View Full Version : FAO: BCKRAZY & Gonzo (8 pics)

08-24-2005, 09:00 PM
Awhile back you got Gonzo's hair shaved with that cute little racing stripe down the back. I thought it was soooo cute, i went and got the same for Tito. It was done awhile back, but someone ate the USB computer cable (thanks Bo :rolleyes: ) so I couldn't upload them until now. Enjoy :D

Here is before...

And after!

Bo was like "OMG, what did they do to you, you look like a DORK!"

"Who you calling dork?"

"Sowwy BoBo, I wub you and would never hurt you..."

"Awww mom, knock it off, I am trying to eat."

And who could forget Bella, she looks sooo Purdy after the groomers.

"I love having my photo taken. I never play rough and get all dirty, like those dumb boys. Lalalalalala"

08-24-2005, 10:26 PM
:D :D OMFG! how cuuute!! If I may say so, Tito totally rocks the mohawk ~_^! He looks soo adorable... his body when he's shaved totally reminds me of Gonzo. He looks like a red/white Gonzo with curly hair xD! Do you think he's part BC, his markings are exactly like my boy's? heh, I loove the pics of Tito and his brother wrassling, and Bella is beautiful! Did you get alot of strange looks from people? :p I always do.. one lady pulled her car over when I was walking him and seriously asked me why I'm walking a Hyena!! LOL

Gonzy sez Tito looks frickin rad *Bo knows nothing about being cool*... except he needs to represent and spike that! Like so ~~


08-25-2005, 12:39 AM
*Siiiighs* Gawnzo...Yoo and Tito are sooper hawt. I wub the bad-arse racing stripes. Sorta reminds me of my track life :D I tink it's juss anudder sign that we was meant to bee together.

Wub Always,

Miss Gissie

Pee Ess- Bella is gorgeous! Is she a Hav?

08-25-2005, 03:05 AM
That is too funny! I've never seen a doggie mohawk before. I'll bet you did get some strange looks, though.

08-25-2005, 07:11 AM
When we got it done, I had loads of people asking me if thats the way his hair grew??? LOL :eek: He reminds me of an overgrow chihuahua!

BC, I am not sure exactly what breed any of them all, they were all rescues, and here in Spain they don't really fix their animals. So as you can guess, there are A LOT of homeless mixed puppers. The vet said Tito looks pretty far removed from any one breed, but I think I see maybe fox terrier mixed with podenco canario (which is a rabbit hunting dog here, looks like a whippet sort of). But now that you mention it, he does look a little BC, just a bit skinnier.

He is VERY active, and when we move back to Canada I would love to get them all involved in Agility training! Tito would be a champ and Bo is still in the clumsy puppy stage (he's about 1 year old or so). Bella is fast fast fast, but a tad too ditzy for agility training. LOL

One more pic of Tito and Bo all tuckered out.

Ginger's Mom
08-25-2005, 12:53 PM
Jackie, your dogs are all so cute. :) They are each so charming in their own way. What cuties you have. Tito looks totally cool with that hair cut, and Bo definitely still has that puppy charm. And beatiful little Belle, I must admit, if you lived closer I would probably try to snatch that little cutie. ;) Hope you have time to post pictures of them more often.

Suki Wingy
08-25-2005, 04:30 PM
Tito is a Podenco. SOOOO cute!:D

08-25-2005, 05:31 PM
Yep, thats what i think too, but only in a smaller and hairier body! LOL :D

08-25-2005, 05:32 PM
Cute pups! I love that most recently posted photos. :D Do they cuddle a lot?