View Full Version : Need help with Dutch to English translation!

10-12-2005, 01:36 PM
I hope someone can help me with the following translation. I'm starting to work with our international customers, and my boss wanted to know what this company, RDW, does, as they have agreed to speak at an event in the Netherlands for us.

Here is what I think is on their About page:

Wat doet de RDW?

De RDW zorgt er sinds 1949 voor dat het wegverkeer in Nederland zo veilig, schoon, economisch en geordend mogelijk verloopt. In dit kader voert de RDW allerlei (wettelijke) taken uit voor verschillende ministeries. Hierdoor vervult de RDW een centrale rol in de voertuigketen tussen overheid, particulieren en ondernemingen. Vanaf de ontwikkeling van een nieuw model voertuig tot aan sloop, van registratie tot controle en van (milieu)veiligheid tot fraude- en criminaliteitsbestrijding. Kortom, alle partijen die hier op welke manier dan ook mee te maken hebben of hier meer over willen weten, kunnen een beroep doen op de RDW. Voertuigeigenaren, de voertuigbranche, het beroepsvervoer, maar ook politie, verzekeraars en andere belanghebbenden.

De RDW is dus met recht een expert op het vakgebied. Ook als het gaat om internationale advisering en samenwerking. Hierin heeft de RDW een prominente positie ingenomen. Ondertussen zijn met de groei van het Nederlandse wagenpark de taken en deskundigheden alleen maar toegenomen en heeft de RDW zich ontwikkeld tot de specialistische en dienstverlenende organisatie die de RDW nu is.

Many thanks in advance for anyone who can help me on this!


10-12-2005, 01:39 PM
i donīt know if it quite ALL accurate but here is some i got from

What does the RDW do?

The RDW sees to there since 1949 furrow that the wegverkeer in the Netherlands so safe, although, economic and organized possible lapses. In this frame, the RDW leads jumble (legal) branches from for different ministries. Because of this the RDW fulfills a central role in the vehicle chain between authorities, private persons and enterprises. From the development of a new correct vehicle till at pillowcase, of registration till control and of (environment) safety till fraud and criminalities fight. In short, all parties that here on which manners then also with to make have or here more over want to know, can an occupation do on the RDW. Vehicle owners, the vehicle branch, the occupation transportation, but also police, insurers and other interested parties.

The RDW is thus with straight an expert on the field. Also as it goes around international advisering and cooperation. In this has taken in the RDW a prominent position. Meanwhile are with the growth of the Dutch vehicle park the branches and expertises alone only increased and has the RDW self developed till the specialistic and service organization that the RDW now is.

(i hope this works for you)

10-12-2005, 01:40 PM
Lut, (Maya, Inka and Zazou's Mom) speaks Dutch. Maybe there are others also :D

The translation Husky's mom found looks pretty good though!

10-12-2005, 02:02 PM
Thanks, folks! :) I tried the online translators, but they just don't seem to make any sense after being translated into English. I've read through it and still have no idea what they do. I think something to do with transportation, perhaps? :o


10-12-2005, 02:17 PM
This is how http://babelfish.altavista.com tranlates it:

What does the RDW? THE RDW have ensured since 1949 that the movement in the Netherlands goes this way, clean, economically and arranged possibly. In this context the RDW carry out all kinds of (legal) tasks for several ministries. Because of this the RDW play a central role in the vehicle chain between government, individuals and ventures. As from the development of a new model vehicle until demolition, of recording to control and from (milieu)veiligheid to fraud - and fight against crime. In short, all parties which here on thus which manner to experience or have wanted know about this more, can appeal to the RDW. vehicle own ears, the vehicle line, the profession transport, but also police force, insurers and other interested parties. THE RDW are therefore with right an expert to the field. Also if it concerns international advice and cooperation. THE RDW have taken a prominent position. In the meantime with the increase of the Dutch fleet the tasks and deskundigheden have only increased and have the RDW itself developed to the specialist and service organisation which the RDW are now.

I'm sure you can ad-lib and fill in the blanks from there, or put it into your own words, right??

Edwina's Secretary
10-12-2005, 02:41 PM
Looks to me like they track automobiles...to prevent fraud and detect auto theft. Probably something with vin numbers...or parts tracking.

10-12-2005, 06:25 PM
I have no idea what it means to say., and that's reading the English
version. :confused:

Looks like it was written by a Bush speech writer that moonlights as a
translater. :D

Edwina's Secretary
10-12-2005, 06:30 PM
Wickedly well said Liz...... :D :D

10-12-2005, 06:34 PM
Lol Lol

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-20-2005, 12:27 PM
I just saw this! I will try to translate it asap!!