View Full Version : Some would say I'm crazy...

10-11-2005, 12:59 AM
I was thinking about this tonight, and I decided to post it.

I was driving home late one night last week. It was dark-the street lights were out. The road I was driving on dipped down a hill, and then back up. Well as I approached the bottom of the hill, my headlights hit upon a dog standing right smack in the middle of my lane. There wasn't many cars at all, but at that moment there was a semi coming the other way, at a good pace, probably about 400 ft away at the second where I had to make a decision-hit the dog, or hit the semi. I swerved, and after a loud honk from the semi I realized I didn't hit either, out of some kind of luck. Looking in my rear view mirror after a near heart attack, the dog was still standing there, rooted to the spot.

I don't think many other people would have risked their life to save the life of a stray dog. But, quite possibly, that dog would of risked it's life to save me. Now, if there was absolutely no possible way to swerve around the dog without hitting the semi, I'm not sure what I would of done. But this time there was just that slight chance, and I took it. I told two other people this story and they stared at me incredulously and asked why I would of done that for just a dog. I didn't really have a reply.

I did drive back by as soon as I could turn around, and he was gone. Maybe he just got a little turned around after escaping his yard, and he's back with his family. Maybe he was just an abandoned stray, and maybe he got picked up and now he lives with an adoring family. Maybe he's still wandering around. But whatever it was he was looking for, I hope he found it. At least I gave him a chance to do so.

Thanks for listening guys. I just thought I'd get that out of mind.

10-11-2005, 09:29 AM
Wow, what an incredible story. I'm glad your ok and I hope the same can be said for the dog:)

10-11-2005, 09:36 AM
I don't think you're crazy at all!
I'm glad you all are safe!
Sure sounds like someone upstairs was watching over you and the dog that night! (not to mention the semi truck drive that had to of been scared also!)

10-11-2005, 09:40 AM
you're not crazy, I would of done the same thing.
I'm glad you are ok. And I'm right there with you, hoping the dog found what it was looking for.