View Full Version : Help My Little Powderpuff!

Madison's Mom
03-22-2002, 09:54 AM

This is my first posting. I really need advice in dealing with fear agreesion in my 6 month old female Chinese Crested Powderpuff.

She is the most affectionate dog with her family and her doggy sisters.

However, around strange dogs she is agressive- she bares teeth and snaps when dogs get in her face, and while off leash at the park yesterday she started barking and chasing a much larger dog. It was amusing to the park-goers becase she is 4 pounds, but I am concerned.

Any suggestions for conditioning her are appreciated.


03-23-2002, 10:48 AM
Well, I have a 110 pound fear/dominant aggressive dog.

While unfortunately my dog has not been cured, he
has improved.
If I might suggest, Do not take her to the leashless dog park.
She can be overwhelmed their and might have a bad experience
that could set you even further back.
(she has no safety net their)
I would try to desencitize her from a distance with
only very friendly dogs. Make sure she has plenty of
space between her and the friendly dog so that she
does not feel threatend. Make the experiece a happy one
with her, and use treats when she is good by not
responding to the other dog.
If she is reacting badly, than you are to close to
the other dog. Eventually as she gets more comfortable
make your space/distance less. Hopefully in time
she will improve, but take in mind she might not ever be dog friendly. But hopefully you should be
able to walk her and have her around strange
dogs with a much shorter distance with out a
re-action from her.

I unfortunately started to late, and put my dog
in a sitution with strange dogs and he ended up
having 3 bad experience, (two were
at the leashless dog park) and he never forgot
them either.] I also did not have the help with frienldy strange dogs, accept for in obedience classes which was not enough.

I would love to see a picture of your Powder Puff,
A few years after our little poodle mix died
we were thinking about getting one, but
we ended up with Rocky instead. :rolleyes:

03-25-2002, 06:38 AM
Our Rottweiler is agressive also. We just recentely started taking him to school with our Sib. Our teacher is great, she wants my husband to start slow, bring him in for little at a time, on the sidelines at first, but this week she wants Mark to maby bring him in the ring for a couple of minutes at a time. He seems to be doing better, this is his 3rd week. So I guess what I'm saying is;
taking her to an obedience class may help. I don't know, but that's what we're trying. Hope this helps

Madison's Mom
03-25-2002, 12:01 PM
Thanks so much for your helpful comments. We will try to introduce our puppy slowly to other dogs and see how it goes.

I would love to send a picture but I am a little new to the process. How did you attach your wonderful picture?

03-25-2002, 02:14 PM
You have to have a place to store your photos. I have mine at
netsnapshot (http://www.netsnapshot.com/). Some of the places won't allow you to post your picutres on here. There is a couple other places I've heard of photoaccess (http://www.photoaccess.com/) and

imagestation (http://www.imagestation.com/).
Don't know if those work, you can try.
Try this link, it really helped me & I have learned so much, just don't use photogra, they won't let us post our pictures! Hope this helped!
Posting Pictures (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=7406&highlight=tutorial)

03-25-2002, 06:29 PM
Anna 66,

How did you get the little picture on the far left that
changes to different dogs by your signature?

Madison's mom,
Your pup is simply adorable.
Practice with the pictures so I can see many more
from you. : )

I have space with my web server but just too post a picture
from your computer you need a scanner or a digital
photo and save the picture in your C drive
such as in documents etc.
Than when you post a reply to pet talk you scroll down
to the part that says attach a file, click the browse.
Than it will take you to your C drive and you click on
where you saved your picture and it should show up
on your post.

03-25-2002, 07:02 PM
Madison's Mom,

Your puppy is Precious. Such a cutie patootie !!!

Only advice I could give is to not let her off leash
at the park again until you can get her to settle down
more around unfamiliar dogs. She's so young, I'm sure
some basic obedience training would be a good start.
Best of luck with that Cute little pup. Liz & Buddy.

03-25-2002, 07:22 PM
Madison's Mom,

She is adorable! Is her name Madison? Sorry, I'll be no help with advice, but the training advice given above makes sense to me. Good luck. She looks so precious!

03-25-2002, 09:43 PM
I had alot of help there! This link will help you.
Animated Avitars (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=8923)
If you have any more questions, just ask! Everyone on her is Extremely helpful!

03-26-2002, 01:59 AM
Thanks anna_66,
I will check out the avitar link tomarrow.

03-27-2002, 12:17 PM
Madison - just had to horn in here and tell how precious your puppy is - what a DOLL!!!! Can't give any advice though, I'm not even in the least qualified when it comes to dog behaviour. Cats on the otherhand - I know a little about;) Welcome to Pet Talk by the way and I'd like to see some more pictures of your little darlin.

03-27-2002, 05:38 PM
Hi Madison's Mom, as you can see I am also from San Diego. We have two Schnauzers both three years old and our pups are also somewhat aggressive. We tried taking them to the Dog Park in Palm Springs and let them loose in the small dog area and it didn't work for them, they act as a pack of two. Unfortunately we did not socialize them when they were puppies and I feel that is the problem right now.
However our Son and family also have two Schnauzers and they do get along with his two dogs and really have a good time with them, but that's about it. The don't like other dogs or children, and we have to be very careful when we take them out. Luckily we are retired and stay home a lot but when we travel they always go with us.
Just wanted to say Welcome to PetTalk and you do have a really beautiful pup there.

03-27-2002, 06:23 PM
Just checking in to see if additional advice has been given ...

Madison's Mom
03-28-2002, 10:27 AM
Thanks for your reply! We have also taken our pup to dog beach and that was also a bad experience. I am working with her and plan to take her to obedience class and hopefully we will make some progress.
Take care!

03-28-2002, 10:52 AM
Madison's Mom,(Lisa)

Did you raise Powderpuff from early puppyhood?
Just curious. She sure is a Beautiful Pup!!!
Hope she does well in her training classes.
Please let everyone know how you & she are
getting along with this problem.Thanks. Liz.

Dixieland Dancer
03-29-2002, 09:13 AM
I have already posted a reply to this in the General section. I am just going to post the link to it.

Help Little Liberty (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=9047)

Let us know how things are going.

04-03-2002, 07:00 AM
Well, I haven't had a Powder Puff, but I have had several Chinese Crested dogs, hairless type, and while madly affectionate they are apt to be nervous and, sometimes, hyperactive. Don't be too hard on yourself, because last season I saw a Powder Puff bolt at a Championship Show - a real case of she went that'away.
If I were you I should not let have off the leash until she is a little older and has gained more confidence. Use a flexi, that way she will get plenty of exercise, but you can haul her in at any sign of trouble. Good luck.;)

12-03-2002, 06:20 PM
happy birthday! hope you had a wonderful day!