View Full Version : Lucy can't jump up on the new bed.

08-20-2005, 02:00 PM
I would love it if Lucy could sleep with me at night. I just got a new bed today and it's too tall for her. She can't jump up, her bottom just slides right off. I tried putting an ottoman on the side of the bed for her to jump on first but she doesn't try it, she just tries jumping on the bed again. What should I do?

08-20-2005, 02:02 PM
try and coax her up on the bed with a treat

08-20-2005, 02:18 PM
If possible, they have stairs for beds, you may want to look into purchasing some. My neighbors had stairs for their Cocker to come on the bed.

It won't just help her, but will be a lot better on her body.

08-20-2005, 02:30 PM
I would teach her to jump on the ottoman seperately from the bed. Then when she can do that put it beside the bed and have her jump on it, then onto the bed. Also you will want to spend time teaching her to use it to get off the bed as well, since it is so high you don't want to stress her joints by her landing on them from such a distance.

Or like Kay said you can look into places that sell dog stairs specifically for that purpose... the same companies have ramps for dogs too I think.

08-20-2005, 04:18 PM
Thanks for the replies. I wonder where I could get these stairs...guess I will do some research online. I know I planned on teaching her how to get off of the bed safely as well. In her three years, she has NEVER had a problem getting on the bed. This bed is quite a bit taller than our last one though, it's a king size with a taller frame. I hope *crosses fingers* that I can get her to use the ottoman at least until I get the stairs or ramp.