View Full Version : Ok, you could LOVE him...but could you LIVE with him?!

07-13-2005, 06:54 PM
Have I ever mentioned has dirty, drooly and gross Bon could be:p
Hmmm I think I have, but let's go over it again:D

Not the best picture of him after he eats, but you can still see the slobbers and dog food on his face!
He can never just stand and eat, he has to grab a bite and walk all over the living room, maybe into the bathroom and bedroom and of course while he's doing this he just HAS to leave a few bites of food here and there:rolleyes: And then just for the fun of it he wants to come over to you and put him head in your lap!

Then there the goobers on the wall:o
Just cleaned it and hmmm it's dirty again...wonder why?!

This one is right beside the bed.
I thought it was a cobweb (yes, I have lots of those:o) but lo and behold it was slobber along with some yummy hairs mixed in to give it texture!

And how nice, this is in the kitchen!
Not only does he get it on the walls, he has to put his head on the counter and get his slimmy drool on the counters...fun, fun, fun!

Still LOVING him? Still think you could live with him?;)

How about this...

This is my favorite, a couple of big goobers on our new plasma TV!

And of course there's the constant dirty door windows, me having to change my clothes at least twice a day, the nice long kisses he loves to give!
Oh and today after I got home from the periodontist (sp?) I wasn't feeling too good because the numbing stuff they give you and I laid down to snuggle with Mark. Well he couldn't have that! Mommy is his and only his! No snuggling with daddy!
So he had to get up on the freshly washed quit and sheets and get all those nice little black hairs on it:rolleyes:

almost done!

07-13-2005, 06:57 PM
But then he's so super sweet, I mean look at this picture of him and my niece...
And he lets me love on him all I want

Yeah, I know not everyone could live with all that and sometimes it's hard for me (he even knocks me over :eek: ).
But I wouldn't trade him for the world...
I love my BIG BOY BON!

finn's mom
07-13-2005, 06:57 PM
ha ha ha, you crack me up! he does sound like a mess! but, i don't think i'd mind too much, as long as he would love me like it sounds like he loves you! it'd be worth it! ;) finn's only messiness, really, besides the shedding...is when he drinks/swims in his water bowl. ugh, the floor is constantly drooly wet by the bowl and about five feet around it. ;)

07-13-2005, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by finn's mom
he drinks/swims in his water bowl. ugh, the floor is constantly drooly wet by the bowl and about five feet around it. ;)
I didn't even get into that! He loves to do that then come and give me LOVE:o

07-13-2005, 07:01 PM
YEP! As long as you equip me with those drool rags like you did when we were there! :p You know I love my big nephew. Those last few pictures of him with you and your niece are too darling. I especially love the last one.

Give Bon, Huney, and Roxey big hugs from me! :)

07-13-2005, 07:17 PM
Our walls used to look like that from our Akita. LOL I could live with him. Been there done that and the cuteness and loving side outweighs the mess of doggy slobber.

07-13-2005, 07:26 PM
Oh, Anna, he is a beauty but I don't think I could handle such a big dog. When I first got married, my husband wanted us to get a Great Dane. All I could think of was the liquid volume of *mistakes* during house breaking, hence I nixed that idea. We ended up with an Airedale who made up for quantity with frequency, so I gues there is no perfect dog....unless you are lucky. Thankfully I've been lucky once or twice since then.

07-13-2005, 07:33 PM
Oh Anna I am laughing so hard at your pictures! Sorry! :) No one other than dog lovers could appreciate these! LOL! The last picture says it all! What a total lovebug! He is just a silly sweetie, and is who he is as the saying goes, *warts and all!* LOL! You know as I am looking at that picture his head is even bigger than yours! LOL!

07-13-2005, 08:06 PM
aaawww Bon Bon
what a mess!!

07-13-2005, 08:25 PM
I could live with him. The only one that got my stomach queezy was the one hanging on the wall! :D

07-13-2005, 08:29 PM
LOL! that was a crack up. Never saw drool on
a wall before. :)

Rocky is not a big drooler, but he does manage to
drink water and than come right over to whomever
and drip a ton of water on you.
Do you get dirty walls from where the dogs lean on
it? I do.

07-13-2005, 09:22 PM
Yep, I could live with Bon Bon! :D He's just a gentle giant isn't he :)

07-13-2005, 09:26 PM
I would still with sweet Bon boy :D

Daisy and Delilah
07-13-2005, 09:30 PM
Anna , That was so funny for sure!! Bon is such a character. At least you're passing out "drool rags" as Kay calls them. That's hilarious. Who could not love that big lug? He is so cute we can't believe it!!:D

Love, Terry, Daisy, and Delilah:)

07-13-2005, 09:36 PM
LOL..my son has one just like him...a big huge pyranese (sp?) and boy does he drool but you gotta love him....and when he thumps that tail you have no idea what he is going to knock over...and of course they have Lady, the choc lab that is cute as can be and she is getting pretty big herself now..and she and Max are both in the house running and jumping...but they are a lot fun

07-13-2005, 10:23 PM
Nice Picture of Bon, Your Niece, and You.

07-13-2005, 10:38 PM
Originally posted by KYS
LOL! that was a crack up. Never saw drool on
a wall before. :)

Rocky is not a big drooler, but he does manage to
drink water and than come right over to whomever
and drip a ton of water on you.
Do you get dirty walls from where the dogs lean on
it? I do.
Yep, drool on the wall! He eats and then shakes:rolleyes:

And another Yep for the dirty walls where they lean, rub or whatever!

07-13-2005, 10:49 PM
Well Anna, looks like you need a break. Send him over....MAXIMUS is mostly done with all that puppy business. I do miss it. He still does get excited and knocks me over sometimes. I just love your giant baby BON. We could trade for a day to give you a break. MAXIMUS picks up his "crummies", takes his snacks "to the towel", he's so grown up, we do have major fur issues though. Sweet BON, we would take you in a heart beat. Soggy and all.

07-13-2005, 10:58 PM
Originally posted by Bigyummydog
Well Anna, looks like you need a break.
Hmmmm maybe for a few hours but that would be it! I couldn't bear for my messy baby boy to be gone for too awfully long:D

I will be happy for the puppy days to get over (what maybe another year or two;)) but I will also miss them.

07-13-2005, 11:10 PM
Anna, I don't know what is worse, all the slobber or the hair. We have HAIR, everywhere! I swear, these Goldens are like sheep, except instead of sheering them, they shed and shed!!!!! :p

I could stand it. I could stand anything as long as I have a loving pet, I think. My husband might disagree, but you've been in my house.......it is not beautiful or spotless, but there is a lot of love here, for sure!!!! :) I'm certain that your house is the same way!!!!


07-14-2005, 01:28 AM
oOOo Bon you are such a sweetie pie. look at the mess you leave for your mommy to clean up after you ;).

07-14-2005, 03:56 AM
before i got a dog i couldn't deal with human or animal slobber.
now i can deal with the dog slobber. human spit still grosses me out (like, SPIT, not kisses)

Anywho ------
I am the same way with Smokeys dog hair.
I will sweep and mop and then I sit on the couch to relax and I see hair and dust and the floor. And I think, "What the hey?!! Where does it come from?! I just cleaned! Arg."
And I forget about it for a week cuz I refuse to mop anymore often than that. And there it is. I'm a slob. :p

07-14-2005, 04:52 AM
Yikes that's a lot of slobber. I think I could live with him but it would take some getting used to. :D Maybe I could borrow him for a little while to get me used to having a big, slobbery dog...:D

07-14-2005, 06:14 AM
Lol. Gracie does the same thing with the food bowl. She always has left over food all over her face. She also goes right for you lap when she's done. She just lays her little face right on top of you.

The drool I can not handle. Gracie drool once in a while and it's hard enough for me to deal with that drool let a lone drooling all the time. I have issues with stuff like that.

07-14-2005, 08:25 AM
He is such a lovey-boy, I guess all the other stuff just goes with the territory. I don't think I could handle the slobber goobers very well, though.

07-14-2005, 09:02 AM
Bon is sooo big and sooo adorable, i also live with a big drooler, Rita will eat up all her Eukanuba then look for either me or my boyfriend and wipe her filthy drooly lips all over us, it is her way of saying thankyou for din din, and if we arent around she just wipes it on the couch, LOL (or the walls like Bon)

Bon is cute as ever drooler or not!! I'll take him!!!!

Pawsitive Thinking
07-14-2005, 09:04 AM
He's gorgeous but I think I'll stick to worshipping from afar if thats ok :p

07-14-2005, 10:37 AM
Good morning! I'll have to say that I wasn't quite prepared for this thread so early in the morning being pregnant and all. The one on the wall almost made me lose my breakfast. Whew!

I would have to say that it would take a little getting used to on my part but my hubby would have no part of that. He hates when our cat's hair gets on his clothes. Maggy likes to stick her whole face in her water bowl, then come and lick our legs or faces if we're in bed. This infuriates my hubby to no end. It's a rude awakening. I don't know how he's going to react to a baby's mess.

Either way, Bon, you're such a sweet love bug, you're welcome at my house anytime!

07-14-2005, 02:57 PM
My goodness! I've always wanted a HUGE dog, but I don't think I could handle all that mess!:D ;) :p Sorry BIG Bon Boy, i still love ya to pieces!


07-14-2005, 03:55 PM
Bon sends big slimy slurps (slingers and all...see that one on the left:D)

PJ's Mom
07-14-2005, 03:59 PM
Oh my. :eek:

I grew up with Great Danes and Rotties and all kinds of big dogs. A little slobber doesn't bother me. :D

07-14-2005, 05:43 PM
Bon, dear, I think you'll have another worshiper from afar. You're a gorgeous boy. I'm so glad you have a good mommy that loves you, slobber and all!

07-14-2005, 07:29 PM
Funny, I've done so much research on different breeds and all the books do say Mastiffs, Saint Bernards, Newfies, etc.. drool, but you truly can not appreciate the magnitude by just reading, as you can by seeing one Bon post. ;)

Actually one of the great things I like about this forum is the variety of breeds that people have and talk about. From their experiences you can get a better feel for if the breed would be right for you vs just reading in a breed book that may gloss over the negatives. I know with Collies, you know they'll bark, but you can't comprehend the decibal level until you actually live with one.

Anywho, I'll always love Bon from waaaaayyyyy over here in Texas. :)


07-14-2005, 08:03 PM
Oh my!! While the last photos redeamed him, I think I've lived with cats too long to get used to the drool and changing all day!

My best friend has a Borsoi and he's ALWAYS jumping up to say hi. I cannot go over there clean, otherwise I need another shower thanks to him and his slobber and paws!

Bon sure is a doll though. I'm happy living through you, Anna. :)

07-14-2005, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by ParNone
Funny, I've done so much research on different breeds and all the books do say Mastiffs, Saint Bernards, Newfies, etc.. drool, but you truly can not appreciate the magnitude by just reading, as you can by seeing one Bon post. ;)

Yep that's what I'm trying to do is to get people to really realize how it is to have a mastiff:) I can try to explain till I'm blue in the face, but to live with him is a totally different thing:D

I know I had a big dog before, at his heaviest Angus was 119 (average was 109) but Bon is NOTHING like Angus was in the messiness department!

Loving him from afar is ok, but you never truly get to know what a sweet, sweet, sweet boy he is:D:D And after everything, it's all worth it!