View Full Version : Mr. Chloe!!!

03-18-2002, 10:00 AM
Dear Mr. Chloe! Aren't you the consummate bunny "man about town!" Wow, you sure are a daring adventurer, traveling the world, taking in all those exciting sights and sounds!!:) And I'll bet you put a smile on every face that crosses your path! You're adorable!!!! I think it's so wonderful that you have not known the confines of a cage for these many years, free to explore and engage in all of those "human" activities with your family! No wonder you have such a sense of imagination!! Your world knows no bounds!! And don't sweat the rent, Mr. Chloe. I would pay for the privilege of sharing my home with such a darling, lovable, well mannered furry friend!!!;) Congratulations to you Mr. Chloe, our sweetest, most loving, well traveled Bunny Pet of the Day!! I hope your day of honor is extra special!! Of course, may your bowl spilleth over with mango, apple and bananas!! Gotta go, Mr. C., time to check out your website!! I think I'm in for a treat. Catch ya later!

03-18-2002, 10:08 AM
:D:D:D!!!! Everybody, you have to check out Mr. Chloe's website! And I had big plans for doing work on the computer today! Hah!!! I feel like I've just traveled the world!

Mr. Chloe, you, your adventures, your incredible imagination and your pawmanship skills fit in so perfectly here at Pet Talk. Have you met Cinder and Smokey and the rest of our literary furfriends??? What tales we all could share! And Mr. C., you made me SO homesick for my native NYC!! Lexington Ave.....I think I know the tree you speak of!!! Ahhh! I'll be writing you soon! Gotta go check out your visit to the Louvre. You're the best!
(What an image I have of the crystal shattering opera singer!! How "New York!":D)

03-18-2002, 11:31 AM
Mr. Chloe!! I was waiting on a story about a "girl" turned "boy"!! Didn't get that, but was delighted to hear about your wonderful life, out of the bunny cage!!! We have tons of bunny lovers at Pet Talk, and I know they will be falling all over themselves to respond to your beautiful picture and great story!! :) A few of the bunnies might be pretty ticked off that they don't have quite the adventures that you do!!! :p Maybe your story will give their humans some good ideas!!! We'll keep our fingers crossed.

Well, I'm off to visit your webpage during my lunch hour. Just wanted to make sure to congratulate you, Bunny of the Day!!! Hope you have great treats and lots of fun today. Something tells me you will arrange for that! To the coolest bunny ever, Congratulations!!! :cool:

03-18-2002, 11:41 AM
Mr. Chloe, what a sweet bunch of bunniness you are! I'm so glad you don't have to spend any cage time! I wish all bunnies were so fortunate. Congrats on being our most well traveled bunny Pet of the Day. I too, am off to visit your web site. :)

03-18-2002, 12:21 PM
Congratulations Mr. Chloe on being named POTD! What a well traveled gentleman you are and so handsome too! I am going to read my five buns your story tonight and hope it will encourage them to go to Grandpa's with me a little more often.

03-18-2002, 12:42 PM
Oh Mizzer Chloe, I do believez you iz one heckuva bunnycake! My lop, Sophie, and I iz in luv! :) :)

03-18-2002, 03:18 PM

You are quite the handsome bunny Sir !!! You look very
huggable, almost like a "stuffed Bunny". I am envious of
all your wonderful travels.Congratulations on being the
Bunny of the day. Mr. Chloe, PET OF THE DAY !!!