View Full Version : new puppy problems

10-16-2005, 10:20 AM
i got a new pup named sammy. i already have a toy poodle mix named molli. well sammy grabs mollis fur and pulls it and bites on her tail and pulls it and pulls on her collar, anything he can bite. well molli accepted it for a while, but them started yelping. and now this morning if sammy gets close molli bites him. if molli is close to food or eating a bone, sammy will get close and molli kind of attacks him. i really want my dogs to get along. i have fallen in love with sammy, but i have to do whats best for molli because shes been part of my family for a year. and molli really wont let me play with sammy without getting angry at me. i dont know whats wrong with her. it makes me feel like molli's feeling neglected. please help me!!!

-danielle, sammy, and stressed out molli

10-16-2005, 10:58 AM
i dont really have any advice,but this is both new for them.Molli is used to being the only one in the house,and its something new.You've only had sammy since yesterday,right? It might be dominance issues,i had the same problem with my two.But look at them now,they love eachother. Just give it time,i'm sure it'll be ok. :)

10-16-2005, 11:14 AM
ok thank you! :) i think they may work it out over time. but i dont think molli will ever stop her agression with bones and food.:(