinking from it. This causes a problem because his front paws alway gets washed when doing this and the communal water bowl gets sediment in it. It has to be dumped at least once a day to keep it clean.


03-24-2002, 06:59 PM
Dear K.A.K.,

Cassy loves to play in his water dish sometimes, and it does seem to be when he's bored. I try to distract him with another activity (when I catch him at it) and it works.

Any one have distractors to suggest?

03-24-2002, 07:17 PM
Not necessarily bored - maybe they just like the water. My one cat has always played with her water in her dish, and also the water in the toilet sometimes. And years ago, I had a cat who played in puddles and even ran around in the sprinkler and played under the hose water when I was watering the plants!


03-24-2002, 10:38 PM
Bonzo plays only in "Running" water while Mocha dips her paw into the bowl like she is fishing for stuff. My Hubby thinks we should give her a "Finger Bowl" with her meals!:o :rolleyes:

03-25-2002, 06:26 AM
Yes Andy plays in the water dish all the time. I am sure Trevor and Bella wish that he didn't though! :rolleyes: Andy is just drawn to water in any form. If I turn on faucet at the kitchen sink he comes running to watch and occasionally puts a paw under the stream. I have told this before but for the newcomers I will repeat. Once, after scrubbing the floor, I was pouring the dirty water down the toilet. Andy heard the splashing and came running to watch. I guess he was planning to jump up on the rim, to get a closer look, but lost his balance and fell in the toilet. He was not happy and took off like a streak of white lightning. :D

03-25-2002, 06:41 AM
actually, you know what? its true Bisk doesnt play in her water dish, but she does jump up to the bathroom sind to play with the water when its running

03-25-2002, 07:18 AM
Foxy is literally obsessed with water. Just this morning the kitchen floor was such a mess :eek: . He puts his paws in whatever liquid we forget to hide, from coffee, to wine. He tries to steal stuff from the sink. One morning I was washing my hair, turned around five seconds and there he was with HIS head under the tap :D.

03-25-2002, 08:39 AM
My Alex cat likes to drink water by dipping her paw in it and then licking her paw. She prefers this method to sticking her head in the bowl. Using the "paw method", she can drink from all sorts of strange places.

I was trying to grow an avocado from a pit suspended with toothpicks in a glass of water - it took me a long time to figure out why I could not keep the water at the right level to sprout the pit. When I figured out it was Alex stealing the water, I kept moving that glass around the house, but wherever I put it she would find it... The avocado never made it.javascript:smilie(':(')


03-25-2002, 08:54 AM
Every evening, Fister goes in the bathroom (if the door is ajar, he will open it) and stand in the middle of the floor. If we don't come out there he will call for us. He wants us to throw water across the floor towards the drain, so he can sit and watch it run down. He will occasionally lick some from the floor. He's obsessed with this! Silly cat! :D

I should just point out that he has got two other glasses of water to drink from, one in the kitchen and one in our bedroom. :rolleyes:

03-25-2002, 09:13 AM
Misty is such a picky cat. She does not play with her food or water it is too messy for her. If a little food gets on the floor beside her dish she is taking her paw and putting it in a neat pile hoping I will clean it up. It is really quite funny to watch her. She does that and then gives me that look CLEAN IT UP MOM!!!

03-26-2002, 08:18 AM
Scooter plays with his water dish all the time. Or I should say played with. He made such a mess so many times that I bought him a really heavy water bowl, and he can't pick it up in his teeth anymore.
I personally think that he just liked to see me scramble everytime he knocked over the water dish!

03-26-2002, 09:34 AM
My two like to drink from glasses, not bowls. They had been drinking from a glass in the bedroom, but I decided that the carpet was getting too wet and moved the glass to the living room coffee table (glass top) and then I have one in their general feeding area. There is always a bowl near their food, but the use it to drop toys in..... and sometimes not toys, but things that they find of interest.

They do play in the bathtub water and get in the shower right after I am through each day. They love to lick the water from the tub floor. Go figure.

Miley will often jump right in the tub if you are bathing rather than showering.

My guys love water!

03-26-2002, 09:44 AM
Originally posted by sasvermont

They do play in the bathtub water and get in the shower right after I am through each day. They love to lick the water from the tub floor.
I'm sure Fister would do the same, but we don't have a bathtub, so he licks it from the floor. His glass of water in the bedroom is definately the one he prefers, even though he has a glass right next to his food in the kitchen - he's not spilling a drop! :D

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-26-2002, 09:52 AM
You know, this is too funny. If you remember, I had tried everything with my two to give them fresh water, even to the point of spending almost $100.00 on one of those water fountain things. They seemed to prefer to drink out of the toilet, even though they had two bowls of water I re-filled everyday, plus the water fountain, plus some of those bowls where you turn the water bottle upside down and it gurgles out as they drink. I mean you name it, I tried it and eventually gave up on everything except the water fountain and just let them drink out of the toilet.

Well, the other night I must have eaten something salty so I woke up in the middle of the night and was parched. I brought a glass of water back into the bedroom and set it on the table next to the bed. Ever since then we have a new routine at bedtime. Tubby jumps up on the bed and heads right for the glass of water. Takes a couple slurps then crawls in. Terry said he even saw Peanut drinking out of it. So I guess as long as it's in a glass, they'll drink it - they just don't like bowl. :rolleyes: At least I know now so I can find some nice wide glasses so they don't get their heads stuck. ;) And I can place various glasses around to maybe break them of the toilet habit.

And to think I discovered this right when the "drinking out of glasses" topic comes up here! Too funny. :)

03-26-2002, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
You know, this is too funny. I brought a glass of water back into the bedroom and set it on the table next to the bed. Ever since then we have a new routine at bedtime.

It's exactly what happened here! And the reason Fister has got his own glass of water in the bedroom. The first time I caught him drinking water out my glass on my bedtable - but the second time, he was drinking tea!! With sugar in!! So that was it, a glass for him in the corner. We can hear him slurp several times during the night. :p

He stopped drinking out of mine after that! :D

03-26-2002, 02:06 PM
Thank goodness YumYum does not play in her waterdish, but she loves playing with her food. She will actually pick the food up with her paw and it in from her paw. She is soo strange.


03-26-2002, 02:16 PM
My last cat (RB) drank from my glass next to my bed too. There is something about it. I think they like drinking where we drink. It is the same water - and even if I put the same glass next to their bowl of food, they still prefer having it away from their food. Go figure. Maybe in the wild, water and food were in different places. Who knows. My guys are to wild and wooley at night and often clear off everything on my nightstand, including my reading glasses and drinking glasses. Thus, I have learned my lesson with both....and leave the nightstand clear except for a lamp (even that is taking a beating).... I think they do the damage just to get my attention.


03-26-2002, 04:01 PM
My guys all love to play in their water bowl. In the summer, when it's hot, I drop an ice cube in it. They love that. They play 'lets see who can fish it out the fastest'.;)

03-26-2002, 10:29 PM
yes my angel cat poll,s her water dish arund all the time.:)

Former User
03-31-2002, 04:19 AM
Yeah, Kitty plays in it...her fave game is to drop some food there and then start fishing it back with her paw!:rolleyes: Of course, there's water all over the floor then :mad:

Other thing she likes to do is to lay almost on the water, as you can see from the pic I attached...

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-01-2002, 08:07 PM
My new kitty Jupiter does this crazy thing..........
he bumps his water bowl with his head and spills the water on the floor then he digs in it with his paws (like he is digging a hole in the ground) and then licks the water off the floor..... and this is the only way he will drink his water. :rolleyes:

dem crazy kitties!!!! :p :rolleyes:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-01-2002, 09:07 PM
Sara, it's funny the completely different personalities cats can have. You will have so much fun seeing the differences between Jupiter and Tinky. Sometimes they are so alike, but other times they couldn't be more different. Enjoy your kittens and learning their different personalities. I envy you all the fun you'll have. :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-01-2002, 10:24 PM
Yeah T&P's Mom you are soooo right....
Tinky eats like a little lady she sits her whole body close to the ground and eats close to her food ................ Jupiter, on the other hand, stands over the water part of the dish and puts one paw on the divider and stands over his food to eat and then he does that crazy thing drinking his water.....:D :D I'm gonna take a pic cause It looks so funny how she eats so danty and he is over there eating like a caveman :p :rolleyes: .

04-06-2002, 08:09 AM
guess our Sydney is like Yumyum !!! He "drinks" with his paw : picks up some water with his paw and then licks it of .... Cute !!
As to other "water-situations" : he dislikes it !
He is scared of a running tab !!!! Only one thing with water attracts his curiousity : when I push the water-button of the toilet , he comes closer to watch what that noice is coming from !!!!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :confused: :confused:

04-06-2002, 08:09 PM
YES my angel cat poll,s her water dish out in to the meddle of the flower.:rolleyes: