View Full Version : Dear friends I am a Grandmother :)))

03-22-2002, 12:15 AM
Yes my dear cat has her litter now of 4 incredible pretty white kittens hheheh. She gave birth on the 20, it was quite a rough day for her. I remember helping my family dog having babies and I dont remember the dog screaming like that.
That day, as all of you told me, she was very attached to me, screaming , so I assumed today was the day so I started to help her, first she was intending to do it in my gardrope hheh helloooo so I had to use a box (which was not mine) I covered with my extra soft sheets, because otherwise the girl didnt wanted to use it heheheh. Then I left ot the gym, so I tot that when I came back I will have all the babies, yea rite! I think she was waiting for me because she was still as fat as a cow heheh. Then when I came she enterted the box but whenever I move out of her sight, she will follow me, this particular attitude was very strange for me because this cat is very independent and tries to be as far as possible from me (well because I am always trying to hug her or kiss her, so she runs from me) Ok I understood she was scared and needed my company. She waited untill 6 pm because this is my husbands arrival time from work, once he came, we ate, and then sat near her box, then she started breathing fast just like a pregnant woman heheh. I dont know if I made a mistake by being with her all the time, or if it was ok (I will explain later) I was always holding her hand and when she was pushing I was pressuring a bit her hand. She was liking me, she never ever does that, she was letting me touch her belly as much as I wanted, I must confess I was taking advantage of her because she never lets me hheh. The thing is when the first baby came it was horrible the sound she made, she really suffered, the second one came like 15 or 20 minutes later, then the third one came almos 1 hour later and the last one came like 30 minutes later, she was exausted. I was veryy worry because she still had belly so I was thinking that she still had a baby inside so I was very worry. I took her to vet to check but he said she is fine.
Ok now let me tell you about her strange behaviors. After she gave birth it was almost 12 am so we wanted to go to bed, and we did so, after 5 minutes she came to our bed to cry, so we had to go near her, then she calmed down, then we try to go again but useless heheh so I had to sleep on the sofa all night next to her (ouch my back still hurts hehe) then she is following me everywhere, I must be near her so she stays with her babies. Then yesterday I open the door and she was trying to escape, she was already 2 floors down, so I run and bring one of her kittens so she can hear him and return, so she did, but she was crying and acting just like the days she was in matting season, I wsa thinking what the hell!! not again! hehheh the vet said maybe she was a bad mother :((( but she is really a good mother she is always caring them.
Now she moved the babies as you girls told me she would, so now I am expecting her to continue her great job, and continue being as nice she is with me, because I love this change in her :))) I even could bath her! that was something amazing hehe she was all covered in blood that is why I bath her.
Well now one question heheh How do I know which is male and which female on the kittens??? I dont have a single clue!!!!
They are the cutes thing in the world, althought they really look like mice ahhahahahahahha.:D

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-22-2002, 12:31 AM
(pink and blue for BOY OR GIRL kittens)
What a happy story. If you can I would love to see some pictures of your grandkittens.

Former User
03-22-2002, 03:10 AM

Baby kitties, how lovely!

03-22-2002, 06:42 AM
You will have to wait a bit before you will be able to tell the sexes apart. Don't forget that momma will need LOTS of water and some extra vitamin enriched food to supply those dear babies with all the good nutrition they can get from her milk. You did good gramma ;)and this was your first litter too :eek: :D Laurie

03-22-2002, 07:28 AM
Congrats Granma - I'm so jealous, last year at this time I had baby kitties too, now one of the kittens weighs almost 13 lbs:eek:

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
03-22-2002, 09:08 AM
Congratulations! We can tell that you are very excited about becoming a Grandma. :) And not only do you have little bitty kitties to dote on now, but your mama has really come around to. Sounds like she had kind of a hard time with it all, so maybe she was just uncomfortable before and that's why she didn't want you touching her or anything. But she knew you were the place to go for help, and that's all that matters. :)

Congratulations again, and enjoy! :D

03-22-2002, 10:24 AM
Oh how I would love to see the kittens. Congratulations, Grandma!!! Of course your cat would go to her "Mom" for support. Please keep us posted on their progress and growth.

I think it will be a few days before you will be able to tell what sex they are.

Have fun with your new family.

03-22-2002, 01:54 PM
Congratulations Grandma !! Sounds like it was quite an experience. Best wishes to to your entire family!! :)

03-22-2002, 03:37 PM


No wonder your so excited Madeguada - so pleased it all went well. Well done - by the sound of it you made a wonderful midwife.:)


03-22-2002, 05:40 PM

I cant wait to see some pictures when you can get them! Are they all white? Are they up moving around? I really enjoyed reading your story! It was very sweet.

How is mommy doing? Is she all recovered?

03-23-2002, 12:45 AM
Congratulations!!!!!! :D This is very exciting for you!
You are going to have so much fun (and less sleep) in a short time from now. :p , but it will be worth it.

And yes, Moma cats will eat a lot!

When my kitty Liza had 5 kittens (years ago), I did not get to see them being born- we were gone. I wish I had seen that, you're lucky.

Please keep us up to date on the progress of Moma and her kittens. And oh, it is really hard to tell the sex sometimes.

:D :cool: :D

03-25-2002, 07:13 AM
Congratulations on the new arrivals !!! :) I bet you are excited, I'm a bit envious! Please keep us posted.:)