View Full Version : Picture for the Calendar??

08-20-2005, 05:00 PM
Can someone help me PLEASE?!

I have so many pictures and I can't choose which I want to use for the calendar I'm creating. I have EVERY single month finished except November because I can't figure out the picture I want to use of my three.

So, if everyone could help me find one of all 3 of them... It'd be much appreciated. I may end up taking some new ones tonight or something.

08-20-2005, 05:02 PM
Can you post the pictures you've got it narrowed down to? You take so many greyt pictures, it's too hard to choose!:p

08-20-2005, 05:26 PM
Originally posted by Giselle
Can you post the pictures you've got it narrowed down to? You take so many greyt pictures, it's too hard to choose!:p
I agree completly! :D LOL! So many amazing pics Kay!

08-20-2005, 05:41 PM
Okay, sorry for wasting board space but I do believe I just took "the one." :p
There's no way I could have chosen an older one, so I just decided to take a few and pick from the few I took.

(You all will see, soon, it's far too big too attach. ;) )

08-20-2005, 05:42 PM
Oh YAY! I'm for sure ready to buy a calender! :D Kay, is there PayPal on Cafepress?