View Full Version : I have a question...How can you tell if your rabbit is a girl or boy?

02-24-2002, 01:49 PM
Yes I know....just look at their private areas. Well, I know Grey is a boy because he is fixed. But, Gypsee supposedly is a girl but she humps Grey. Is this behavior normal for girls? LOL. My uncle felt around on her and said she was a girl. BUT SHE HUMPS OTHER BUNNIES! LOL. Is there anyway to find out ON MY OWN if she is a girl or boy? If she does turn out to be a boy, I already have a name, Dusty....but I just want to know for my own mind. It's driving me nuts! :D

Heather Wallace
02-24-2002, 03:05 PM
It isn't unusual for rabbits of the same sex to jump on each other.
You won't really know the sex of a rabbit until it is at least 10 weeks old. I can now tell the sex of rabbits as my own rabbit gave birth to six babies in November.

Males - their opening is more round compaired to the females.
Females - their opening is more slit shaped.

Your best bet is to take them to a vets to find out for sure their sex. Or take them to an animals sanctury who might help you out.
Never take them to a pet shop as the sale can be inexperienced in sexing rabbits.

Hope that helps!

02-24-2002, 04:51 PM

I'm haveing trouble finding out what type of sex my Russian Tortoise is, it's shell covers it pretty well, can anone help? He lives in my back yard during the day, and in the house at night to protect it from Opossums, and Cats.

02-24-2002, 08:40 PM
LOL! A turtle is pretty hard to tell if it's a girl or boy. I don't know how to help you on that....sorry! :(

02-25-2002, 02:38 AM
Years ago when I was little we had a Desert Tortoise named Digby and a Box Turtle named Eloise, if my memory serves me well, I think a female tortoise's shell is flat on the bottom and a male's is concaved I am not too sure. Found this website so maybe it'll help. http://www.russiantortoise.net/

Hope it helps.:)

02-25-2002, 07:12 AM
Funny you asked that. I got 2 bunnies, Boy Boy and Girl Girl, for Christmas. I got them on Dec 8 and they were 7 and 8 weeks. I was told I had a boy and a girl. Two weeks later, Boy Boy got sick and I took him to the hospital and they confirmed he was a boy. Well, I knew soon they had to be fixed but I was waiting for the last minute so they could get older. Three weeks ago I was home sick and I noticed Boy Boy humping Girl Girl. I IMMEDIATELY sent them to the vet to get fixed. About 2 hours later I got a phone call that I did not have a boy and a girl, but 2 girls. They were not humping but showing dominance. So we couldn't change Boy Boy's name because that is the only name he knows and answers to. We tried calling her something else and she just looked at us and had no idea of who we were talking to. But they are fine and getting big. I will post pictures soon. They are litterbox trained and run the house. I just do as I am told. :) Work on your dad. If you bring them in you will find they provide hours of amusement.

02-25-2002, 07:41 AM
Originally posted by ARWMAX

I'm haveing trouble finding out what type of sex my Russian Tortoise is, it's shell covers it pretty well, can anone help? He lives in my back yard during the day, and in the house at night to protect it from Opossums, and Cats.

I think someone told me once, that eye color and leg color can determine the sex of a turtle. Unfortunately, I can't remember what the colors were.... I **THINK** (and don't quote me on this) males have red eyes and brighter spots on their legs while the females have orange eyes and darker spots...

I don't know if that's right--I'll look up some turtle websites to see if I can find the info...

02-25-2002, 04:44 PM
So if my rabbits ARE the same sex that means I wasted $25 for Grey to get fixed. LOL! :p

Heather Wallace
02-25-2002, 05:30 PM
You are better being safe than sorry with the bunnies. Most rabbits of the same sex fight anyway. I had two females and one picked on the other.

You have done the right thing!

02-26-2002, 08:31 AM
They still pick but they LOVE each other. The little one is the bossy one, the other one is laid back and just look at her running around.