View Full Version : We are all settled in.....

Laura's Babies
10-03-2005, 08:07 AM
Seems like all the babies are settled right back in to our old routine after us being separated for so long (5 months) and just happy to be back home again.

Can't help but notice that Amy is having a awfully rough time walking now, she can't make 3 steps without falling over and has a hard time getting up. Yesterday, she fell off the perch and like to have scared me to death. They say this CH don't get any worse but hers seems to get worse and worse as time goes on. She prefers now to stay in her kennel most of the time and I try to encourage her to play, even if she has to lay down to do it. She still will play and seems to enjoy herself. I am hopeing that just being home, she will relax and get better. Her eyes are bright and alert so she is feeling good, just can't hardly walk.

Giz is a hoot! She is the funniest cat I ever met! She has not lost one drop of her clown personality and is still up to her antics... She still is looking for something to get into..... always looking! I wish I could capture that mischief in a picture!

Chester seems to realize Amy is worse and he watches over her like a hawk and the protector like he is, he is always on guard, watching her.

Samantha, is just being Meowmies lap baby every chance she gets. She is such a sweet girl and I am constantly telling her how sweet and pretty she is. I Thank God we finally belong to each other after 2 years of her sitting on my doorstep begging to be mine. Why she selected this house to be her home and me to be her Meowmie, I don't know... I am just glad she did and never gave up! Now on with the pictures.... I have so much time to make up for with the pictures!




10-03-2005, 08:19 AM
I'm so happy you have your sweethearts back with you at long last Laura. :) What a good brother Chester is to watch over his sister Amy like that. Is the weather different down your way, and possibly causing Amy to stiffen up more? Fall is here already, and it's getting quite chilly at night now...Brrrr...Winter stay away! :cool:

Maya & Inka's mommy
10-03-2005, 08:34 AM
I'm so sorry to hear that Amy isn't feeling very well. What exactly is that "CH" you're talking about?
Giz sure is a gorgeous cat!!

Laura's Babies
10-03-2005, 08:57 AM
M&I Mommy;
Cerebellar hypoplasia
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Cerebellar hypoplasia is a disorder found in cats and dogs in which the cerebellum is not completely mature at birth. Usually symptoms can be seen immediately at birth in cats, but sometimes can take two months or so to become apparent in dogs. Cerebellar hypoplasia causes jerky movements, tremors and generally uncoordinated motion. The animal often falls down and has trouble walking. Tremors increase when the animal is excited and subside when at ease. There are several bacterial infections, such as herpes, that can result in the disorder in both cats and dogs. However, the disease can also be caused by malnutrition, poisoning, injury or general accidents during development in the fetus. The disease does not get better or worse with age, but the cat or dog can usually learn to somewhat compensate for it. Most afflicted animals can lead a fairly normal life if preperations are made by the owner for the animals disability.
Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cerebellar_hypoplasia"

QSL, it is still hot here, no fall or fall like weather yet. I was wondering if maybe it was the stress of the hurricane but that was a month ago and she should be over that. It HAS to be stress relates this time but I can't figure out what the stress is for her. I am just so afraid that this winter is going to be extreemly hard on her and so is Kevlin. If she acted like she was miserable, I would take her and get that shot since it always makes her act like she feels better but she acts like she is feeling fine... she just keeps falling over and has such a hard time getting up.. Her back legs just seem to have gotten so much weaker... Any suggestions? Hints? Opinions?

10-03-2005, 09:37 AM
That is sowonderful,that you are all reunited,and things are back,to normal.
And that Eddie,is improving every day.
You have been through a lot,but it will help,in putting things into proportion so the small things will no longer bother you.


10-03-2005, 10:57 AM
:( I'm sorry to hear that Amy is still having problems. Poor thing.

All your kitties are very beautiful, though Giz has the most unique coloring.

10-03-2005, 08:39 PM
Awww, they're all so sweet! I'm sorry Amy is getting worse...but at least she has a fabulous mommy to live with.

Glad you're home and with your furbabies. GREAT pictures! :)

10-03-2005, 09:32 PM
Glad you are home with your kitties again. You must have missed them so much. They are all so beautiful - thanks for the photos!

10-03-2005, 10:13 PM
Poor Amy, I'm sorry to hear she is worse but how sweet of Chester to take care of her.

I love the pictures, especially that last one with Chester and Amy - so sweet!

Wow, Samantha is GORGEOUS!!!!! Of course beautiful Giz is too!

10-05-2005, 09:23 PM
I'm so sorry to hear that Amy isn't feeling very well. What exactly is that "CH" you're talking about?
Giz sure is a gorgeous cat!!
A little(?) something I typed up a few weeks ago to accompany two cerebellar kittens that were adopted out through Petsmart.....And I sure do miss Henry & Trixie Belle. I educated a lot of people in one swell foop though! :p Nobody doing adoptions had ever heard of CH, and everyone fell head-over-heels in love with my special adoptees. :D
Cerebellar hypoplasia is a condition caused by a mother cat contracting distemper (panleukopenia) while pregnant. Depending on what stage in the pregnancy she is affected, the kittens may be aborted, stillborn, or cerebellar babies at birth. The developing fetuses cerebellum (which controls balance) is affected by the virus that the unvaccinated mother contracts. Many adult cats are capable of fighting off the panleukopenia virus, and are immune for life after. The kittens however are not immune to the virus and need proper vaccines to prevent panleukopenia, and upper respiratory viruses that can be deadly. This is also known as an F.V.R.C.P vaccine. They are not in any way contagious to other cats in the household, as they don’t have the virus, but have been affected via the mother cat. Cerebellar kitties live a normal long life but need to be protected from dangers outside as they lack the coordination ‘normal’ cats have. They can’t run from cars and dogs like other cats, and should never be allowed outside. Also cerebellar kitties should never be declawed (or any other cat for that matter) as they depend on their claws to help pull themselves up things such as stairs. A nail trim of only the sharp nail tip is fine. They are very determined little cats, and often as they get older, they learn more about what they are capable of, and are quite surprising! Cerebellar hypoplasia is very similar to muscular dystrophy in humans as CH kitties tend to walk like they have fly-paper stuck to their feet, and many have head tremors. They have the capability of winning over many hearts of people who adopt these special kitties and are a joy to have. There is a very active website called “The Ch Kitty Club” which has many members from all over the world who have CH cats. They also have a group under Yahoo Groups which is very active and a good place to ask questions and get lots of feedback. Both are very easy to Google search for. Please visit the website and you can have your new family members picture and story featured on the website under the “members” link. ;-) Thank you for adopting a special needs kitty as these are often the last ones to get homes, and many are euthanised needlessly all over the world. Congratulations…you will have that little paw firmly wrapped around your hearts in no time! J Jan…(caretaker and doting slave to several cerebellar cats)

Laura's Babies
10-06-2005, 05:00 AM
Thanks Jan. That was very informative. They are so easy to fall in love with and they are most determined! I can try to "help" Amy by picking her up and putting her on the bed and she will jump right off, turn around and get back up there BY HERSELF, as if to show me that she does not need my help so leave her alone!! It is heartbreaking to watch her struggle to do things and I wish I could do more to help her but she would rather do things herself, without any help! She is a very sweet baby and loves to be picked up and loved on and will purr like a 18 wheeler but she don't want me going overboard and wants down after a minute or two.

I have her feeding station and try to get her to use it right now when she is having such a problem but she all but refuses to use it even though it makes it easier for her to eat. If they ALL are as determined as she is, they are just amazing!!!

I was watching her the other day and thought to myself that Eddie needs to meet her and she what a determined little thing she is, how hard she works at accomplishing things. The stubborness she has at people trying to help her, wanting to do it herself, no matter how clumsy she is. I think she could be a inspiration to Eddie with what all he has to overcome..... to bad they are so far away!

10-06-2005, 08:02 AM
That last pic absolutely cracked me up! I'm so glad to see you at home with your babies . . . finally! I'll bet their glad too. ;)

10-06-2005, 08:26 AM
I wonder if Cosequin would help Amy with her stiffness? Certainly wouldn't hurt to find out if it could help sweet Amy. ;)
Here's one link I found with questions and answers about Cosequin.