View Full Version : A walk in the neighborhood

09-09-2005, 03:41 PM
Sorry it took me so long to post some pics.

I know, it's been almost two weeks.

You can see that Frankie has grown a lot.

I love my little boogers!

I purchased a coupler and it's great to walk both of them at the same time.






09-09-2005, 03:46 PM
They are always so darn cute!!!

Ginger's Mom
09-09-2005, 03:54 PM
Aww, your kids are both so cute. It looks like Frankie is trying to be the leader on their walks, huh? I never noticed that Beenie was brindle before. What a pretty girl.

Yesterday Ginger and I went for a walk and met two new doggies that moved in the next street over, about two weeks ago. They are Boston Terriers, a 3-year old boy named Mugsy, and a 2 1/2 year old girl named Daisy. Ginger and Mugsy were friendly with each other, Daisy was very scared and kept trying to run as far away from as she could. They were so cute. But quite honestly, not as cute as our Frankie and Beenie.

09-09-2005, 04:13 PM
:D Such Darn cutie pies.. Call out the Cutie Patrol here.. Hey how is the ear problem doing?

09-09-2005, 04:16 PM
Wow, look at Frankie, he's getting so big. Frankie and Beenie are the best Boston's around. That's cool that you can take them both now for a walk. Do they have those things for 3 dogs???

09-09-2005, 04:21 PM
Gingersmom: I think he's trying to be the alpha dog. Beenie is persistent. I don't think she will let him. She still pulls him on our walks.

lvpets2002: Still floppy. I posetd another thread a few minutes ago called One flop ear with pictures of the floppy ear. He isn't in pain so I guess it's just a growth thing.

Gemini9961: Yeah, he is getting bigger. He eats more than Beenie does. I didn't see a coupler for 3 dogs but I guess you could get two and hook them together. I'm sure they are available somewhere, if not.... Mmmm you should make one and get a patent! ;)

09-09-2005, 04:24 PM
Originally posted by beeniesmom
Gemini9961: Yeah, he is getting bigger. He eats more than Beenie does. I didn't see a coupler for 3 dogs but I guess you could get two and hook them together. I'm sure they are available somewhere, if not.... Mmmm you should make one and get a patent! ;)

Good idea!! I have to walk the girls and then Grant, I tried all 3 and that was a mess!!

09-09-2005, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by gemini9961
Good idea!! I have to walk the girls and then Grant, I tried all 3 and that was a mess!!

They do sell them for 3 dogs, you may just have to look around a bit, they are a little harder to find but they do have them.

09-09-2005, 04:28 PM
cute cute cute!:D Frankie has sure grown alot!

09-09-2005, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by lv4dogs
They do sell them for 3 dogs, you may just have to look around a bit, they are a little harder to find but they do have them.

Cool, I'll have to shop around. I'd like to take all 3 without losing an arm or getting tangled up.

09-09-2005, 04:36 PM
Cute pics! :)

09-09-2005, 06:13 PM
Your little boogers are SOOO cute! A friend of mine has the coupler leash and she loves it - works very well.

Cute photos!!!

09-09-2005, 07:34 PM
oh man so cute! I love bostons. I bought a coupler when I got alki but its been missing for weeks!!! it is so helpful when I have both of them... Im about ready to buy a new one because I get so tangled up otherwise lol I bet the neighbors laugh at me through their windows hahaha

09-09-2005, 08:45 PM
Tell them they need to pull mommy on down to our neighborhood! ;) Come on Beens & Franks, there's two of you now, you can do it. :P

Cute pictures, Carmen. :)

09-10-2005, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by veegan
oh man so cute! I love bostons. I bought a coupler when I got alki but its been missing for weeks!!! it is so helpful when I have both of them... Im about ready to buy a new one because I get so tangled up otherwise lol I bet the neighbors laugh at me through their windows hahaha

I know the feeling of getting tangled up! It took us a while to be able to walk without tripping the momma!

Daisy and Delilah
09-10-2005, 10:31 PM
I bet everybody wants to meet and greet Beenie and Frankie on their walks. Good thing I don't live closer or those two might be in my car, going home with me. LOL;) ;) ;) Oh wait a minute.......don't we live pretty close? Maybe there's still a chance:D

09-11-2005, 06:03 PM
Omg, those two are to cute for their own good. What a pair you have! I love them.:D

09-11-2005, 10:23 PM
i love bostons

09-11-2005, 11:53 PM
I used to take all three of mine for a walk it was a struggle. But then I put the 2 newfys on the coupler and Merlin on just his leash(he was so much better at obediance than the big kids) I got really strange looks 2 newfys and a springer being walked buy a 5'2" 160 Lb women. People used to watch for us and just shake their heads. Now I just don't have the heart to walk that path too many people still ask about Merlin, I still have trouble talking about him.
Frankie is really growing. Mom wanted a Boston when T-bone came in to her life (doxie)