View Full Version : A cats sense of time!

02-24-2002, 02:17 PM
Here’s a story about a cat in Germany. We don’t know whether it was a male or female. This cat always went out at 6 o’clock every evening, but every monday evening, he didn’t go out until 7.45pm. He had to be back at 7.00 in the morning, because his owner then went to work.

One day the owner decided to find out why he went out early on mondays. He found that the cat walked down to a cellar window in town and watched a group of nurses play tabletennis every monday! Another thing he noticed was, that if the cat came at 6.55 in the morning, he would walk slowly up the path. But if he came at 6.58 he would be running! Does this prove that cats have a fantastic sense of time!? :cool:

Does your cat have a sense of time??

Ps. We're late sleepers here - if possible, so Fister has been well "trained" and won't wake us until late! :D

Former User
02-24-2002, 02:22 PM
Clever cat that is :D

Casper and Kitty (but esp. Casper) has a sence of time. My husband comes home for lunch at 12:30 and few minutes before that, Casper starts meowing, like telling to me that daddy is on his way home.
Same is then when he finishes work, that's 17:30. Then Casper gets really cute, he goes next to the (out going) door and meows and looks at me. When I hear my husband on the stairs, I open the door and let Casper run to say hi to daddy.

02-24-2002, 04:24 PM
Randi, I am jealous! My Trevor wakes me up according to HIS sense of time and believe me it's not in sync with mine! :rolleyes: He is, however, very consistent in the morning. I think sunlight and the birds chirping have a lot to do with it. :rolleyes:

02-24-2002, 08:45 PM
Randi, all of my furkids have the same sense of time, becaus they definitely remember when it is feeding time.:D Also , the earlier I feed them that the same time as the previous early feeding becomes a permanent reminding time, because they all eventually gather around me regardless of what I'm doing. They all do have a definite sense of timing and it is not limited to only a few of them, but they all get involved.


Former User
02-25-2002, 02:03 AM
Wayne, that reminded me, we gave Casper and Kitty food a bit earlier the other night (special occasion), and I coulnd't believe when they both expected to get food the same time next night!!! :eek: :eek:

02-25-2002, 06:57 AM
I used to have a time problem with tsoomi, I used to wake up early for college or work and he got used to wake up with me, but then on saturdays he used to come at 6:00 am to wake me up telling me I'm supposed to get up it's time... he didn't let go, if I turn around he would go to the other side and meow in my face... sometimes when I hide under the blanket he would go to my boyfriend and try to "talk" to him.. Luckily he stopped doing that after a while.

02-25-2002, 02:50 PM
My tabby Tummy is too laid back he just wants to snuggle me.

His mom Suess definantly does. She is an odd cat.

She is half Siamese, she looks like a black and white Siamese cat and has this odd rrrmrrant half meow.

If my alarm doesn't go off she comes in and scolds because we aren't on time :)

It isn't the food, her food is already out by then. She just comes and questions asking whats wrong.

02-25-2002, 07:03 PM
C & K, yes, that is exactly what I'm finding with my furkids. And it only seems to center on feeding time that catches their interest! The only way I have found to break that early cycle of expecting feeding is to not feed them until later, that is after their regular feeding time.:) Snow Tiger poses a problem ever since he go sick on dry cat food, and started barfing it up. Now, I have to feed him separate, or at least try to, from the others. He gets "meaty-goodness" canned cat food. Otherwise, he doesn't eat much of anything unless he sees me eating something and then he wants some too.


02-26-2002, 07:02 AM
Every week morning I'm up at 4:00 a.m. getting reading for work and the furkids are up getting reading to eat. Saturday and Sunday the furkids are up at 4:00 a.m. getting ready to eat:( :(

02-26-2002, 08:00 AM
Originally posted by Casper & Kitty
Same is then when he finishes work, that's 17:30.

Good. I like to see people express time the right way. I say that AM and PM are for folks that never learned to count higher than twelve.

02-26-2002, 08:01 AM
Originally posted by Randi
He found that the cat walked down to a cellar window in town and watched a group of nurses play tabletennis every monday!

A cat with taste.

02-26-2002, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by BigCharles

Good. I like to see people express time the right way. I say that AM and PM are for folks that never learned to count higher than twelve.

Some people might take that as a insult:rolleyes: