View Full Version : Ally attacks again :(

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-09-2005, 12:22 PM
Ally just attacked me again. I was carrying her to the kitchen and she grabbed my hand and bit really hard, whilst scratching with her claws. I have 4 REALLY deap punctures on the back of my left hand. I actually had to sit down on the floor after she let go - I was in so much pain I felt faint. I am sitting here bawling my eyes out. Why does she do this??

Warren is away - he gets back tomorrow. I already know what he is going to say - that a cat with these severe savage behavioural problems cannot be around a baby. (She has bitten almost everyone except Warren, so it's not just me, although her nastiest attacks seem to be reserved for me). There is no way I can hide the bites, plus tomorrow my hand will be bruised and I won't be able to use it properly.

It's like she is twisting a knife in my heart. I love her so much. Why does she keep doing this????

08-09-2005, 12:25 PM
I am sorry to read this Julie!:( Do you need to have your hand checked by the doctor?? I wish I had something to offer - hope those with experience in aggressive kitties can help you more. I do not know why Ally would do this and yes, I imagine it makes you feel so terrible that she does this:(

08-09-2005, 12:27 PM
I'm so sorry about Ally. The only thing I can suggest is to possibly put her on medication...this may help?

08-09-2005, 12:33 PM
I am so sorry. It sounds just awful. Have you tried putting her on a behavioral medicine? It might be a comprimise for you.

08-09-2005, 01:28 PM
I am so sorry to hear this! How long has she been acting that way? Is it because of the new baby and the changes that she has noticed? Do these attacks only happen when she is being carried?

08-09-2005, 01:43 PM
Oh Julie, I'm sorry to hear about your hand and about how naughty Ally is being.

I wonder too...does she only bite when she is being handled or is it at other times as well.

I know when I was working to try to socialize Merlin (who turned out to be someone's cat from up the street) I noticed that he would become aggressive and hiss and try to bite when he became over stimulated. If you pet him too much or tried to be around him he would get very aggitated. I later found out that that was his nature...he was like that with his other family.

I wonder if Ally becomes over stimulated by being petted or handled and this is how she reacts by biting.

I would try some calming agents with her. I know of Rescue Remedy, Pet Calm and Content Tablets that can be used as well as I would even try the Feliaway with her.

If you have trouble getting these types of things I would be happy to ship some to you. I just need your address again.

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-09-2005, 01:44 PM
Some more info:

1. I don't think it can be related to the new baby - nothing has chnaged in the house yet (although I know some animals can sense pregnancy etc), but Ally has a history of this - and there is no pattern or specific trigger event

2. I have discussed medication with the vet here. Vet care is very outdated here (we have ONLY JUST got animal antibiotics in a "vitamin cream" form here in the last few months. Ally is impossible to pill, and the vet here will not look into the possibility of mixing the medication into a compound to apply to her skin.

3. Feliway plugins made no noticable difference.

4. It's not related to being carried - she will attack my arm or wrist if she is laying on my lap, or my ankles and feet if she is on the floor - it is unprovoked and vicious - she does NOT let go!!

5. I am up-to-date with Tetenus, and have washed with an antibiotic soap and now have an ice pack on and off, to try and reduce the swelling.

I am just so worried that Warren will put his foot down and say that she has to go. I love her so much.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
08-09-2005, 01:56 PM
I'm so sorry, Ally. It sounds like you've tried all the normal remedies to help calm her so I have no idea what to try next. :(

08-09-2005, 02:11 PM
5. I am up-to-date with Tetenus, and have washed with an antibiotic soap and now have an ice pack on and off, to try and reduce the swelling.

You really need to get on antibiotics today. Reese bit me two weeks ago - just one puncture wound. I saw the doctor within 2 hours, and started on antibiotics. I still had considerable swelling and pain over the next two days.

Please don't wait on this. It could get bad enough you would need IV meds.

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-09-2005, 02:17 PM
Originally posted by Grace
You really need to get on antibiotics today. Reese bit me two weeks ago - just one puncture wound. I saw the doctor within 2 hours, and started on antibiotics. I still had considerable swelling and pain over the next two days.

Please don't wait on this. It could get bad enough you would need IV meds.
Thanks - I'll have to see how it is in the morning - it's 10:30 at night here, and I don't want to go to an emergency clinic as:

1. it will totally freak Warren out and
2. I want to check with my OBGYN first before I take anything:(

08-09-2005, 02:17 PM
I wish I could offer advice :(. Spook sometimes attacks unprovoked, but I can tell with her that she is really trying to play but she thinks she can be as rough with us as she is with Remus. She will pounce on our feet and bite hard, but Ive noticed that if we react like a momcat with a misbehaving kitten she backs off. Spook never draws blood though.

I hope you can come to a solution, as it seems that you do love your kitty very much.

08-09-2005, 02:47 PM
Julie, what about a large stuffed toy for Ally....maybe she could take her aggression out on the toy.

When she attacks could you maybe spray her with water...maybe she will eventually learn that what she is doing is not nice.

I hope your hand is OK. I know what you are going through with that. My mom's cat Lillie-Mae bit me with all 4 fangs a few years ago....we were trying to medicate her.

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-09-2005, 02:53 PM
Originally posted by catlover4ever
Julie, what about a large stuffed toy for Ally....maybe she could take her aggression out on the toy.

LOL Meg.....

I think you have a webcam into my kitchen. Ally will lie around when she is in a bad mood, GLARING at me or Connor, and LITERALLY RIP THE STUFFING out of all her stuffed toys, and even the cat beds. Little b&*(( has some serious anger issues:(

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-09-2005, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by catlover4ever

If you have trouble getting these types of things I would be happy to ship some to you. I just need your address again.

Thanks for the offer - you are such an angel (((HUGS))). I actually think she needs a personality transplant.

Anyone have ANY idea if it would be HUMANE and POSSIBLE to have her incisors "blunted"a bit by the vet??? I can't help but think that if they weren't so damn sharp they wouldn't do quite so much damage???

08-09-2005, 02:58 PM
OMG, I'm so very sorry to hear about Ally. You say she has a history of doing this...have you had her since kittenhood? I'm wondering if it's a neurological problem in the brain as opposed to anger issues?

Please take care of that bite and let us know in the morning how you are feeling.

08-09-2005, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Ally Cat's Mommy

Anyone have ANY idea if it would be HUMANE and POSSIBLE to have her incisors "blunted"a bit by the vet??? I can't help but think that if they weren't so damn sharp they wouldn't do quite so much damage???

It sure would not hurt to ask.....How about removing them. ;) :rolleyes: I'm just kidding. ;)

Julie, I actually use a large stuffed mouse for Smokey....he has some minor issues.....he is nothing like Ally.

08-09-2005, 05:03 PM
I'm sorry to hear that it is still happening.

I know how painful, frustrating and scary it can be because Ripley has attacked me many times. One vet diagnosed him with Feline Rage when he was less than a year old but only offered putting him on female hormones as a help. I didn't do that. Neutering did nothing to calm him, Feliway never helped his attacks but it did help him cope with new cat additions. Age is really the only thing that slowed down his attacks but they were still just a vicious. He finally stopped attacking me after I brought in the other cats, of course he was 10 years old at the time so who knows which was the factor.

One suggestion. To get him off of me I would have to spray him with water. I sometimes could get away before he latched on to me by hitting him with a pillow or just throwing one at him as he pounced but I usually wasn't quick enough. The other thing I learned if a spray bottle wasn't close enough I could spit on him to get him to release his bite. I know this is gross but it worked. Of course when you are being attacked and in pain it's hard to work up much spit sometimes. Sorry but that is all I have to offer.

I do understand how you feel though. It's very difficult to deal with and solve. (((HUGS)))

08-09-2005, 06:21 PM
Our Millie is aggressive too. She's been that way since she was a baby. We find that giving her more toys helps (so more stuffed animals, especially those with catnip - catnip wears them out after playing a while.) You could have her incisors filed down - I've been told others have done this. Your vet will likely want to use anesthesia as if it were a regular dental, so be prepared for risks in case, but this may be a viable option.

08-09-2005, 07:06 PM



08-09-2005, 09:27 PM
I'm sorry to hear about Ally. It reminded me of a cat that was adopted from our adoption center. She was so vicious I was afraid of her and we used leather gloves to return her to her cage.

A saint adopted her, took her to the vet, and found out that she had numerous infected teeth. The first vet didn't "notice" the severe dental problem. Once her teeth were taken care of, she calmed down.

My point is that her rage could possibly be the result of internal pain. Is it possible you could go for a second opinion?

08-09-2005, 09:45 PM
It sounds as if you have been trying everything reasonable. I agree having another vet check her out would be good...(and be careful of the bite I got between two of my cats in a squabble and ended up needing massive antibiorics from a tooth scratch that would probably not have gotten through Jack's fur!).

My sister had a cat that attacked the way you are describing. One day it climbed in my lap, rubbed on my cheek and bit me through the lip. Well, I screamed, chased the cat, caught her and bit her in the ear (pinched, really...I didn't draw blood) until she squeaked. The cat never attacked me again and when she was ill I was the only one who could pill her without damage. She actually became pleasant with me. Now, I don't know if you dare to try this with your cat, but maybe some reaction that gave her back a negative consequence and re-established her place in the colony would help. If she can be brought to see you are a dominant member of the colony she will respect your "kitten" too....

Good luck!

08-10-2005, 12:52 AM
Julie, I'm so sorry to hear this.:( I don't have any suggestions for you but I sure hope that you'll be able to find a solution for her aggressive behavior. Please take care of your hand asap and continue to keep us updated when you can. Good luck.

08-10-2005, 07:56 AM
If your vet will not consider making a cream with a behavior modify agent, have him just write the prescription. A human pharmacy would be able to make the same thing for you (and probably charge less).

08-10-2005, 08:11 AM

Have you tried a prescription from the vet?? It might be worth it as a last resort to take her to the vet and see if there's something that can calm her down. It's obvious the over the counter remedies don't work.

Also, PLEASE be careful with that bite!! Cat bites are very nasty and can get infected within 24 hours. I've been bitten 3 times. Only once did I have to go to the ER.

Please be careful. If all this means rehoming her, then you have to do what is in everyone's best interest. I've had to do it 3 times. Yeah, it broke my heart, but everyone is much happier.

I wish you well honey. Please keep us posted.

08-12-2005, 01:39 PM
- Bumping this to the top. -

Has anyone heard anything from Julie? How is her hand?

Ally Cat's Mommy
08-12-2005, 01:45 PM
Hi Grace. Thanks for thinking of me! And thanks to all of you for the responses and caring so much!!

LUCKILY my hand hasn't become infected - it is still bruised and very sore, but there is none of the "heat" or redness usually caused by infection.

I was able to make sure Warren didn't notice - until yesterday when a well-intentioned neighbor asked in front of him "Goodness what happened to your hand??":rolleyes:

Of course he freaked out, but I told him that I was playing with her and she got a bit over-excited.

I am seriously going to talk to the vet about having her incisors filed down a bit.