View Full Version : Beautiful Bailey

03-24-2002, 06:41 AM
Dear Bailey! How I wish I could jump through my computer screen and cover that precious face of yours with tons of kisses! Oh, what a gentle, loving expression on that sweet, sweet face of yours! You have stolen my heart today, dear one!!! And what a brave girl! Silly humans, calling Donkey's stubborn! You're as smart as they come, using your keen insight and judgement to gauge what and what isn't dangerous!!! Good job! Still, you seem to have a great sense of adventure!! I'll bet you are VERY, VERY loved by all who meet you!:) How could they resist such a beautiful, gentle soul?? And how the spectators must have smiled that day at the sight of the beautiful Bailey cheering on her human pal from the sidelines!!! Way to go Bailey! I am so happy to congratulate you beautiful, sweet, brave and gentle Bailey as we honor you with our coveted Pet of the Day award!! Have your Mommy give you a big, big hug from me, ok?? Yea, for Bailey, Pet of the Day! May you be blessed with a very long and healthy life!!!

03-24-2002, 08:44 AM
Hurray for Bailey, sweet, smart and so loved! I'm so glad to meet you and hear your story. Your picture and careful intelligent actions help to educate so many about what a wonderful pet donkeys can be. When I think of my special dream home with animals galore, I always picture a donkey (maybe one of your miniature cousins) in the pasture ready for love and work and fun.

You deserve plenty of treats and loving for being our Pet of the Day. And your mom deserves lots too for being brave and patient enough to help your "inner beauty" come shining through.

03-24-2002, 08:59 AM
Bailey, what a sweet, gentle donkey you are. I am so glad your Mom decided to get you. What a great picture, I love it, and you are a fellow Californian too. I don't think donkeys are stubborn, I think they are beautiful. Congratulations dear, sweet, Bailey, Our Very Best Pet of the Day. I know your Mom will give you very special treats on your very special day.

03-24-2002, 03:23 PM
I'd like to give you a big old hug too. What a face! I've only met one donkey up close and personal but she was sweet too. Congratulations on being our very special Pet of the Day today. Hope you get lots of extra goodies today too.:)

03-24-2002, 05:40 PM

What a Beautiful and treasured pet you are !!! Your
Momma would be soooo Proud of you. You sound very
smart and brave to me. Many congratulations on being
honored today as our PET OF THE DAY !!!

03-24-2002, 06:41 PM
Congratulations for being the Pet of the Day. What a terrific story about your arrival! You seem to have stolen a few hearts along the way. Enjoy the limelight Bailey!

:D :D

03-24-2002, 06:54 PM
Thank you all so much for your nice messages to me. It took a while for me to respond, because my mom had to register me for Pet Talk.

I have never gotten my own email messages before. It's fun!

I did get some oats today, and lots of hugs and kisses, even though my mom didn't know at the time that I was the Pet of the Day - she only found out when she got home from the barn! She has now printed out the Pet of the Day page with my picture and story, and the email messages from you guys, and they are going to hang on my stall door so everyone at the barn can see how special I am!

I am going to be very difficult for Mom to work with for a while, since I've got such a big head now!

Thanks again!