View Full Version : Can you believe this!

03-09-2002, 07:20 AM
:eek:I took Roxey out for a walk (RUN!) this morning & left Angus in the house (too old to run, gets tired really fast..what do you expect, he's 10 1/2!). He throws a fit if I leave him outside, well...I guess he threw one in the house too! My husband was sleeping, & when we got home Angus was in the bedroom with him. He said he was in the middle of the livingroom HOWLING! Can you believe that? When we took them to get groomed, the lady also said when they were in seperate rooms they howled back & forth! He never did that before with our Chow! I guess he thought his little baby girl was gone:( What a goober!
Hey if you get tired of me talking about them...just let me knowhttp://www.photogra.com/index.cfm?p=PA&cat=Dogs&CatID=205&Parentcat=Animals%20%26%20Pets

03-09-2002, 08:09 AM
We don't get tired of it :D We enjoy reading about everyones babies. I have something similar to you. I take my younger dog out for a run, I leave the older one home (hes about 16) cause he doesn't run at all, just kinda walks, and he gets tired. He doesn't howl, but he does have this sad look like "take me?" then you take him and he gets tired so fast, and just take him home, so I usually don't take him now, cause then Jo doesnt get the run she needs

03-09-2002, 09:20 AM
My Husky/Shep Cody actually ATE her way out of the interior window shutters and screens, and was waiting for us in the driveway the first time I DARED to leave her alone, as I took her new Lab sister puppy Star to the vet! After her life long Labbie sister and best friend Jingles passed away, Cody would stand atop the sand dunes on the beach where they once played and howl, and howl, and howl.....So heartbreaking. You're not alone!!! And we love sharing our stories, and reading about those NAWTEEE DAWG TALES!!:) You and your group fit in perfectly!!:)

Anna....I just posted a reply on your other thread re: your baby's waking you up early every day! Now this....Are you sure we're not sharing the same dogs??:D:D:D

03-09-2002, 01:48 PM
Smudge and Winter do the same thing actually, they don't howl though they whine and sulk if I take one of them out and leave the other one home. It's really bad if I'm taking Smudge to a trail or something because Winter seems to know that her bro gets to do something fun while she's stuck at home with the family, and Smudge whines more on nights when Winter has classes.

It's even worse if we take them both with us though because then the other one can hear me working it's sibling and stars to whine and bark and stuff...which means it's going to be really interesing to night at the agility practice.