View Full Version : Update on my niece's burn.....

10-14-2005, 02:42 PM
Well it is not all good news I am afraid, Charlene's clinic visit was on Friday, it appears she has now an infection , this has been caught early, but it is indeed a setback, she has strictly adhered to everything the medical profession have told her to do, so she is feeling rather low and despondent right now, apparently the doctor said the District Nurse should have been changing her bandage daily ,not every second day, and not folding down the top, this could have contributed to her getting an infection, or sometimes it just happens anyway.

She is on antibiotics and hopefully that will do the trick, but I would appreciate your prayers and positive thoughts all the same.

She was hoping to have a day trip out this saturday, as she has not been able to walk on it, doctors orders and do much of anything, it was her first real outing,now it is cancelled, she is back to square one, no walking on it again, and resting it.

I have pics to share hopefully, and you can see a remarkable improvement, but they have to be re-sent as I was unable to save them in the format they were sent.

Anyway thanks for listening.

10-14-2005, 07:53 PM
Oh, Carole! I'm so sorry to hear about Charlene. Tell Charlene that prayers continue to come her way from Pittsburgh. Additional prayers are sent so that infection will improve and clear up. {{{{HUGS}}}} to you Carole, and double {{{{HUGS}}}} for Charlene!

10-14-2005, 10:27 PM
Thank you my dear friend, let us just hope it is a minor setback, luckily thanks to Laura's Babies I had been pre-warned this could happen, and had already told my sister to watch out for it, Fingers and paws crossed all goes well from here on in.,Your kind words, prayers and thoughts are much appreciated. Cheers matey. :)

10-15-2005, 01:09 AM
Best thoughts and wishes to Charlene, Carol. I hope she gets well soon.

10-15-2005, 08:00 AM
Prayers winging in from me that your neices foot gets better fast. It must be terribly painful for her to even walk on. :( Hope the antibiotics kick in quickly. ;)

10-15-2005, 10:34 AM
I was hoping this was 'she's much improved' update. So sorry to hear she's not. I hope she's better soon, best wishes.