View Full Version : Bastian

03-05-2002, 09:05 AM
Bastian, what a cutie pie you are. I would love to see you begging to come out of your house and I think you do have your humans wrapped around your little toe. LOL I bet those dogs are mezmerized by you and love to hear you chatter to them.
Congratulations dear, sweet, little Bastian, our Very Best Pet of the Day.

03-05-2002, 10:02 AM
Dear little Bastian - may you never be lonely a moment of your life. What a sweet thing you are and we are all so happy you are our very special Pet of The Day!

03-05-2002, 12:02 PM
What a little bundle of love you are! You look so cute! I hope you enjoy being our special Pet of the Day and get lots of extra goodies today! :D

Sara luvs her Tinky
03-05-2002, 12:30 PM
What a sweet little chinchilla face you have. Congrats for Bastian, the POTD. :D

Sam's My Baby
03-05-2002, 02:35 PM
Bastian you are soo sweet! You are so lucky to have such a nice owner who lovez u lotz! Me and my gerbil Sam want to wish you a very nice day full of treatz and hugz!:)

03-05-2002, 02:37 PM
What an adorable little creature you are! I just wanted to congradulate you on winning, and thank-you for making my day! It isn't every day you see someone named Bastian! I wonder if your owner got the name from The Neverending Story (best move ever made!!!) :p

03-05-2002, 03:03 PM
Oh Bastian, you are so precious and dear I could cry!!!! And Bastian, I REALLY, REALLY have this thing for little critter feet...and your's are the cutest!!! How tiny, teeny-weeny they are!!:) And your lovin, and cuddles and kisses.....well, you're just PERFECT!!! WHAT a lucky human to have the beautiful Bastian bless her/his life!! Congratulations to you sweet, adorable little Bastian, our most loving and gentle little critter Pet of the Day!!! And Bastian, my guinea pig Squeekers is fascinated by his doggie sisters too! Just loves having them sit by his cage!:)

03-05-2002, 08:11 PM

You are an ADORABLE little guy. I love your long
whiskers !!! Congrats on being chosen as today's