View Full Version : Do you recognize this?

C.C.'s Mom
02-21-2002, 10:44 AM
There's my cat Rudie sitting in front of the terrace doors. He's been playing out and it seems like he wants to come in (we've got a cat-door, and everyone seems to use it except for Rudie). So he stares through the window and opens his mouth to yell something which I can't really hear with the doors closed.

I get up to open the door, ask him to come in, and he won't. He looks at me and just remains seated. I close the door again and he stares at me again and yells. I get up again and this very same story can go on and on....

I drives me nuts! Silly kat!

Former User
02-21-2002, 11:26 AM
Looks like Rudie has his mommy on leash ;)

02-21-2002, 11:28 AM
Yum Yum loves the outside...she will dart out the door when we come home at 5pm and then a few seconds later she will meow at the door wanting inside. As soon as she has had enough to eat and enough of mommy and daddy she wants back outside again..She keeps this up all night till we bring her in when we go to bed.


02-21-2002, 12:38 PM
:D :D Casper-Kitty - or it looks like Rudi had his Mamma wrapped around his paw;)

Former User
02-21-2002, 12:40 PM
LOL Purrley, that's it!!! :D :D :D

02-21-2002, 12:44 PM
Yes!Very familiar...Sawyer wants in out in out in out in out in out in out in out in out....especially, my dad says, at six in the morning when he comes home from work.The Boyer is so smart, he stands on his hinds, holding onto the screen, pawing at it, kneading it with his claws...if you go up to the window and say somethig and act real cute he meows...Baby Kitty is an indoor, but darts out sometimes when you least expect it...hehheh in the winter she didnt like that....:D

02-21-2002, 07:29 PM
Jumper does that, but he wants attention. So, I go over and pick him up for some cuddling for few minutes, and then everything is back to normal.


02-22-2002, 03:16 AM
I think that cats see a closed door as a challenge, and will try everything to get their own way, which is for it to be left open, permanently, for their convenience!

C.C.'s Mom
02-22-2002, 03:47 AM
Yep, he surely has me wrapped around his paws!!!

My husband said yesterday evening after another round of 'get mom of the couch to open the door': what are you doing? He can't understand that I'd do anything for my boy.

Leaving the door open for his convenience? He has a catdoor to go outside but doesn't use it, the doors inside the house are always open. And the only locked door is the one he wants to use...

If I try to pet him when he's there in front of the door, he looks at me as if I'm very scary and runs away to his tree. Only to come back as soon as I sit down again (he always looks at me when he's in his tree).

02-22-2002, 07:15 AM
This sounds SOO familiar. We have 2 large terraced balconies and the cats love them. The in and out ritual happens usually when we have dinner. One goes out when the other wants to come in or, only when it's freezing cold outside so you would really like the door to stay closed, they can't decide whether they want to be in or out so they stay right in the middle staring at you.

The thing is I wait patiently like an idiot that they make up their minds...:rolleyes:

02-22-2002, 07:24 AM
Butter and Mimi do the exact same thing! LOL!! Butter goes out the front door and by the time I am back at my desk, he's around back, yelling in the window to come back inside! LOL!! (except when he is supposed to go to the vet :o then you can't find him anywhere). Mimi is getting older and she runs out to do her business and then sits at the door and stares at it until I come let her back inside.

Yes, they have us wrapped around their little paws. The "big" girl, Lilly, is the same way!! :D