View Full Version : Good and bad days

Former User
02-23-2002, 12:59 PM
So, how are your cats (cat) when (s)he having a good and bad day?
When Casper and Kitty are having a normal good day, they both are like little angels, they play a lot together, run like maniacs and just are being cute. :)

When bad day hits, they are little monsters :( and they do everything they can to upset us. Mostly they manage to do it, for example by hanging on the washing or curtains, jumping on to the table (that's no no), punching dry food on the floor or water bowl (this is especially Kitty's job), punching litter on the floor and also poop :mad: etc.
Luckily they're not having bad days everyday... but sometimes it feels like we're living with teenagers here, instead of cats :rolleyes:

02-23-2002, 01:26 PM
My 3 oldest, Leroy, Leonardo, and Luke are pretty much well behaved everyday. Chester is always into every thing. I think it's because he's only a year and half and every thing is still new to him. He wants to see it all and tries to.

When there is going to be a change in the weather, however, all turn into little monsters. They slap each other for no reason, run from room to room, climb on things they know they are not allowed on. It's like having four tiny tornadoes in the house. Even my senior citizen, Leroy, who usually only wants to sleep in the sun or in front of the furnace gets his slaps in.

Chester and Luke have a game called, "Let's scare Mommy to death." They jump on the back of the toilet then on top of the bathroom door. There they teeter back and forth before jumping onto a cabinet several feet away. They like to wait until I'm between the door and cabinet trying to get them down, then leap over my head to the cabinet. I'm going have to teach them to dial the telephone and call an ambulance in case they scare me to death. :)

02-25-2002, 06:51 AM
About the only thing that Yum Yum does bad is she loves to tear up tissue that is in the trashcans. She only does this though when we come home late from work.


02-25-2002, 07:02 AM
C&K, I have words of encouragement for you! :) The bad days will lessen as your little ones get a little older. When Trevor and Andy were the age of Casper & Kitty I often heard the sound of things crashing to the floor. This was very disturbing in the middle of the night because I was often too sleepy to go and investigate. Andy was the main culprit, trying to push whatever he could off the top of any flat surface. :rolleyes: Nowadays they are really good boys and almost never get into trouble. The worst that goes on here nowadays is the early morning wake-up calls that I get from Trevor on the weekends. :rolleyes: He doesn't see the need for me to sleep, whereas he gets about 18 hours a day of it!

03-01-2002, 03:45 AM
Well....mostly Kedi (7 years) is good now aside from trying to get outside too much. He is an indoor kitty only.

Now Wylie (1 year) is a whole OTHER STORY. As I am sitting here writing this at the computer, he just knocked a pile of papers, etc. onto the floor- and now he is looking at me like "what, me? I didn't do anything!" :rolleyes:

He is also a chewer. Mostly paper stuff. He chewed a baseball picture of Ichiro (Mariners) awhile back. Fortunately it was not autographed yet. :eek: Never-the-less, my hubby was not happy.

C.C.'s Mom
03-01-2002, 04:28 AM
I agree with Pam, they get better when they're older. Casper & Kitty are still babies and have a lot to learn.

Mine are almost always angels. During daytime they're in & out the house, playing in the garden, taking sunbaths on the garden table (Eddy), playing peekaboo in the tree (Rudie). They come in when I call them, they sleep peacefully, they never run around the house, they don't break things, etc.

The only time they're not so sweet, is when it's night and they want to go out. That's between 2am and 5 am. Rudie scratches the (new) carpet which is glued to the floor. I'm very disturbed by this nightly anger, so he now spends the night in the livingroom with the doors locked.
And when he goes through his periods of denying every food.... grh!
Or when he sits outside and won't get in when I open the door.... grh!

Eddy is a real princess. She's sweet and peaceful. An absolutel angel.