View Full Version : Prayers needed for my new addition, Jimmy, he has heartworm.

My Peanuts
08-31-2005, 12:20 PM
Here is the original post about Jimmy so everyone can see what a terrible life this poor guy had. Jimmy's thread (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?threadid=87420).

Well, I was afraid of this. Jimmy has heartworm, but the vet is pretty sure we can cure him. I always thought most dogs with heartworm die, but our vet said Jimmy should be fine. I got a call this morning with the results and I was so scared. They had me bring Jimmy in right away to be retested. Then the vet came in and told me it only takes two shots to fix most of the time. Whew! I feel better now. Jimmy already had one of the shots this morning. They go in his back and he HATED it. Poor guy. They gave me something to calm him down tomorrow morning because he has to have the other shot tomorrow. We won't know if the shots worked until the spring when he gets retested. The vet said even if it didn't there are other options.

Please pray that Jimmy gets rid of his heartworm and that the shot doesn't hurt him too much tomorrow morning. On the plus side, Jimmy would have died if I didn't rescue him when I did. I guess it's fate that he's with me:)

08-31-2005, 12:24 PM
oh I am so sorry for You and Jimmy.
I hope he'll be cured without too much disconfort.
You really did save him.

08-31-2005, 12:37 PM
Good luck!
Wow, they must of come a long way with a cure for heartworm. Last year I only knew of 2 treatments, both were time consuming with multiple injections, days or weeks apart and months of quiet time for the dog. Then re-tests like every few months for a year or 2.

Thats great that all he needs is 2 shots, 2 days in a row.

Can't they re-test in 6 months?

My Peanuts
08-31-2005, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by lv4dogs
Thats great that all he needs is 2 shots, 2 days in a row.

Can't they re-test in 6 months?

I don't know if they can. The vet said Spring, so I assume that's the soonest possible.

08-31-2005, 12:51 PM
Poor Jimmy :(

Try not to worry though. The heartworm treatment is pretty hard on them, but I've seen it successful way more times than not. Actually, in the past 5 years at the shelter, we've done many, many, many heartworm treatments and every dog so far has made it. At the vet clinic where I work, I've seen several dogs go through the treatment too. Some of them have a harder time than others (even a few complications), but they've all made it there too. I do know it is harder on smaller dogs, so just be sure he's put on bed rest for 5-7 weeks so his heart rate doesn't go up while everything is getting out of his system.

I've had several fosters that I've taken through heartworm treatment and my friend has two 3 lb. Chihuahuas that just went through it. They're all doing great now!

You are Jimmy's angel for sure. Good luck with getting him healthy again. He'll be back to normal in no time and all this will soon be a distant memory.

And I just want to say that you have the CUTEST group of dogs EVER! What a sweet-looking family!

08-31-2005, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by My Peanuts
I don't know if they can. The vet said Spring, so I assume that's the soonest possible.

I wasn't thinking, spring isn't too far away. I can't believe how fast this year has went.

My Peanuts
08-31-2005, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by lv4dogs
I wasn't thinking, spring isn't too far away. I can't believe how fast this year has went.

LOL, I didn't realize that either. 6 months will be March! :eek:

My Peanuts
08-31-2005, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by aly
Poor Jimmy :(

Try not to worry though. The heartworm treatment is pretty hard on them, but I've seen it successful way more times than not. Actually, in the past 5 years at the shelter, we've done many, many, many heartworm treatments and every dog so far has made it. At the vet clinic where I work, I've seen several dogs go through the treatment too. Some of them have a harder time than others (even a few complications), but they've all made it there too. I do know it is harder on smaller dogs, so just be sure he's put on bed rest for 5-7 weeks so his heart rate doesn't go up while everything is getting out of his system.

I've had several fosters that I've taken through heartworm treatment and my friend has two 3 lb. Chihuahuas that just went through it. They're all doing great now!

You are Jimmy's angel for sure. Good luck with getting him healthy again. He'll be back to normal in no time and all this will soon be a distant memory.

And I just want to say that you have the CUTEST group of dogs EVER! What a sweet-looking family!

Thanks Aly. I never knew any dogs that had it or went through treatment. The vet said the same thing. He couldn't think of one dog that didn't make it. I like those odds. Still, I wish poor Jimmy knew I was doing this to help him.

08-31-2005, 01:43 PM
You're amazing. What a great family you have. :)

I'll keep adorable little Jimmy in my prayers. If he will tolerate the crate, that's your best bet to keep him quiet and still.

Bless you!

Daisy and Delilah
08-31-2005, 02:03 PM
Thoughts, prayers, and well wishes are going out to Jimmy from Florida. We're praying hard for a complete recovery for this little doll. Thanks for giving him a chance!! You're all angels!!

Terry, Daisy and Delilah:)

Ginger's Mom
08-31-2005, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by My Peanuts
Thanks Aly. I never knew any dogs that had it or went through treatment. The vet said the same thing. He couldn't think of one dog that didn't make it. I like those odds.
The organization I work with has had two fosters within the past year that have had to go through heartworm treatment, and both did fine. Just make sure he doesn't get too excited or run around too much for the first two months.

Still, I wish poor Jimmy knew I was doing this to help him.
I am pretty sure he does understand that. ;)
What a lucky boy he is that you came along when you did.

08-31-2005, 05:17 PM
I had read the other post, but forgot to congradulate you on your new addition :D I have an uncle named jimmy!
And also, our neighbor's black lab had heartworms, and was treated, and now lives a happy, healthy life again! We all know Jimmy will make it trough just fine.

08-31-2005, 06:06 PM
Sending prayers and pawsitive thoughts out to Jimmy.

08-31-2005, 07:56 PM
Aw, poor guy! :( Prayers on the way. ((hugs to the both of you))

08-31-2005, 08:11 PM
First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! I missed that thread! Poor guy, he has gone through so much. Well, now he will be wonderful and happy, and live a long and healthy life!

Jimmy and you will be kept in our hearts thoughts and prayers! (((((HUGS)))))

Steph, Jes, and Splinter

08-31-2005, 09:52 PM
I read your other thread yesterday, and that poor guy sure has been through alot! He knows you saved him, he's finally in a place where he is safe and loved, and he can pick up on that from all your other furbabies. He probably thinks he's finally found heaven! Paws crossed and prayers that he'll recover from the heartworm just fine.

08-31-2005, 11:56 PM
After what the poor darling has been through, I'm sure he'll recover from the heartworm with no problem! He sounds like a real trooper! And despite all, is friendly and sweet! I have no doubt he knows you're helping him. Your whole family is awesome! You're very lucky and so are your kids!

09-01-2005, 03:48 AM
hey, how is he today? wagging his tail? :)

ditto k9karen, if he went through the last mission, he could this one too!

I'm glad aly's encouragment has helped you.. I can't wait until I hear he's a one of merry survivors! :)

lotsa of slobbery prayers on way!
..gina, crayola & his furrbarks :D

09-01-2005, 09:46 AM
Sending oodles of get well wishes for a speedy safe


My Peanuts
09-01-2005, 01:42 PM
Jimmy looked bad last night but he looked pretty good this morning, that is until I drugged him. The vet gave me a sedative to give him at 7am for his 9am appointment. He had his second and final shot today. He looks bad again, but that's because of all he's been through. Hopefully he'll look good again tomorrow morning and the healing can begin. He's been eating and drinking, so that's good. He’s on a prednisone twice today and interceptor once. I have him with me at work so I can give him is meds, watch him, and keep him away from crazy Sylvia, Harley, & Morty. The vet said we can retest him after the first of the year.

Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes, Jimmy and me thank you all.

09-01-2005, 02:30 PM
I hope he can get rid of it quickly! There are lots of dogs that have been rescued and cured of heartworm. Don't lose hope. Get well soon, Jimmy!

09-01-2005, 02:35 PM
Oh No! I just saw this thread. You and your family are so wonderful to be helping Jimmy through this, and i'm sure he'll be fine! He sounds like he's been a very strong doggie and now that he's in the best of care he will shine through.

{{HUGS}} to you all and let update us as much as possible. :)

Have you decided on the name Jimmy?

My Peanuts
09-01-2005, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by Kfamr
Oh No! I just saw this thread. You and your family are so wonderful to be helping Jimmy through this, and i'm sure he'll be fine! He sounds like he's been a very strong doggie and now that he's in the best of care he will shine through.

{{HUGS}} to you all and let update us as much as possible. :)

Have you decided on the name Jimmy?

:) Yep, his name is Jimmy. It fits him :D

09-01-2005, 04:50 PM
Oh no, I'm sorry to hear this. I hope Jimmy will be ok, good luck with the treatments!

09-01-2005, 05:24 PM
Jimmy is a very cute little guy.:D After all he's been through
I'm so happy that he now has a great new home with you.
Good luck with the shot treatment tomorrow & I hope Jimmy
recovers quickly & completely. He's quite a dog with a lot of
heart and spirit.:)

09-01-2005, 06:02 PM
me too! hope treatment will be the answer! thinking of you both..

luck hugs,

09-01-2005, 06:06 PM
Fritz and I (Barry) hope Jimmy gets better real soon.It sounds like he wiill live a better place than where he was in the first place.

09-02-2005, 09:33 AM
Oh, I'm so sorry to hear about Jimmy. I just saw the thread about your family getting him and now this. I'm so glad that you are there to take good care of him. Get well soon, Jimmy! We want you around for a long time.