View Full Version : Neat Site Link

03-16-2002, 11:12 AM

I just wanted to post my two-cents worth of info about a site on the web. Some or most of yall have probably been there, or at least heard about it. Anyway, the site is at Petpro.com. (http://www.petpro.com) At that site, you can buy all kinds of gifts for all the petlovers you know. They have all kinds of products like figurines, door mats, calanders, shirts, jewelry, all kinds of stuff, with your favorite breed of dog or cat on it. They have most of the breeds of dogs and cats on most of their products. Below is an example of their angel and devil figurine for rottweilers.
http://www.petpro.com/sharedfiles/breedfiles/rotty/images/angel.jpg http://www.petpro.com/sharedfiles/breedfiles/rotty/images/devil.jpg


03-16-2002, 11:47 AM
How sweet! Thanks for the link, Lindy's Mom!! :)