View Full Version : DAP (Dog appeasing pheremone)

10-16-2005, 07:01 PM
Has anyone here tried it for their dogs? Did it work? Are they expensive to refill?

I want to get one to bring to work. I work in a grooming parlor and so I figure that not only will it help Visa sleep soundly at work, but it might help the dogs that are getting groomed.

10-16-2005, 07:56 PM
D.A.P.™ (Dog Appeasing Pheromone) mimics the properties of the natural pheromones of the lactating female. Within three to five days after giving birth, the female generates pheromones that give their puppies a sense of well-being and reassurance, known as appeasing pheromones. Pheromones are picked up and detected by an animal's sense of smell producing specific responses. By replicating this signal of comfort, D.A.P.™ helps alleviate fear and stress related signs in the puppy and adult dog.Where do I get D.A.P.™?
The D.A.P.™ plug-in is marketed through veterinarians by Veterinary Products Laboratories and specialty pet retailers by Farnam Pet Products under the brand name Comfort Zone with D.A.P.™ MSRP: Electric Diffuser with 48 ml vial/$39.25; 48 ml Refill Vial/$21.98.