View Full Version : hello Pt'ers...i'm home!

07-20-2005, 01:53 PM
Hello!Im home, from my vacation! I ended up staying until the 19th instead of the 15th.But i had a great time and i wish i could stay there!But were probably going to be moving back to Canada next summer.Were going to build a house in Kelowna!:DWere probably going to start building in January so it will be ready by June sometime.I dont know if were going to fly the kids up or drive.My dads company is going to pay for the move,and im not sure if there going to ship both of our cars up.But doesnt matter.Theres also a chance we'll be going to Cairo,Egypt since my dad is working overseas there.
The kids are doing great,well Kodie and Lucy are.They were sooo excited when my mom and i came home.I got scratches all over my arms and legs,the i got slobbered everywhere:p I gave them baths and they were absolutely filthy,since they havent had a bath for over 3 weeks:eek: Lucy grew taller,gained weight and she looks more like an adult dog now.She looks like a miniature Flat-coated retriever:p lol.Kodie is pretty much the same.Lucys going to be 10 months old in August,then Kodie turns 2 soon:eek: Go's by soo fast!
Bear isn't good.I'm afraid her time is coming up quickly and were going to have to make a decision to put her down.She is all skin and bones,and cant walk anymore.She looks horrible and i get tears in my eyes everytime i watch her try tp walk,its just heartbreaking:(She doesnt have control of her bladder and wets herself alot. But she eats 2-3 cans of food everyday,plus some dry food.But she's just not well.Shes going to be 21 this fall.
I still wont be on for a while,we had a big power surge at out house and it fried a whole bunch of stuff,including the wireless internet so i have to use thr phoneline.
I will have new pictures soon!:)

07-20-2005, 02:14 PM
welcome back :D

07-20-2005, 02:27 PM
Welcome back :)

07-20-2005, 02:46 PM
WELCOME BACK!!:D I am glad to hear that you had a good time!!..I am so sorry to hear tht Bear is not doing that good! :( (((hugs))) ....I can't wait to see pictures!!:D

07-20-2005, 07:38 PM
It's good to hear from you again. Sounds like you've been
pretty busy. I am so sorry to hear about Bear.:( It is very sad
to see them age so. Check back in whenever you can.

07-20-2005, 08:05 PM
Welcome back! Can't wait to see pictures of Kodie and Lucy! :D

Ginger's Mom
07-20-2005, 08:22 PM
Welcome back. I am also glad to hear that Lucy and Kodi are doing well. That is sad about Bear, watching our babies get old is tough. Once you get settled in we want to hear more about your trip and see pictures of the furkids. :)

07-20-2005, 08:37 PM
Hey, welcome back!

I'm so sorry about Bear... :( but that's awesome you'll be building in Kelowna. I'd LOVE to live there, I may be going up there early next month to get away for a while. :)

07-20-2005, 10:44 PM
thanks for the warm welcome back,i really appreciate it:) Im trying to upload pics but its taking forever....i hate dial-up:p

07-20-2005, 10:54 PM
Yay! We totally have to hang out when you move here! :D Where abouts in Kelowna will you be living? I'm in Rutland right now but I'm moving to Westbank like next week.

Sorry to hear about Bear. :(