View Full Version : C/P Dog Is in Shelter/Why the UGH

09-05-2005, 10:03 AM
The cairn terrier/Poodle is in a shelter .... so is the shizu I mentioned. I dont know about the designer Breeds..But its a small dog in a shelter about 1hour and 1/2 from me. and I hope to be able to ck on it tue. What is a designer Breed?? A designer breed would cost alot of money to buy wouldnt it? I would rather get one from a shelter and have that money to use for the animal.
Are they not a good breed to have one person said UGH..

09-05-2005, 10:07 AM
A designer breed is just a mixed breed with a new name and then sold for a lot of money. The breeder is in it for the money and nothing else.

09-05-2005, 10:14 AM
Here is a link with a little bit of info on designer dog breeds

09-05-2005, 10:26 AM
"Designer breed" = mutt for which one is being charged too much money, usually bred by someone who doesn't care about the quality or health of the pups.

That's why the "ugh."

But what someone else labels a "designer breed" is sometimes just an accidental breeding, not an intentional money-maker.

Could my big brother's dog be labeled a designer breed, if someone pretended they wanted a "vanilla husky" so intentionally bred a yellow Lab with a husky? Sure, but Nilla is just Nilla, the former pound pup with goofy ears.

09-05-2005, 10:27 AM
Thanks Jamie, that was an enlightening article.. I have seen ads in the paper of mixed breeds for high dollar prices and wondered about it..And I think its because the public is so unaware of the practice going on.
I really do like the poodle breeds,sorry. I wanted to get one for a long time, but not willing to pay that kind of price for one. I will ck on this little dog and see how it is.
I think its a shame they prey on these mixes as a money maker but they arent making money in the shelter, so I dont mind getting one there. Its 80 to 100 dollars to adopt at the shelter.

09-05-2005, 10:31 AM
It's "breeders" that take 2 different breeds of dog and breed them then give them a new name. It's a mixed breed with a fancy name to make money. They are always tremendously overpriced. Usually more than a pure bred. They do this with cats too. We were looking at some cats. And there was a "breed" there I had never heard of called a Sabby. I asked what the heck is a sabby?
And was told, "Oh it's a new breed" I said "really and what breed did she come from" Then I was told "Her mother was a Savanah and her father an Abyssinian." I said "So it's a mixed breed then" And was told "Oh no it is a NEW BREED"

Uh huh, sure it is. Thief, rogue, idiot, con. I could think of a few other words too. They were charging $3500.00 for her. And the pure bred Abyssinians and Savannahs were $1500.00. This is what they do. Stick a pretty new name on a mixed breed and look for people with a sucker sign on their foreheads. People that say "oh wow look at that. I bet no one has one of those. We will be the first to have this lovely new breed of animal." And the "breeder" takes their money and is laughing in their faces and all the way to the bank.

09-05-2005, 10:56 AM
"Oh it's a new breed" I said "really and what breed did she come from" Then I was told "Her mother was a Savanah and her father an Abyssinian." I said "So it's a mixed breed then" And was told "Oh no it is a NEW BREED"

I see what you all mean..I really think the public is stupid for that, and am glad to know the difference. M I bet you could have laughed in his face..lol..I couldnt afford those kind of prices any way.. New Breed,,ummm, poor babies,money greedy people..

Any way all I knew was the name and that she is in a shelter and I hope to get her..lol..so keep your fingers crossed..lol...If you would please??..lol..Im not a high dollars person, even if I do spend more on Sammyj than anythig else..(My youngest daughter said she is jealous.lol..) hes sooooooo worth it..lol..
I think these poor ones that end up in the shelter deserve as much love as any other mutt we may get. My sammyj is a mut..bischon and shizu...and i love him dearly

09-05-2005, 04:49 PM
Poofy, was your original question about the price of these dogs?
Designer mixes in shelters are no different from any other dog, so they'll always have the same low adoption fee. The adoption fee varies depending on where you live, but, generally, they cost around 200$ or less.

09-05-2005, 05:32 PM
no i was asking what they looked like..lol..in this particular shelter the highest price is 100 dollars..there are some private shelters that are more..
No just wanted to find out about them..sigh..only got 1 pic of a very cute one , but no infor..:confused: :)

09-05-2005, 05:38 PM
Designer breeds all look different, they are mutts so there is no standard. Often times backyard breeders that produce deisgner breeds will say that they are "unique" and that is why they are so expensive. Every dog is unique! And every mixed breed looks different! I don't understand why people will shell out a crazy amount of money to buy a designer breed, when there are plenty of unique mixed breeds at your local shelter.

Good luck with the dog you want at the shelter!

Ginger's Mom
09-06-2005, 05:45 AM
Hi poofy, I know nothing about that particular mix. I had a rescued poodle/spitz mix, which was the smartest, sweetest dog I have met. My sister has a Cairn terrier, he is also very sweet and pretty smart. I do not remember him having any particular odor. Both of those breeds are fairly high energy. But, as Uabasoon has said with mixed breed dogs it is pretty hard to predict what the dog will look or act like as they get older. Were you trying to get a rough idea how big it would be? What it's hair would look like?

When I read your initial post I assumed that both of the dogs that you were talking about were at the shelter (you have not been here long, but you seem like someone who would rescue). And I was surprised that someone brought up designer breeds. However, it has since caused me to do some web searching, and I was surprised. What an eye opener :eek:, people are willing to "breed" any dog you want :mad:. :(

09-06-2005, 09:40 AM
(When I read your initial post I assumed that both of the dogs that you were talking about were at the shelter (you have not been here long, but you seem like someone who would rescue). And I was surprised that someone brought up designer breeds. However, it has since caused me to do some web searching, and I was surprised. What an eye opener , people are willing to "breed" any dog you want . )

Yes your right they are both in shelters.. I to went searching and was - uknow appaled at the way they are turning out these puppies for "designer breeds" and acting like its nothing.I went on one site, that was selling goldenoodles like they were pancakes..it was appalling.And no cking of ref or where they kept or mother or father, a couple did ask about mother, but then later on said they just wanted them flown to them, as long as people are willing to pay for this it will just get worse..My originall post was to ask about the carianT/poodle and the oder i had heard that shizus had and have since learned that shizus have allergies that cause yeast infection, if not treated, that is what causes orders and im sure dosnt help thier health. Have just looked up the carian t and poodles temperment, and its like they said you have to go with it to see what you get..I have a sweet little mutt, hes part bischon/shizu, and he is the most awsome sweetie I could have ever wanted..lol..he even lets me snuggle him and baby him and rock him..lo..he puts up with me..lol..thank you for your input..I always thought there was something wrong with intentionaly breeding of diffrent breeds. And feel more so since i have been cking into it..PJ:)