View Full Version : We had an accident.

07-15-2005, 11:19 PM
I haven't been home enough this week to post this before now but on Tuesday night we had a slight accident in my house. I've been down at the grounds all week because of Superdogs which means that Smudge is with me because he's in the show and Beaker is with us as well because he's in training for the show. Anyways my dad thought he would be nice and take Tama and Winter out for a walk on Tuesday but something happened and he accidentially ran over Tama's leg.

The leg isn't broken just badly bruised, Tama's able to walk on it and even run a little though I am not allowing him to do that...in fact he's been getting ALOT of crate rest just to make sure that it heals properly and he doesn't damage it any further. He's currently on metacam for the pain and amoxicillian to prevent infection as he has a slight cut on his leg at the moment from where the tires met his leg.

My dad didn't mean to run him over, in fact he felt horrible about it and still does, he was only trying to help me out as I've been to tired and busy from the shows to do anything with Winter and Tama when I get home at night.

Since the accident however Tama and Winter have been coming down to the grounds with me and the other 2 boys something that I wanted to avoid as I was afraid that the noise and commotion would be to much for the two of them to handle. They however are both handling it fine which is good because this gives me a chance to play with Winter in between shows and keep an eye on Tama as well.

07-15-2005, 11:29 PM
When I first saw this thread my heart almost stopped :eek: I'm happy to hear that Tama's leg is on the mend. Keep us updated!!

Oh and how about some pictures of your pups!?

07-16-2005, 01:06 AM
Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

07-16-2005, 08:30 AM
get well soon! :)

07-16-2005, 09:38 AM
Poor Tama!! Hope your leg is feeling better soon!