View Full Version : Thinking about "fostering" a puppy!

03-02-2002, 12:39 PM
Hehehe.. wel my m om's friend from work as this puppy that they CANNOT take care of because of their schedual and finacial reasons.... they are goping to bring it to a shelter (no kill) but i D\do NOT want to see that puppy in the shelter.... i dont know what kind it is, and i myself have not seen it... but he says that he just cannot take care of it so my mom said she will think of "fostering it" but knowning my parents... he will be ours lol! Just like wehn we got Simba, he wasnt aloud to do anything but in to time my parents were talking baby to him! so keep all fingers and paws crossed that we get to foster the baby and maybe even keep him!!:D and since my dad stays hom (because he is disabled- he has a bad bad bad bad back) someone will ALWAYS be home with him.:D

03-02-2002, 12:44 PM
Good luck! I'm sure if you just foster it, you'll all get so attached and adopt! :] Take some pics of it sometime and show us?

03-02-2002, 01:21 PM
I hope this works out for you. It would be a great opportunity to help this needy doggy. Don't forget to help Simba with the adjustment from being an only dog to having a foster sibling.

03-02-2002, 01:26 PM
I bet that Simba will be great at being a foster-Dad! Make the intro carefully, of course, and make sure Simba knows he'll always be top dog in your heart! :)

03-02-2002, 01:35 PM
Oh, you are sooo lucky! I was just talking to my mom, about getting a rescued doggy!

I hope that you can keep him! We will keep all fingers, paws, and fins crossed for you! Good luck!:) ;)

Keep us updated!
Sarah, Sadie, & the fishies!:)

03-02-2002, 11:24 PM
Hi KayAnn! I hope you can foster and keep this puppy! I don't know how Simba is with other dogs but I sort of remember him becoming overwhelmed at the dog park. A good idea would be to introduce Simba and the puppy on neutral ground (maybe down the street or something). Then walk them into your home together. It will be a lot easier of a transition opposed to Simba being in his home and watching another dog just waltz right in to his territory.

Also, we tell people at the shelter to be sure to give their adult dogs a break from the puppy. Puppies can get annoying to dogs sometimes. And be sure to spend alone time with the pup and with Simba too so he doesn't feel like he's being replaced.

GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!