View Full Version : Bwesh Yew Simba!

03-18-2002, 08:01 PM
Can dogs have allergies? Maybe Asthma? I dunno but whatever it is, Simba will make like a sneezing noise a bunch of times in the row, its not really sneezeing but he like breathes threw his nose a bunch of times really hardlike? Im not sure whats going one anyone have a clue? Does anyone know what im talking about?

03-18-2002, 08:11 PM
I know what you are talking about and I admit I don't know a lot, but I can tell you what I have read. First, the noise you are refering to is a reverse sneeze. "It sounds like a long, repetitive snort. It is entirely normal." (Vet On Call, a book I have)

Yes, dogs can have allergies. Sadie gets green goo in her eyes, ear infections and licks the pads of her paws, all caused by allergies. we give her ordinary people benedryl, and a vitamin supplement, both under the direction of our vet. We have not had her tested, becuase the medicine seems to help.. I would talk to you vet and seem if they think it is allergies, if medicine will help, and if they think the dog needs to be tested to determine a specific source of the allergy.

I think dogs can also get asthma, but I don't know anything about that.

03-18-2002, 08:16 PM
Absolutely dogs do sneeze - evn the bunny sneezes when she's been in a really dusty place, which is funny because I would think that rabbits being generally underground den-makers, I wouldn't think dust would bother her like it does me!

If it's just a few sneezies, I wouldn't worry too much, but dogs allergies often take the form of itchiness.

Simba-luv isn't a smush-faced dog, like a bulldog of a pug that might be expected to have chronic breathing problems, so like I said, if it's just a few sneezies now and then, I wouldn't worry too much!

03-19-2002, 03:29 PM
Carl does that every once in a while. I think it's pretty normal unless they start doing it a real lot.

03-19-2002, 05:55 PM
Yes KayAnn I know what you you mean. It's not really
a sneeze, but it is what Cincy's Mom says"reverse
breathing. My dog Buddy does it sometimes, not everyday
or every week , but sometimes. The vet says it's caused
by drainage from the nose down thru the throat. Kinda
of like an allergy, or sinus drainage in people. My vet also
recommends the Bynadrel(sp) if it seems to "hang on".
All the junk in the air we all breath, I'm not suprised even
our pets can develope allergies... Bwesh Yew Simba !!!

03-19-2002, 08:51 PM
When we have the Ac on (and we just yurned it on last night) his nose gets really runny and wattery... he cant lay on his back for that long or he starts to sneeze lol! thank you all for your advice.

03-20-2002, 12:34 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
When we have the Ac on (and we just yurned it on last night)

:eek: :eek: Air Conditioning!!!!!!!!!!!! We still have the heaters on. Today is one of the warmer ones at 50 degrees. Funny how a couple thousand miles brings so much change in the weather! :D ;)

03-20-2002, 12:39 PM
I don't know if dogs are the same, but I know cats do. My cat has them

03-21-2002, 09:51 PM
Hi there!
My dog Rufus had a sneezing problem a couple of months ago. He started to sneeze every few minutes, every day while awake for about a week and a half staright. His lip would quiver, face would contort and twitch and he would seeeze and sneeze, wet ones too! When he was done he would sit there looking sad.

At first I thought it was alergies since he had been alergic before and I had just changed the brand of my laundry detergent, fabric softner and my perfume all at the same time, I figured he was irritated by one of the products. I gave him Benadryl and stopped using all the new products but it did not help.

Because the sneezing lasted so long I called the vet. The vet had us bring him in since an allergic reaction would not be that severe for so long witout any improvement. For once, his symptoms did not miraculously dissapear upon arrival to the vet's office and he showed the vet just how much he was sneezing. She checked for nasal blockage, pehaps he had inhailed something and it was stuck, right? Nope, all clear! She then said it may be nasal mites and gave him a shot. If the shot helped he probably did have mites and he was to come back for a second shot in 10 days. She never actually tested for mites but the next day he sneezed twice and the day after that once. He went for his second shot and has not sneezed since, I am even using all the new products again. Allergies were ruled out as the shot would not have helped the alergies and it was chalked up to mites he could have picked up at the off leash dog park.

I wouldn't worry too much about occassional sneezing. I just thought I would share my story in case it helps. Rufus is my first dog ever and I always like to check with the vet if I am not sure.