View Full Version : What in the h-e double hockey sticks??!!

03-12-2002, 07:35 PM
Ok 93.3FLZ (a local radio station) Called this lady Asking her if she could adopt a dog which she said she had 4 dogs already.... they were makeing dog noises on the phone and if the lady said she didnt want the dog they would make the sound of the shot gun and he made this longs story on how they are trying to help! I am so angered right now i feel like calling the station right now. ARGH! Hopefully someone not as chicken as me heard this and is as pissed as me GRRRRRRR.

03-12-2002, 07:43 PM
Is this the same Radio station that Murdered the pig? My husband holds an FCC license and says you could file a complaint with the FCC.

03-12-2002, 07:46 PM
i dont beleive so, but bubba has been wiht them befor (he changed radio stations)

03-12-2002, 08:00 PM
I would call the radio station, complain, and tell them you are never going to listen to their station again if they do not apologize on air, AND tell them you are going to tell everyone you know NOT to listen to that station. Then keep your promise to yourself - never tune into that station again if they don't apologize. Tell everyone you know.

They have to learn that this sort of tactic is bad for busniness.

03-12-2002, 08:54 PM
That moron sounds like one we had here in Fort Wayne and I called the radio station and complained loud and long and wouldn't leave them alone until I spoke with the station manager and the owner of the station (who, I might add, is just as big of an idiot as the DJ). This one was that the DJ wanted to know what listeners were willing to do to win this contest and one of our more brilliant minds in Fort Wayne called in and said that he would kill his dog to win and the idiot DJ said that that was acceptable and if the guy won, that he would be expected to kill his dog. I about came unglued when I heard it. My satisfaction came when the guy had to make a public apology and retract the statement that he made on air and there was a donation made to the SPCA on his behalf (I hope to God that it came out of his paycheck). He didn't last much longer anyway...he was cancelled about a month later. Kfmar, this guy's name wouldn't have been Moe would it?? My suggestion to you is to take the bull by the horns (no matter how scary it is) and call the station and let the station manager know (and don't settle for his secretary or his voice mail) in no uncertain terms that you WILL contact the FCC if something is not done publically to correct the situation. Oh, I also told the owner that if something wasn't done I would take it to the papers and the local TV stations. He didn't like that much,being that he doesn't like to blemish his untarnished reputation around town. Sorry I babbled for so long, but that kind of crap strikes a nerve with me.

03-13-2002, 04:38 AM
If you feel uneasy about making the phone call couldn't someone you know help you out?

People like this need to be stopped. There are enough idiots around that don't need even more supid ideas.

Dixieland Dancer
03-13-2002, 08:06 AM
Originally posted by SpencerTheLion
...maybe the most disturbing thing about this thread is unfortunately there is an audience that will listen to this...a really bad commentary about a lot of us... :(

It is sad but you are so right, Spencer. It would be great if more people would just turn the radio or TV to a different station or mayber even just turn it off.

03-13-2002, 08:19 AM
How awful. People never cease to amaze me. I would call the radio station and the FCC, as suggested. Yikes.

03-13-2002, 08:36 AM
It is just amazing how stupid people are. I just can't believe it.:mad: It angers me SO much:mad: I know this is harsh....but I think they ought to string people like that up. Harsh I know, just can't help the way I fee. I have to say animals are better than alot of people.

03-13-2002, 09:14 AM
Yes, there are a lot of sickies out there and unfortunately there seems to be enough to keep crap going. The best thing is to turn it off, just like we have to do with porn and all that crap.:(

03-13-2002, 12:49 PM
That's disgusting...that's also probably one of the reasons that I refuse to listen to the radio give me a tape or a c.d. anytime. But seriously I hope people complained to the station and they were forced to take action, there are somethings that you just don't do and that's one of them. :mad:

03-13-2002, 03:49 PM
I switched the channel... even though it was real mi just didnt want to puy up with it... i normally dont even listen to the radio i listen to my cd's... and if i do listen to the radio i dont listen to that station.. i just happened to turn to it to see what was on.. I always listen to my new Usher cd and i have for the past like month.... i cant ever get sick of it lol....im just too chicken to do antyhing about it sorry.:(

03-13-2002, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by Dixieland Dancer

It is sad but you are so right, Spencer. It would be great if more people would just turn the radio or TV to a different station or mayber even just turn it off.

I can't believe the filth that is infiltrating on the radio these days!! It's very appalling!!
I agree that it would be worth it to call in and speak with the station manager...AND not listen to the station anymore. Ugh!:mad:

I tell ya, I was actually turned off from a radio station because of the filthy trash that was on there. I really used to like hard rock and alternative music a lot, but when I moved out here and found the station (92.3 KSJO here in the Bay Area) I couldn't believe how sleazy the people were and the garbage they would talk about. Of course, I'm bothered by sleaze and porn and all of that sleazy garbage probably more than most woman are...but I could not BELIEVE the stuff they were saying on the air! My immediate thought was KIDS are listening to this!! No wonder kids don't seem to have morals or respect these days when they listen to crap like THAT!! Since then I have been turned off by that kind of music and don't even listen to the station at all! :rolleyes:

mugsy, I can't believe the DJ AND that person that called in to the Fort Wayne radio station!!!:eek: Along with the DJ, I would have found out who the person was who called in to win this contest, and I would be tempted to take his dog away if he feels like he can just kill it to win the stupid contest. I feel sorry for a dog with a master like that...how horrid!!!!:eek: