View Full Version : Mozie

03-21-2002, 09:12 AM
Mo if you aren't the prettiest little girl.. I love your coloring, so beautiful. I would dearly love to hear you sing all those songs that you know, it sounds like I could carry a conversation with you too. You must be a very smart bird. Congratulations dear, sweet, Mozie, our Very Best Pet of the Day. Today you deserve some very special treats on your very special day.

03-21-2002, 09:21 AM
This must be a very special day for you and I would think you are a very proud birdie !!!! You sound like you are the joy of your human family. Such wonderful songs you wistle as well...Cheeky and Bailey say a great big birdie "Hello" to you today.

03-21-2002, 10:57 AM
We have our very own Roger that whistles Zippety Do Dah and now sweet Mozie that whistles Pop Goes the Weasel. Can you just imagine being in the room with both of them whistling away?

Mozie - you are gorgeous - I only wish we had sound to hear you whistle!

Congratulations on your very special day with us!

03-21-2002, 01:21 PM
What a smile your picture brought to my face this morning! You are certainly a sweet heart. I'd love to hear your songs too! Congrats on being our special Pet of the Day today.

03-21-2002, 05:49 PM
Hi MoMo!!! Aren't you gorgeous??? Ooooh, that tail! WOW!! Simply stunning! Wait until Logan catches a look at you.:) As you've heard, she has Roger the Cockatiel who serenades her with song as well!:D I hear you have quite a repetoire! Hearing you whistle would be music to my ears! And you know Mo, for the rest the evening I'm going to be humming Bridge Over the River Kwai!!:rolleyes: MoMo, it was such a pleasure making your acquaintance today dear girl! And how happy I am to pass along my congratulations as we honor you today as our sweetest, singingest, most beautiful Pet of the Day!

03-21-2002, 09:19 PM

My, aren't you the Pretty One !!! If I may be so bold,
I like to ask " Gimme a kiss" sweetie. You sound like
a very lovable and fun companion to have around !!!
Congratulations Mo Mo on being honored as our very
own PET OF THE DAY !!!