View Full Version : Great Danes aren't meant to go on agility bridges...

03-13-2002, 01:04 PM
Last night was Winters agility class (which depressed Smudge because he had to stay home...oh I am such a mean mommie at times :rolleyes: ;) ) the class wentvery well except for the fac that Winter gets impatient and won't wait longer then 10 seconds, then again she's only 16 months so still a pup.

Anyhoo after the class I stayed to help the teacher whose a good friend of mine out with the BA (beginner's agility) class, you know just act as a blocker (which was needed the class has a lot, and I mean almost every dog a lot of intact males in it.) and hold up the tunnel and stuff. So they get to the part where the dogs get to go on the bridge for the first time and the first dog was a great dane.

To begin with even dogs the size of Winter and Smudge have problems on the bridge until you teach them to back up because they aren't always aware of what their back legs are doing, so imagine a dog that I could use as a pony (I'm around 5'2") trying to go on the bridge. Their back paws were slipping everywhere so much that it took four of us to get them across the bridge two instructors the owners and me, the dog would go a few steps and the slip so we would have to catch it and put it back up, a couple of times I was used as a stool :o And of course there can't be just one great dane but there has to be 3 to full grown males and pup...whose was soooooooooooooo cute. actually they all were cute, but I'm gonna stop rambling because my head is starting to hurt again and I need to go back to bed now.

03-13-2002, 01:55 PM
Yea, they're not really. I think they're a little...ah...big to go on bridges! 3 GD's in a class is pretty good though! You don't see that many giant breeds doing agility.

03-13-2002, 02:20 PM
I have seen to differnt Great danes doing agility, the first in Cincy's puppy 2 class and the second at a fun and games night. It was neat to see the big dogs doing the agility, esp. when they would run through the tunnels!!!

03-13-2002, 05:55 PM
Now there's a picture!! lol

03-13-2002, 05:57 PM
They have to duck!! LOL

03-13-2002, 06:11 PM
This new class isn't as bad as her last class. The last class that was after Winter's had 6 or 7 Great Danes and they were all related in some way. Now that was a funny one to watch because you had the legs of the owner coming out of one end of a tunnel and the legs of a great dane out of the other :D

03-13-2002, 07:05 PM
I have to say, I have never heard of a Great Dane in agility!! LOL! I do wish Honey would have enjoyed it. It would have been so good for both of us, and Helen. :(