View Full Version : Another hurdle is behind us

09-12-2005, 03:08 AM
Boomer went to the vet and got his health certificate today. He got a perfectly clean bill of health. Now we just have to figure out a way to keep his paperwork with his cage. If they lose anything enroute then we are in trouble!

Maya & Inka's mommy
09-12-2005, 03:13 AM
Yippie for Boomer!!

09-12-2005, 04:35 AM
Yay Boomer! Won't be long now, you'll be on your way!!

09-12-2005, 06:08 AM
First, make copies!! Then place 1 copy in an envelope and tape it to the cage (outside). Then take another copy and tape it to the top, inside of the cage. Make sure to keep a copy as well.

Glad everything is going well.

09-12-2005, 06:32 AM
Good for Boomer!:)

09-12-2005, 08:26 AM
Yes, Missy COPIES for sure! I am also wondering if they have their own system to bag the documents and attach them? Could you put them in a baggies and tape them?? I was reading last night that the crate has to have a label with my address, too.

YAY Boomer! We will see you in just a few days now:)

Cinder & Smoke
09-12-2005, 08:55 AM
Boomer should be WEARING a tight enough Collar that he can't
possibly get it off (or get a paw stuck under it) with
TWO custom engraved Tags:
1) with a "From:" tag with your first initial + last name + phone number
2) with a "TO:" tag with Deb's initial + last name and two phone
numbers - home and cell + city if there's room.
3) Current Rabies Tag

DON'T rely on paperwork on or in the carrier to be his only ID!

And find out WHERE the "Original" Vet Health Certificate and
Rabies certification papers need to be -
shipped with the carrrier/crate or turned in to someone?

You should MAIL copies of ALL his paperwork and flight receipts
and airbills to Deb.

Do you know "exactly" where to go to "claim" him??
What building to go to and what TIMES you can get to that building?

Airport CARGO areas have as much or more security than the passenger
terminals do - often with Pass Card or Combination locks that the
truck drives have and no human guards to "talk to".

"Enjoy" the Flight, Boom! :rolleyes:
Hope you get a "window seat"! :p

09-12-2005, 09:06 AM
Hey Phred! I have printed off a map from the website that shows a diagram of the airport and it has two "cargo" buildings but they appear to share the same parking area and are near one another. They are both separate from the terminals. I will also call tomorrow just to confirm his flights before we leave to pick him up. I also printed myself a copy of his airbill. The freight handler e-mailed me pdf copies of the stuff he did. No time to mail the health cert though...Thanks!!

Missy are you able to scan me a copy of the health form?? Maybe Mr. Yamaguchi would do this for you? He has been so nice!

Missy - the ID tags - great idea! Does your exchange area have one of those machines that engrave tags? Maybe the clothing sales area?? I know you are getting short on time here - but that is a good idea.

09-12-2005, 09:18 AM
Fingers and whiskers crossed for Boomer. I know he's going to do just fine.

Will they allow a traveling pet to wear a collar? Just wondering because I watched a TV show called Miracle Pets the other day. That airlines required that the pet not wear a collar while in transit. They wanted the collar with all the tags clipped to the outside of the cage.

09-12-2005, 09:48 AM
Good question Lisa - I called the airline pet desk again and she said that the pet needs to keep their collar on (Continental policy I guess??)
Other things I learned: "Michelle" this time...
*They suggest taping a baggie of extra food to the top of the carrier
*the cargo folks will bag and attach the forms to the carrier when he is checked in
*Narita/Continental does contract with Nippon to handle all live animal cargo and many airports use contractors also if they do not have their own facility.

I am getting nervous and excited here, can you tell?? :rolleyes:

09-12-2005, 10:14 AM
Oh goodness . . . I got chills reading this thread! I'm nervous for Boomer! Poor baby . . . he's gonna have a rough day but it's soooooo gonna be worth it to get to stay with his "little" brother!!!

*Praying for Boomer* I know that he'll have plenty of guardian kitty angels around him the whole way!!!

09-12-2005, 10:36 AM
Glad to hear it's all systems GO for Boomer's trip home.

I am hoping that before you know it, it'll be all over and Boomer will be safe and sound with Debbie.


09-12-2005, 03:26 PM
Wow, so much to do. It will be a big adventure for little Boomer.

I can't wait till he's safely with grandma and grandpa!

09-12-2005, 03:57 PM
I've never flown an animal anywhere, so I'm not sure about this, bit I was thinking- it may not be too badly of an idea to give him a mild tranquilizer while he is on such a long trip, to calm his nerves. I don't know anything about tranquilizers or if they are safe, but it's something I'd consider asking my vet about. I'm not sure if this is something that's been mentioned yet. I'm sure others here will know more about it than I do (after all I know nothing at all about it).

09-12-2005, 04:06 PM
I think in one of the threads missy stated that boomer was not allowed to me sedated in anyway....I know I use benadryl with my puppy for long trips but they are probably afraid of breathing problems.

09-12-2005, 04:40 PM
Originally posted by caseysmom
I think in one of the threads missy stated that boomer was not allowed to me sedated in anyway....I know I use benadryl with my puppy for long trips but they are probably afraid of breathing problems.
Yes, I also thought a mild tranquilizer might be a good idea and to try it ahead of time - but the airline specifies NO TRANQ - the lady I spoke with last night also reminded me of this and that they would refuse to accept animals they suspcet of being sedated. I think it is a liaboity/breathing thing as caseysmom thought.
Thanks Kari - it sounded like a smart idea to me too;) Keep up the prayers for everyone -OK?

09-12-2005, 04:47 PM
Please let us know when you get this precious boy! I'm jittery just thinking of his long trip (he'll probably SLEEP the whole way). Quite an adventure for a young lad!

Biscuit's Mom
09-12-2005, 07:29 PM
Is there any way you can give us a tracking number or some other way to "track" Boomer's progress during the course of his travel without it revealing any personal information?

I'm just so jittery about the long trip, but I'm so so happy Boomer can remain with his family (and baby skin brother)! I'll be saying prayers for him all during his trip.


09-12-2005, 07:35 PM
I'm glad to hear that Boomer got a clean bill of health.:) Now hopefully he'll have a safe flight and an uneventful one.:)

09-12-2005, 07:37 PM


09-13-2005, 05:12 AM

Counting down, Boomer!!!

09-13-2005, 07:09 AM
He'll be on Continental flights 008 from NRT to EWR and then flight 0753 from EWR to CMH.
If you go to the below website while he is in flight you should be able to select the airline and choose the flight number and watch a realtime animation of his flights :) Make sure you select "graphical version" though or you will just get text.


09-13-2005, 07:33 AM
should not be given sedatives. I think if you were with the kitty, watching him, then it would be ok. Or if you were in a car and able to monitor him......

I, too, think they are afraid of the breathing thing.......I don't know if all of the airlines keep the air flowing like they do in the passenger areas.

I have heard excellent things about some folks who ship pets and then I have heard nightmares too. I wouldn't hesitate to ship a pet by air, except for the cost...........

All things considered, I think Boomer is a good age, in good health, not a "pure bred" "hyper, sensitive"....... like some cats....and will be fine. He looks like he has a bit of weight on him, so water will be his best friend for those hours. I would attach a couple of water bottles for him......if that is what you are going to do.

I will track his flights....when is he leaving again?

Good luck the big Boomer! "G & G Hotel Ohio" is right around the corner. You will love your new home and you get to be with many more buddies and kids and Grandma & Grandpa and well, it will be a love fest. And you have all these pet talk folks rooting for you too!

Be good Boomer.

Sas and her campers

09-13-2005, 07:35 AM
Hi! This is Boomer...
It is Tuesday morning in America but already Tuesday night in Japan. We are leaving early in the morning (Tuesday evening your time) - to go to the airport!!:eek:
I hope you will be thinking and praying for me - OK?

Biscuit's Mom
09-13-2005, 07:37 AM
Oh, thank you so much! I'll be following his progress. I've also printed out a couple of pictures of him, to focus good thoughts for him while he's travelling:rolleyes: . I know, I need a life :)

Robin aka Biscuit's Mom

09-13-2005, 08:36 AM
We will have "BE SAFE Boomer" thoughts on our collective Tribe mind today and tomorrow and will send all the positive vibes your way.
We won't be happy until he's in your arms, safe and sound.
Wheww, this is a little nerve wracking, but we know it will go well.

You're comin' home Boomer......!

09-13-2005, 09:26 AM
I saved his photo as my background on my office computer. I will think of his for the next few days!

You go Boomer!

09-13-2005, 09:44 AM
Hurry home Boomer!

I too will be holding Boomer in my thoughts during the time he's winging his way over the ocean, then the continental U.S. and away from all of his family.

I will also be anxiously awaiting Debbie's update here when she has Boomer safe and sound at home.


09-13-2005, 11:28 AM
Safe travel to you, sweet Boomer!!! :) We're sending good thoughts to you and your mom and your grandmas.


09-13-2005, 11:33 AM
Fingers crossed and LOTS of prayers for the safe flight of the Boom man.

I am SO glad that Boomer is going to be where he should be, with his family.



09-13-2005, 11:47 AM
Missy was able to scan and send me the health, rabies and vaccination documents and I have printed them out. She is also attaching them to the inside top of his carrier and will present them to the freight handler who will bag them and attach them to the outside. That should cover us!
I called the cargo folks at the airport here last night and have good directions about where to meet him.
:eek: Whew!!:p

09-13-2005, 03:04 PM
Airline Flight# Airport Time Status / Distance
Continental Airlines 353 Departing Newark Intl, NJ 3:11 pm In Flight
Arriving Port Columbus Intl, OH 4:16 pm 129 mi E

Current Location Altitude Speed Equipment
37 mi SW of Pittsburgh, PA 24,000ft 424 knots B735

Back to FlightTracker Search

09-13-2005, 03:13 PM
not yet :) It's 5:10am on the day of his flight right now. They use the same flight numbers every day so that was yesterday's flight :D
Boomer is very clingy this morning and can't get enough love! I am so nervous for him! His flight will take off at 3:20 AM on Wednesday morning for you east coast US people :)

Time to eat breakfast and get ready to hit the road!

09-13-2005, 03:26 PM
Have a safe trip Missy and Carol and best of luck Boomer!!! Lots of crossed fingers and paws that you have a great flight.

Now I'm humming that Neil Diamond song "Coming to America". LOL!!!!!

09-13-2005, 03:46 PM
Good luck on your big trip Boomer! We'll keep all our paws and fingers crossed here that its a quick, safe, hassle free trip!

09-13-2005, 04:14 PM
I spoke to Missy about 30 minutes ago and it is early morning there - she, Carol, Tyler and Boomer should be on the road right now - headed for Tokyo. She is VERY nervous as she has never driven this trip before and while it *can* be a 2 hour trip, it can be close to 6 hours as well. When hubby and I visited last year - Paul drove and it was 5 1/2 hours. No wrong turns at all - this is just how slowly the Tokyo traffic can be. But - I am hoping she will miss the first big traffic surge by leaving this early. There was little choice though because Boomer is supposed to be at the quarantine office to be cleared at 11am (midnight EST) - his flight leaves 4:20pm (3:30amEST Wednesday morning)

I have said my prayers for their safety on that first part of the trip - now wish I could relax!:eek:

I had written it before but Boomer may be in that crate for as long as 30+ hours with all the appointments, drive and wait time is added in. I don't get him until 10:30 or so tomorrow night!! This is why Missy has been soooo worried about sending him - worrying that the flight would be way too stressful for him. She was scared when I spoke to her, too.

But, it is one long day/night in his life and then he should never have to fly again. I will give him all the time he needs to recover in peace - before he meets the rest of the sirrah kitties and explores the whole house! If he is happiest in that room, he can just stay there as long and as often as he wants. Also - once Missy knows he is here and when she and Tyler arrive and see their kitty - all of this will have been worth it.:)

Tomorrow - we can watch his progress on the graphical flight map. Boomer might sleep for the next day and a half...but I don't think GrandMeowmie will sleep much:rolleyes:

09-13-2005, 07:01 PM
Boomer will be ok. There is enough going on around him to keep him entertained. I'm betting once he settles in on the plane he sleeps. ;)
Just had a thought, when he gets home, just leave a little bit of food out because he might otherwise gulp a hugh amount down and then it comes back up again because he was so hungry.
I'm betting he will be one busy kitty in the litter box after not using one for 30 hrs.:eek:

09-13-2005, 07:14 PM
Happy kitty-in-flight prayers are being sent up!

09-13-2005, 07:29 PM
Wishing him the best luck with his flight!! Let us know the minute he gets in.

09-13-2005, 08:03 PM
What time is Boomer due to arrive here in the USA ? I hope I am home from work then, Please take many pictures..as Im sure we will all wait to see the" little traveler".:) Best Wishes Boomer!!

09-13-2005, 08:21 PM
Boomer will get in late tomorrow night - it will be midnight or so before we get back home with him - I will try to be good about getting an update posted - but it might be Thursday sorry! He is on his way now - but that means on the car trip to Tokyo - the LONG plane trip does not even begin for many hours.

Earlier in this thread - Missy put a link that shows the graphical map of his flight. Also - Phred broke down all the times and stuff and that thread is in General here (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=87707) That thread really has lots of updates and information too. :D

Thanks for checking on him!:)

Daisy and Delilah
09-13-2005, 11:16 PM
Thoughts and prayers for Boomer to have a very safe and comfortable flight to the US. Hang in there beautiful boy. We can't wait to hear about your safe arrival. Godspeed to all of you:)

09-14-2005, 12:40 AM
We're home! Right about now Boomer is probably at the Continental pet boarding place waiting for his flight. My cargo rep said that they would take him from us and get him some food and it sounded like he would get the opportunity to play a little (yeah right, like he's gonna play. He spent most of the car trip hunkered down in the corner of his crate but did sniff around a little while we walked around the airport. It was a 3.5 hour trip out there and a 2 hour trip back to the base.

His plane leaves Japan for New Jersey in 2 hours and I have every confidence in the capable pet reps at Continental airlines :)
I hated saying good bye to my Boomer, but I know that he will be with his grandmeowmie and grandpawpie soon :)
Thank you to everyone who's prayers and financial help made this trip possible!!!

09-14-2005, 01:29 AM
Aww....glad the first part is over.

The site says he'll be leaving in 2 hours 21 minutes to Newark! Arriving at 3:52 p.m. (eastern time)

Good luck, sweetie! We'll be praying for you!!!

09-14-2005, 03:11 AM
so far his flight has been delayed by a whole hour due to maintenance :(

09-14-2005, 03:53 AM
Argh! This is the first time I've logged on since yesterday morning, early and all I could think about all day was BOOMER!

Poor little guy is probably wondering what the heck is going on! Hang in there, Boomer, take a nice long nap and soon you will be with your gramma and on the ground again!

Lots of prayers and good thoughts for you, sweet boy.

Cinder & Smoke
09-14-2005, 04:03 AM

It's going to be difficult to keep EVERYONE curent on Boomer's Adventure
using TWO or more different threads ...

Let's PLEASE put ALL the Boomer UppieDates on this thread in GENERAL:

"Sirrahsim and Boomer" (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&postid=1258329#post1258329)

As of 5:00 AM EASTERN TIme -
Boom and the Plane are still on the GROUND -
the Plane's Busted!


09-14-2005, 04:13 AM
Rats. Somebody fix it, please!

09-14-2005, 08:59 AM
The one Phred posted is working :) See Sirrahsim and Boomer (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?s=&threadid=87707)

Phred's links will take you to the cuurent tracking and current flight - sometimes they work and sometimes not

09-14-2005, 09:33 AM
I'm glad to see they are up in the air :)
I noticed at 5:30 a.m. they werent :(

K & L
09-14-2005, 09:42 AM
OK, I didn't quite get what I was looking at for the flight plan!:rolleyes: Where's Boomer now? I'm just too excited for this guy.

09-14-2005, 09:48 AM
You know, sometimes my cats stay in the same tiny spot in the closet, all day long. If they didn't have to eat, they would remain there, I am sure.

Boomer is safe and snug as a bug in a rug, being in the container. He is safer than any cat outside, right now. He has (or had) an attendant and has food and water.... I do wonder if he will use the pad for his litter. I would have put absorbant paper litter in the bottom of his container. The kind that you put in bunnie's boxes. It looks like capok (sp?)....anyway, he will be fine. He might need a little "sprucing up" after that trip, but he will get such special loving once he arrives and gets into his own bedroom! What luxury. I bet someone will sleep with him too.....

I will check back here, to see how the flying thing is going...

I just can't wait. Too bad he cannot tell us about his journey. We will have to rely on the airlines folks for their reports.....

Behave Boomer. Someone will come to save you from all of this, soon!


09-14-2005, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by K & L
OK, I didn't quite get what I was looking at for the flight plan!:rolleyes: Where's Boomer now? I'm just too excited for this guy.

Phred's link in General will open up a map that shows the route with a line - look for the little airplane - it is over Alaska right now. Phred is keeping things updated there. That guy must wear many hats :D I missed the little plane at first too:p

K & L
09-14-2005, 11:13 AM
OK, got it!! Thanks!