View Full Version : what is it with people who..

07-16-2005, 12:03 AM
turn a deaf ear to me just because I am young? they assume I dont have a clue what I am talking about just because I am a kid. I took the girls to the park for a run and 2 dogs came running up out of the blue and they are very upright dogs, looked to be husky mixes, and they wanted to play, 1 dog Happy can handle when this type of situation occures but 2 dogs was overwhelming, she did not go after the dogs, she just shrunk down and got wide eyed and frightend, and when Misty sees Happy get scared Misty gets upset, I took the girls to take them somewhere else to play, but then some other lady with her dog starts walking in our direction so I stoped and held the girls back till she and her dog passed, then her dog come running up to Happy, who just had the crap scared out of her by 2 dogs, hence we were leaving the park to go elsewhere, I yell to her politly asking her to call her dog as mine was just frightend and is still on scared mode, she agnoliged me but did not call her dog and let it keep on comming, by now Happy is shrinking down as much as she can and now has this big black dog standing over her, she she scruffed the dog(she bascly pinched the dogs hair her her teeth if that makes sence) its what she does when she is scared and large dogs loomes over her), so I am trying to calm my dog down, finaly this lady gets the hint and calls her dog, she then proceded to yell at me and tell me I should not have an aggressive dog, I TRIED to expain to her that Happy had just been scared by 2 dogs and we are trying to go elsewhere, which was kind of usless as she turned her head and stuck her nose in the air! I could not believe it she refused to hear it, I had my dogs on leashes, I was removing them from the park because someone else had showed up with their 2 dogs, at least the people with the 2 dogs had a clue and called their dogs when they saw Happy shrink down like that, but seriously, its like just because I am young people think I must be totally cluless because a dog shrinking down as small as possable, avoiding eye contact getting ready to submit is obviously a very aggressive behaviour :rolleyes:

07-16-2005, 12:33 AM
Originally posted by cali
because I am young people think I must be totally cluless because a dog shrinking down as small as possable, avoiding eye contact getting ready to submit is obviously a very aggressive behaviour :rolleyes:

That alone tells me she is the one that's total clueless, not you. Aggressive behavior = avoiding eye contact, shrinking down. That's a new one to me. ;)

The womans an idiot and don't let her get to you, she an A$#. I not even sure it was because your young and she thought you knew nothing. I think it was more likely she is just a unhappy woman that has no respect for anyone, young or old. She not worth you getting upset about, brush her off as a if she was a clump of dirt on the bottom of your shoe and forget about her.

07-16-2005, 12:52 AM
I don't think she did it because you are young. Some people are just rude and ignorant and she seems to be one of those people. Ignore it and don't let it get you down.

07-16-2005, 03:28 AM
well just because someone is an adult doesn't make him/her smart I'm afraid :rolleyes:

07-16-2005, 05:24 AM
I agree with Gemini9961.. i dont think she cared how old you
were.. she was just being rude,, and obvisouly doesnt know
how to reconize dogs behaviour when they get scared.

07-16-2005, 08:01 AM
This lady sounds like an idiot and she should not be allowed to have dogs, apparantly she does not even know the meaning of aggresive, it sounds to me like her dogs were terrifying yours, i feel bad for ur pooch, u were the responsible one , not her, i would of told her "uh , this is NOT aggressive behavior, it's called terrified!" "Now call your dog off!!

07-16-2005, 03:04 PM
i know what u mean, im a month older then u and i get the same treatment.