View Full Version : I fear I may be losing my Puddy.

10-27-2005, 06:17 AM
I posted yesterday that Puddy had to go back on the SQ fluids every other day again because she backslid. And yesterday she vomited, only twice but one of the times was quite forceful. Her appetite has been great up until yesterday. She hasn't eaten a thing, this morning either. I brought her in bed w/me and she didn't want to be touched AT ALL. So I let her alone and just once in a while patted her for comfort. No noggin noogies; she pulled away when I tried. She's going in to see Dr. Lee today for the BUN series and creatinine levels. She's purring, I'll give 'er that. But it's different this time somehow. She didn't want to go downstairs w/me when I got up this morning, so I left her in bed and looked back at her before I left the room. She lifted her head and looked at me and we held each other's gaze. And I got this eerie feeling that it was a goodbye look. Maybe I'm being melodramatic, I don't know. I just checked on her a minute ago and she was just lying in bed but she purred when I touched her.

Please, friends, my Puddy needs your prayers now more than ever. I'm really, really scared.


Killearn Kitties
10-27-2005, 06:39 AM
All my thoughts and best wishes will be with you and Puddy today. Keeping my fingers crossed.

10-27-2005, 06:59 AM
Oh no! I am so sorry. I am afraid the purring is not a good sign because cats in distress also purr for their own comfort.

I send all my best thoughts for Puddy. Filou told me to send some more from him.

Pawsitive Thinking
10-27-2005, 07:02 AM
Brody and I send lots of love to you and Puddy

10-27-2005, 07:52 AM
I know that cats purr sometimes no matter what, so purring isn't always a good sign. But Puddy is different and I keep telling myself that it's a good thing. Maybe not. I don't know. She's just lying there like Peeka did before I took her in. Then Peeka's liver started shutting down and she became jaundiced and I knew what I had to do. This is making me too emotional. I'll post when I get home from Dr. Lee's, hopefully w/my Puddy on the mend.


10-27-2005, 08:20 AM
I'm sorry to hear Puddy is feeling so bad. :( I hope the vet can do something to make her better. I'll send positive thoughts and keeping my fingers crossed for her.

Hugs to you.

10-27-2005, 11:16 AM
Mary, I am sorry, I have been busy and not here as much as usual. I just saw this and am so very sorry that Puddy has slipped. I hope it is just temporary and your visit to Dr. Lee will set Puddy right again. Good thoughts and hugs to both of you. C'mon Puddy keep up the fight!

10-27-2005, 11:46 AM
I'm very sorry to hear this. :( She'll be in my thoughts and prayers.

10-27-2005, 12:10 PM
Mary, I'm very sorry to hear that your beloved Puddy is doing so bad. I'm sending positive thoughts and hope that the vet will be able to help her!


10-27-2005, 12:18 PM
As soon as I saw the expression on his face, I knew it wasn't good. He said "She really looks bad. She looks so scrawny. She's lost over a lb. again." Pud only weighed a little over 6 lbs. to start with, so a lb. is a big deal. He did the tests and said he or someone there would call me this evening when the results are back. He gave me something for her nausea and another appetite stimulant and something to sprinkle on her food to help flush the kidneys. And she has to have the SQ fluids every day now. He said that she may just be having a bad spell. But if her creatinine is way up there, that there isn't much he can do for her other than what we've been doing. And that means more long hospital stays, more IV's, more pain and being caged w/out being home w/me. Unacceptable. So, as soon as I got home, I gave her the meds and her fluids and she went to the enclosed patio and is lying in front of the heater. All I can do now is wait. Agony.

Please keep up the prayers and I'll post as soon as I know something.


10-27-2005, 12:28 PM
Mary - My thougts and prayers are with you !


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-27-2005, 12:38 PM
I'm so sorry to hear Puddin's not doing well. My thoughts and prayers are with you. :(

10-27-2005, 01:54 PM
I'm so sorry, Mary!!! I'll keep her in my thoughts!!


10-27-2005, 02:01 PM
I hope you will have more encouraging news soon. Continued good thoughts and prayers.

10-27-2005, 03:22 PM
Oh no!!!! Keeping my fingers crossed for the crea level!
I can't tell you how much I am afraid for that final stadium.
Sending lots of love to you and Puddy.

10-27-2005, 04:18 PM
I am so sorry, Mary. :(

Keep us posted and our thoughts and prayers are with you and Puddy. :(


10-27-2005, 05:02 PM
Oh my.... I am just reading this and I am so sorry to hear that Puddy isn't feeling well. My heart goes out to you and Puddy. Thoughts and prayers coming your way from me and my girls. Please keep us posted. Bless you and Puddy.

10-27-2005, 05:45 PM
Dr. Lee called and said "Well, it isn't as bad as I thought it might be but it isn't good either." Her creatinine was 6.something. He thought it might go as high as 9 and he said that, if it did go that high, that would be unacceptable. She is not anemic but her white blood cell count is at 37,000, up from 17,000. Not good. He said that I could either start her on antibiotics at home and give her SQ fluids twice a day now. Or I could take her back in and they'd start the IV antibiotics and double the fluids. I asked if she stood as good a chance by staying at home, even though it would take the antibiotics longer to start working since I'd be administering them orally. He said "Do you want the honest truth?" I said "Yes, of course!" He said "No, her chances would not be good. She's going down very quickly. She's really sick and she feels it." Sigh.

So....I took her back in and my heart was so heavy that I could barely breathe. She just curled up in a ball in the carrier and her breathing was so shallow that I had to check a couple of times to make sure she was still alive. She put up a fuss, though, when I took her out of the carrier and handed her over to Dr. Lee. He said that, if he can get her white cell count down, then he'll feel optimistic. If he can't.... I don't even want to finish the sentence. I'm just sick about this. I hated leaving her. Hated it. She'll be alone and she hates being fussed with anyhow. And she smelled bad from the renal failure plus she has a severe kidney infection, he said.

I hope I did the right thing. If she passes over while she's alone, I won't be able to bear it. But when he said that she had a fighting chance by taking her back in, I felt that I should give her that chance.


10-27-2005, 06:52 PM
Please don't second guess what you are doing for Puddy! You are giving her the chance she needs to keep fighting! I hope and pray that you will have many, many more happy memories ahead of you. You and Puddy will have extra good thoughts and prayers tonight!


10-27-2005, 06:59 PM
Hugs and prayers coming your way from Nebraska. Hang in there.........


10-27-2005, 08:47 PM
I'm going to bed w/out my Puddy tonight. When I walk upstairs and go into my bedroom, I'll see her litter box and her food and water dishes and her bunky and I pray that I can make it through the night w/out getting up and having to read to take my mind off things. I keep sending her peaceful, healing energy and see myself giving her noggin noogies and hearing her purr and giving me head bumpies. (She does that only to me.) Every night when it's bedtime, I say "Puddy, watch the house for Mommy" and I say it before I leave the house, too. Tonight, I asked her to watch over the house from where she is but that Boo would take over til she comes back home. Please, God, let that be true.


10-27-2005, 11:39 PM
Your vet Dr. Lee seems to have a very good handle on things and he wouldnt try things if he wasnt sure there would be a postive outcome. Will continue to keep good thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. I agree it's hard to leave our fur babies at the vets and especially when someone wont be there all night with them. Only good thing about 24/ER or after hour places someone is always there with them. I just wish our regular vet offices had that feature.

10-28-2005, 02:45 AM
Oh Mary! I had to check this first thing in the morning :(
I hope so much he can get the acute infection down.

{{{{Hugs}}}} to you and Puddy.

10-28-2005, 03:33 AM
So sorry to hear about Puddy. We have our fingers and paws crossed here. Lots of {{hugs}} and prayers are on their way.

Nicki x

10-28-2005, 05:55 AM
Well, if it was a breathing problem that Puddy was having, I'd keep her home w/me. Because if they can't check her breathing, then we'd really have problems. If you're not breathing, you're dying. I'd rather see that, if she was having difficulty, that I could race her to the 24 hr. ER. Anyhow, I slept last night, I think, because I was so exhausted. I'm prepared for whatever happens today. I'll keep you posted. Thanx, friends, for all your prayers. I know that they have a positive effect on my Pudster. (and me, too.)


10-28-2005, 07:25 AM
I am glad to hear you slept. And I am sure some cat angels hovered over Puddy too. I'll check in later to hear more- and hope Puddy is back with you then.

10-28-2005, 08:17 AM
Thinking of you and especially of Puddy...

Pawsitive Thinking
10-28-2005, 09:10 AM
Your vet sounds like mine - he was an absolute star when my Cally was going through it....

will be thinking of you and dear Puddy

10-28-2005, 09:14 AM
I was anxious to hear what had happened overnight! And I am sorry that you had to spend a night without your Puddy. But know that the vet is doing all that he can. Many thoughts and prayers for you and Puddy from me and my girls! Please keep up the faith and keep us posted.

10-28-2005, 10:21 AM
Good thoughts and prayers still heading your way. Please update as soon as you can.

10-28-2005, 11:13 AM
Puddy is hanging in there. I just talked to one of the vets and she said that Puddy is eating, which surprised me, cuz she didn't eat or drink anything for an entire day. And she's eating moist food, too. She said that Dr. Lee planned to send her home tomorrow but I have to be in Columbus all day on business. If I had to, I'd cancel. But she said that it would do Puddy good to stay on the fluids and the IV antibiotic even longer. And, of course, I can't pick her up on Sun. So it looks like she'll be in hospital through the wknd. I think Dr. Lee prob. wanted to spare me some expense but after all this time, what's a few hundred bucks more? After all, it's my Puddy girl. So I asked several times if she was comfortable, if she was crying or seemed at all agitated and she said "No, we put her in a quiet corner and she ate and she seems to be doing fine." So, I guess I'll go to Columbus tomorrow and trust that it certainly won't do her any harm to stay longer. In fact, it'll prob. help her. It won't do much for my state of mind. But this isn't about me.

Thanx for all your prayers and support, friends, but don't let up! My Puddy is so little and fragile.


10-28-2005, 11:17 AM
Forgot to mention: they haven't run the tests yet. They were going to do that tonight and have the results tomorrow morning. Since I have to be in Columbus, I told them to go ahead and do the tests but that I'll leave her there til Mon. morning.


10-28-2005, 11:27 AM
Well, here's hoping that, by Monday, she'll have even gained back a little weight, and be the purty Puddy you love again. It sounds like she's doing better, which is a good thing! So Puddy gets a Weekend at the Spa, while momma gets to worry.

10-28-2005, 11:29 AM
Spa, eh? I wonder if I said that word to Pud if she'd agree w/me. ;) I just wish she wasn't so far away. It's difficult to get in to see her but maybe it's for the best cuz I'd get upset seeing her like that and then having to leave when she'd think I was taking her home w/me. Boy, this little girl just has me tied up in love knots. She's really done a number on my heart.


Killearn Kitties
10-28-2005, 11:51 AM
This is encouraging news that Puddy seems to be feeling a little better. My girls will be sending healing vibes all weekend to Puddy!

10-28-2005, 12:19 PM
I am so sorry to hear Puddy is sick. I will say prayers she recovers and is able to come home for many more head bumpies. Little Orange Kitten and P. K. Knickers send their kitty prayers, also.

10-28-2005, 02:52 PM
Has Puddy been checked for pancreatitis(SP)???? Prayers for you both! Sandra

10-28-2005, 03:16 PM
I'm glad to hear Puddy has been eating, that's a good sign. :) Since you'll be away, I'm sure the best you can do for Puddy is leave her with the vets, she couldn't be in better hands, and you don't have to worry as much as you would have.

Sending more healing thoughts to Puddy.

10-28-2005, 03:38 PM
When I first took Puddy in several months ago, she had an inflamed colon, kidneys, liver and pancreas. She was in bad shape and was actually screaming. Dr. Lee said he'd never heard a cat scream like that before.

I just spoke to Dr. Lee a few min. ago and he said "Puddy is doing much better. She's eating, drinking and hating us." (This is a good thing. :p ) He won't know the lab results until tomorrow and he said that clinically he can't say for sure that she's improved. But he said that she sure has improved in her eating, etc. She's not crying, so I feel good about that. Now I feel better about leaving her in there, although I still wish I could have her here w/me.

I'll be gone all day tomorrow, so I won't be able to post until late. But as soon as I know more and can get to my computer, I'll post. Thanx again, friends, for all your prayers. Puddy is my girlie girl.


10-28-2005, 04:59 PM
I'm glad to read she is doing so much better than earlier today. Will continue to keep good thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery. :)

10-28-2005, 05:11 PM
The thought of Puddy eating put a smile upon my face :) I also like that spa thought. Of course we won't stop to cross our fingers and paws!

10-28-2005, 11:42 PM
I'm glad to hear that she's improving and I hope that her test results will come back with good results. I'll continue to keep her in my thoughts and prayers. :)

10-29-2005, 08:34 AM
I'm so sorry to read this thread today. But it got better as I read the pages and hopefully Puddy is now much better and can come home with you after the weekend. It's hard having to go to another town and put on the professional face like nothing is going on while your heart and stomach are in knots - I had to do that once and it felt like I was split in two, a me on the inside and another me on the outside. Maybe sometimes God/the Universe/Whoever keeps us away and busy so S/He has a chance to get in and do the Good Work without us getting in the way :rolleyes: I am a great one for trying to hold on and keep control and actually getting in the Great One's way. So maybe that is how you can look at it.

I really hope this is just a minor setback and Puddy will come home with you and stay with you in the best possible health for a long time to come.

You've all had a really rough year, haven't you?

Hugs from Australia, sending you some healing warmth and sunshine.

10-29-2005, 08:40 AM
Glad to hear Puddy is feeling better.. I hope she continues to improve. Prayer still on their way to you both.

Nicki x

10-29-2005, 08:06 PM
I called the hospital while I was at the convention and they put a tech on the phone. I've never talked to this one before; they're always so nice and compassionate. But this one! I said "I'm calling to check on Puddy." She said "Puddy's fine. Is there anything else you want to know?" I was stunned! I said "Uh, yeah! The results of her tests for starters." She said "Dr. Davey is in a room right now. She'll have to call you back." And that was the end of the conversation. I was sick w/worry and anger, too. I waited 2 hrs.! Finally, they were due to close in 30 min., so I called back and this time Dr. Davey answered and I told her what transpired and she was shocked. She said "I'm so sorry. I'll definitely find out what that was all about."

Sooo...she did tell me that all of Puddy's levels came down, which is excellent news. And she's still eating, which is also good news. But she said that they did an in-house blood test and it showed her to be anemic. And yet, Dr. Lee told me that the blood work that was sent to the lab showed her to not be anemic. So Dr. Davey said that she was going to send another test to the lab to verify it.

Ok, now I'm wondering...why, if the lab showed her to not be anemic, did she feel the necessity to do an in-house blood test? Are they padding my bill? Dr. Lee should be in on Monday when I go to pick up Puddy and I'm going to talk to him and tell him that they didn't ask me if they could do another blood test, which they always do. They just did it. And I didn't like the treatment I got either. I was sick w/worry the entire drive there, which was over 2 hours and then I waited all that time to be treated so rudely. I have never experienced anything but true professionalism and compassion from Dr. Lee and his staff. This really set me back and, if I were nearby, I'd have gone in there and raised holy hell.

Am I over reacting?


10-29-2005, 08:33 PM
I would ask Dr. Davey (not Dr. Lee since he wasnt there over the weekend to observe etc) on Monday for an explaination why she felt it was necessary to do another inhouse blood test. Maybe Puddy was showing signs of anemia and they did another test since the first one came back negative. I would think they are "not padding" your bill. You sign a consent form for them to perform treatment etc. They have to account for everything they do and charge. Heck, she may not charge you for the this test. It could just be a follow-up to clarify conflicting results. It would of been nice if she explained that to you on the phone today. Your use to Dr. Lee being so open and forth right with information, this Dr. Davey has a very different style of delivery information.

As far as the vet tech, thats an issue for them to address. You've voiced your opinion and they duely noted.

Glad Puddy is feeling better :)

10-29-2005, 08:50 PM
Well, it's Dr. Lee's clinic; he's the head honcho. And they always ask me ahead of time if it's ok to perform certain tests. I certainly want the best for my Puddy, that's for sure. But I do intend to ask Dr. Davey and Dr. Lee both why it was necessary to do the other in-house blood test. I asked her if Puddy's gums were white and she said that no, they were pink, just as they were yesterday. She was eating just as well, drinking and was feisty. I think Dr. Davey is new. I've never dealt w/her before and I've never seen her name on the roster. And, I agree, they do need to address the issue w/the vet tech. And I intend to find out exactly how they did deal w/it. I have a good rapport w/Dr. Lee, Dr. Feeman and Dr. Kaufmann and I trust them. But there's no excuse for disregard for someone's feelings, esp. when that person is hundreds of miles away, worried sick and is paying thousands of dollars for health care for her cat. I've given them nearly $10,000.00 in the last year. I think I deserve better treatment than that. But the important thing is that Puddy is doing better. :) :) :)


10-29-2005, 10:14 PM
Well, it's Dr. Lee's clinic; he's the head honcho. And they always ask me ahead of time if it's ok to perform certain tests. I certainly want the best for my Puddy, that's for sure. But I do intend to ask Dr. Davey and Dr. Lee both why it was necessary to do the other in-house blood test. I asked her if Puddy's gums were white and she said that no, they were pink, just as they were yesterday. She was eating just as well, drinking and was feisty. I think Dr. Davey is new. I've never dealt w/her before and I've never seen her name on the roster. And, I agree, they do need to address the issue w/the vet tech. And I intend to find out exactly how they did deal w/it. I have a good rapport w/Dr. Lee, Dr. Feeman and Dr. Kaufmann and I trust them. But there's no excuse for disregard for someone's feelings, esp. when that person is hundreds of miles away, worried sick and is paying thousands of dollars for health care for her cat. I've given them nearly $10,000.00 in the last year. I think I deserve better treatment than that. But the important thing is that Puddy is doing better. :) :) :)


NO, I don't think you were overreacting.
Looking from outside the situation, where I can be less emotionally caught up in it than you can, at the end of the day you are a customer, you're a good and valuable customer, from a commercial point of view you have several cats one of which is chronically sick and you are committed to them. That makes you one of the "A" list, from a commercial point of view. YOu should have been treated as such.

Please don't get me wrong, anyone, all cats are equal (only "ours" are more equal than others, of course :rolleyes: ) and vets are generally compassionate as well as commercially minded. But if you cut out the compassion/emotion element, Medusa is a top customer and should be treated like gold.

When you add in the fact that a top customer "mother" of a sick cat is beside herself she should be treated with kid gloves. Medusa, you were treated shabbily and my first reaction was - this vet nurse or whatever she was, was being smart-ass and enjoying rubbing a little salt in the wound, cruel in fact. At the very least, unfeeling.

I'd be putting in a formal complaint, no question.

But then, that's me, and I don't put up with sh*t from anyone.

10-29-2005, 10:18 PM
I didn't want to mix up Puddy in my last thread - gosh, I was getting angry for you!

I am so glad to hear Puddy is better, and hopefully can come home with you soon. Give her lots of cuddles from the TopCats (if she will permit) and maybe with your Thanksgiving not too far away you can take an extra day or two and give yourself and her some loving healing time together? You sound like you need it. My best wishes to you all.-TC

10-30-2005, 04:45 AM
I don't feel you are overreacting. Of course whatever treatment they propose or tests or whatever they have to agree that with you. (In a legal sense you are the "owner" of Puddy- ok we all know it's the other way round.;))

On the other hadn you should sort it out with them quietly Monday when you pick Puddy up- maybe there was a reason. And the question whether Puddy is anemic or not should be discussed.

And the best thing: Puddy is better :) :) :)

10-30-2005, 07:10 AM
After a night's rest, I've decided that I'm not overreacting. Then when I read the previous posts, I realized that I'm right. Puddy is the number one concern, of course. But I'm only human, I was hundreds of miles away and couldn't go in to see her, I had to maintain my professinalism and I'm not made of money. Four of my seven cats are special needs cats; they all have had major surgery or are coping w/disabilities such as deafness, brain damage, ear polyps, etc. I'm not complaining about that. I took it on w/my eyes and heart wide open. But when I am at the vet's as often as I am, I think I deserve better treatment and some consideration for my finances. An example was telling me that I could take Puddy home, only to get the call saying that she needs to come back in right away to be hospitalized. If I hadn't been off work that day, what would I have done, not to mention the time and money involved for gas, etc. I don't mean to make this sound like it's purely economical because that isn't the case. But I, like Barbara, don't take disrespect from anyone. I've been divorced for 10 years, taking care of myself and my cats alone. And if I don't speak up, they might think it's all ok when it clearly isn't. I still believe that Puddy is in the right place getting the best care. But there's room for improvement and I intend to say so.

Thanx again, friends, for your feedback. It helps A LOT. :)


10-30-2005, 08:21 AM
I am glad that it sounds as Puddy is improving, that is wonderful news!!

No, you were not overreacting, that is no way to treat someone. I do hope that you will say something to Dr. Lee.

Best wishes for continued improvement for Puddy!

10-31-2005, 10:32 AM
I just walked in the door w/my girlie girl! She cried the entire drive home and I mean the entire drive! She wanted out of the carrier pronto! I tried to give her a mini noggin noogie through the holes in the carrier but it was rather difficult. She tried her best to receive it, though. When I opened the carrier door when we got home, she flew out of there like she was shot out of a cannon! She'd had enough of that place. She has to be on Clindamycin again, twice a day, and SQ fluids every other day. But her appetite is good, she looks good, she's moving fast, her creatinine level is down to 4.2, her white blood cell count is down to 19,000 from 37,000; things are looking brighter. This was a close call, I can tell ya. Dr. Lee told me to call him immediately if she loses her appetite again or if she vomits or if she becomes lethargic. Of course! I'd do that anyhow. But my girlie girl is home; Mom is happy; and Dr. Lee said Puddy is one tough cat. I can tell he likes her. He just chuckles when he talks about her and he said "You gave Puddy a chance and it was a good chance and she's doing great!"

Whew! Now I need to prepare for tonight's meeting. Thanx and blessings to you all for seeing me through another crisis.

P.S. And....my bill was much lower than anticipated, by several hundred dollars. And I wasn't charged at all for the vet tech.

10-31-2005, 11:24 AM
Sending a big kiss down to Puddy! YiPPEE!!

Killearn Kitties
10-31-2005, 11:24 AM
I'm so pleased to hear that you have Puddy home! Please give her a big cuddle from me and tell her what a clever girl she is! :D

10-31-2005, 11:31 AM
I'm so glad that she's doing well and is finally home where she belongs. :D Now hopefully she'll continue to be a happy and healthy little girl for a long time to come. :)

10-31-2005, 11:37 AM
I'm glad to read Puddy is doing better. It's always a pleasant surprise when our bills are much lower than we orginially thought they should of been at the start. Did you find out why the second blood test? Did Dr. Lee say anything about the vet tech?

10-31-2005, 11:57 AM
Yes, it's certainly good news. Dr. Lee couldn't give me a prognosis for Puddy. But he said that she's the toughest cat he's ever seen, 5 lb. of pure terror! :p When I saw that the vet tech's charges had been removed, I decided not to say something to Dr. Lee. I'm positive that he knows what transpired because he's the one who decides what discount is applied because it's his clinic. And I spoke quite a bit w/Dr. Davey about it, so I think that the vet tech got reprimanded and that's why he removed the charges.

This is turning out to be a great day! :) :) :)


10-31-2005, 12:01 PM
I asked Dr. Lee about feeding Puddy and/or all my cats the human grade raw meat diet and he said that it's really popular now but that he advises his clients against it. He said that if they ignore his warning, they always end up bringing their cats in w/toxoplasmosis and other ailments from tapeworm to all kinds of nasty stuff. He said "There are always people who think they know more than we do and their cats suffer because of it." Can never accuse the man of not saying what he means. ;) I know that there are those who post on PT that swear by it and I'm not trying to talk them into or out of anything. Just thought I'd pass on what Dr. Lee had to say on the subject.


10-31-2005, 01:02 PM
Hooray, glad to hear Puddy is home. You must be soooo happy. I hope she continues to do well.

Nicki x

10-31-2005, 02:15 PM
Excellent news about your Puddy!! Isn't it interesting that the smaller the cat, the tougher it is!!! My Boo was the same way!!! Hope Puddy is well on the road to recovery!! Sandra

10-31-2005, 03:55 PM
Can only type lefthanded because my right arm has an inflammation, so I'll make it short :D :D :D

10-31-2005, 05:20 PM
So glad to hear that your sweet little Girlie Girl is home! Yeah!!

What do they say about good things coming in small packages, I think Puddy is proof of that. Way to go Puddy!

You gave Puddy a chance and she is taking it! Keep up the good work, both of you!