View Full Version : I'm getting discouraged...

10-10-2005, 11:25 PM
:( Remember how I wanted to adopt that adorable reddish colored dog?
Well, the adoption coordinator said that she wouldn't be right for us.

I have searched high and low. ON the Internet, in newspapers and I can't seem to find what we need.

I saw this ad in a local newspaper, called it and NO ONE has returned my phone call. Which happens alot. *sighs* :(

"2 Female 3 mo. puppies to committed homes. Black/brown brindle color; will be size of small lab; vaccinated, get along w/cats/dogs; love people. "

The lady at the Animal Shelter where the reddish female dog was called me, and said that they MAY have a better dog for us. She's already spayed, 4 years old, a house dog so she's housebroken, and she's german shephard/spaniel mixed. I'm supposed to go see her this weekend, but guess who can't? Grrr...

Sorry... Excuse my venting.

Your all so lucky that you found your "match" or "Matches" In some of your cases. I feel like... Maybe I should just give up and maybe the right dog will find me?

Oh, and a lady emailed me and told me that her daughter in laws chocolate lab just had puppies. And that they'll be ready for adoption in 6 weeks. That's not going to work because the dog has to be spayed. And the dad is border collie. What a nice combo that would've made huh?
She also said that the kids *they're 3 of them* lay on the dogs like they're pillows. SO that tells you that the parents have VERY VERY good dispositions.

:rolleyes: Just my luck.

Can someone please send me some... Finding a good doggie vibes please?
Because I'm about ready to give up.



10-10-2005, 11:42 PM
From reading your other posts on this subject, it sounds to me like you should look for an adult dog instead of a young puppy. That way, you wouldn't have to go through that yucky "puppy stage" and their personalities are pretty much settled in. Labrador Retrievers, even though they are awesome dogs, from my experience, have an extremly long puppy stage. You also said that the dog needs to be small/medium in size. I classify Labs, as well as Goldens, as large dogs, though some can tend to run on the smaller side (like my Golden Retriever, Daisy, for example). Which again, would be why I would recommend getting an adult dog, since you would already know what size the dog would be.

I'm not trying to discourage you in any way, I just don't think a decision like this should be rushed. Just keep visiting your local animal shelter and keep in touch with rescues. You'll find that perfect dog soon enough. :)

10-10-2005, 11:44 PM
Be patient, the right one will come along. Keep us updated. Have you looked at all the near by shelters and rescues? Keep checking pet finder too!

10-11-2005, 05:05 AM
Good vibes headed your way! Please don't give up, you will find the perfect dog for you! It seems that everytime I check petfinder or the paper I see all of these dogs I would love to have (breed mix wise) Then when I was looking for a puppy, I couldn't find what I had wanted! As you can see by my siggy, I did manage to find my pups! Good Luck! :D

10-11-2005, 05:42 AM
Keep looking,, there is the right dog out there somewhere. :D
i was just about to call it quits and clicked on the next page (classifeds on the internet) and i seen an add for a 2 and a half year old apricot Toy Poodle up for sale becaue the owers were moving to a place that didnt allow dogs.

when i first met him,, i didnt think he was the dog she had plassed up for sale in the add. i was like :eek:! thats no apricot! LOL

but i feel in love with his personaitly and charm.

just try not to be be too picky when looking for an adoptable dog.
i was orginally looking for a female Pom puppy. :o

10-11-2005, 09:23 AM
I know everyone has said it, but don't give up. The right one WILL come along, I'm sure of it;)

10-11-2005, 09:25 AM
Don't give up! A dog's life depends on you! ;)
If you stop looking so hard... don't be suprised if one finds you!
Good vibes being sent to you! Good Look!

10-11-2005, 09:28 AM
Don't give up! It took my mom and I weeks to find Tinkerbell! and When we got Roxy we weren't expecting to get a larger dog at all! We were looking for something tiny, but look what I ended up with! You WILL find that perfect pooch for you! :)

10-11-2005, 09:38 AM
Don't give up. It takes love, patience & commitment to own a dog therefore you have to be patient, committed & have an open heart & mind when it comes to picking out your dog.

When I first got Nanook, I searched high & low, over & over again to find my match. Finally 2 months later I found him.

It took me about a year to find Raustyk & I had to go through 2 months of torture to get her. I had to go to court hearings, volunteer at the shelter, work at a vets office and assist with obedince, agility & behavioral training in order to get her.

Then there's Kaige. It took me about a year to find the right breed, then I had to wait 8-9 months to get him.

Good things come in due time my friend.

And I agree with the others, getting an adult dog seems like it is the best route in your case.

10-11-2005, 11:22 AM
From reading your other posts on this subject, it sounds to me like you should look for an adult dog instead of a young puppy.

I second this. Have you done a walk through at your local shelter? Sometimes its best to look that way, rather than just over the net and through the papers.

finn's mom
10-11-2005, 01:07 PM
It's just like finding any "soulmate", it takes time. :) You'll know it when you meet the right dog. I agree, though, I would try to find a dog that's already potty trained and isn't going through the puppy stage. Good luck, though.

Queen of Poop
10-11-2005, 01:55 PM
Patience. When it is meant to be it will be. It took me well over a year and a ton of visits to our local shelter before I found Sasha. That was 10 years ago.

PJ's Mom
10-11-2005, 04:41 PM
The right dog will find you before you know it. Good luck. :)