View Full Version : Questions concerning new foster kittens...

10-02-2005, 02:29 PM
We have 5 little ones currently staying at our house...(see ~**Kittens**~ thread)

I am worried about Ben. Friday night he was an active little kitten and very playful. Saturday morning he refused to eat his breakfast and then we took them to the vets for their first shots and worming. We came home, he ate really well and then didn't eat dinner last night. He wouldn't even come out of the carrier last night, (we have an ex-pen set up with a doorless cat carrier that they can go in, toys, cat box etc.) and he is usually one of the first ones to come up to the gate. I got a syringe and gave him some goats milk and he seemed to perk up a little but still wasn't moving around a whole lot. We were afraid he wasn't going to make it through the night last night... :(

This morning he got up and ate breakfast really well and when then at lunch time he wouldn't eat, the rest of the kittens act like they're starving by then! I was holding him and he makes no effort to move around and I put him down and he just sits there :( I don't know whats going on with him, should I continue to force him to eat, we will probably need to take him back to the vet, is there anything I could do for him in the meantime?

Laura's Babies
10-02-2005, 02:51 PM
Could just be a reaction to the shots but watch him close and I would make sure he had something liquid in him until he perks up or you take him back to the vet.

When I first got Samantha, I took her streight to the vet and got her shots started and I was sure I had killed her in having her get them in the horriable condition she was in when I fianlly got her. She laid in the kennel for 2 days, not moving, groaned when you tried to touch her and felt like she was burning up with fever. I called the vet early on day 2 and they told me to give her the night and if she was no better to bring her back in. Next day, she was up, eating and her old self. She was half starved and eaten up with fleas, skinny as a rail and dehydrated when my neighbor finally agreed to let me have her, a year ago last July. I put off having her spayed until she was a lot stronger. Now she is filled out, fattened up (still not fat), grown a beautiful shinny, silky coat of fur and healthy as any well loved, pampered kitty can be.

10-02-2005, 03:41 PM
How old are the kittens? It sounds like you should get him to the vet ASAP. Have you noticed any diarrhea or vomitting? Do you have a thermometer at home so you could take his temperature?

10-02-2005, 04:43 PM
They are 6 weeks...and they all have diarrhea :( The vet said it was probably from the canned food they were being fed before and we don't have a thermometer :( They are all extremely thin and were flea infested. We need to go to the vet tomorrow for a problem with our dog and we will take him with us. I've been trying to keep fluids in him, he does drink water but still no appetite.

10-02-2005, 05:01 PM
ohhhhh, i hope he's going to be alright!! :( when he gets better you should post pictures! i really hope its nothing serious!

10-02-2005, 05:42 PM
I'm so sorry to hear this. :( I sure hope that little Ben will be alright and that everything goes well at the vets tomorrow. Please continue to keep us updated.

10-02-2005, 05:43 PM
Poor little Ben! It sounds like you're right on top of this and that's a very good thing. The best thing to do is take him to the vet with your dog, this is a question for your vet. Hoping the little guy is okay, please let us know what your vet has to say about him? Prayers being prayed for sweet little Ben.....

10-02-2005, 07:35 PM
The found Cats,are praying for Ben,and His Littermates,and Momma Angels Suzie,and Karina,are coming to help comfort,The Kittens,and help them,be well.
We are praying,for those kittens!

10-02-2005, 07:39 PM
Thanks everyone, he is feeling a bit better tonight and he eagerly ate his dinner. We will definately still see what the vet has to say but as of right now he is actually playing and eating like normal...I will definately keep you all updated!

10-02-2005, 07:50 PM
It sounds like a reaction from his shots. I know my Willy wasn't the same for 2 days after his shots.

I'm glad to hear that he is doing better and maybe tomorrow he will be fully back to himself.

Feel better soon sweetie.