View Full Version : Now THIS is a pool, mom! *pictures*

07-08-2005, 11:57 AM
4th of July weekend, Kia got to take a dip with Andy and I in my Aunt and Uncles pool.

What was funny about it was that Kia would jump in, swim to me, then we'd both swim back to the ladder. She'd get out, I'd swim away, and she'd jump right back in as if to say, "Hey! You were supposed to get out too!" This continued on and on until we were all waterlogged.


Paddling along

I'm gonna get you mom!

Swimming towards Andy


Potty break

Leaping for the ball

Andy and Kia paddle


Taking a break

I love how her eyes match the liner

Family shot

Talk about spoiling her. She won't even look at the kiddie pool I got her now. *laughs*

We'll definitely have to get a pool of some sort of our own in the future.

07-08-2005, 12:03 PM
Great pictures! I too love how her eyes match the pool. Kiara says that you guys should come on down this way and you could swim all day long! :p

The potty break one made me giggle. We have to remind Kiara to stop and pee while swimming. :rolleyes: Sometimes it's not an easy job either. :rolleyes:

07-08-2005, 12:06 PM
Great pics :) I love this one her eyes are so breath-taking :)


My Peanuts
07-08-2005, 12:08 PM
That looks like so much fun! You are right about Kia’s eyes and the liner. They look beautiful. I have a pool just like that and three dogs and none of them like to swim :rolleyes:. Oh they will nap on a raft in the middle of the pool, but they don't want to swim! I'm working on Morty though. I think he has swimming potential. :D

07-08-2005, 12:11 PM
Great pics ramanth! I love this one:


Just look at those gorgeous eyes. She looks like she's having so much fun. Wish mine would do the swim thing, but no hope of that I think.


07-08-2005, 12:26 PM
What fun! I wish my little princess would do water, but I highly doubt it.

You were right about her eyes. Good heavens!

Ginger's Mom
07-08-2005, 12:26 PM
What great pictures. That really does look like so much fun. :D

07-08-2005, 12:27 PM
Great pics! It always makes me happy to see pics of Kia, she looks like she's having a blast.

07-08-2005, 12:34 PM
Thanks all! It was a lot of fun. I'd of swam all day if I could. :)

Originally posted by Kfamr
Great pictures! I too love how her eyes match the pool. Kiara says that you guys should come on down this way and you could swim all day long! :p
I'm sure Kia would prefer a pool that's easier to get out of. :D

The potty break one made me giggle. We have to remind Kiara to stop and pee while swimming. :rolleyes: Sometimes it's not an easy job either. :rolleyes:
LOL! I'm so glad she had the hindsight to do that herself because I didn't even think about it. She just opened the gate to let herself down from the deck, squatted, then came back up and jumped in. :)

07-08-2005, 12:48 PM
That looks like so much fun! Kia has the most stunning eyes. She is such a beautiful girl.

07-08-2005, 12:59 PM
Great pictures:) I love her eyes, they're absolutely stunning!!!

07-08-2005, 01:01 PM
Looks like a great family dip! Very Fun Photos.

07-08-2005, 01:06 PM
That is so cute, Kimmy! It looks like everyone had a good time, especially Kia! I love how her eyes matched the color of the water! ;)


07-08-2005, 01:21 PM
I'm sure you hear this all the time, but Kia's eyes are just STUNNING! She's beautiful, and it looks like you both had a blast in the pool! :)

07-08-2005, 01:28 PM
Great pictures! I must say, you and Andy are looking so well and so happy and healthy! Such a lovely family on such a lovely day :cool: :)

07-08-2005, 02:59 PM
Great pictures!!

Looks like she had lots of fun!

4 Dog Mother
07-08-2005, 03:03 PM
Great pictures, Kimmy! Looks like the whole family had fun swimming! None of my dogs would even begin to think about getting into a pool!

07-08-2005, 03:15 PM
Great pics, looks like fun was had by all. :)

07-08-2005, 04:01 PM
Fantastic pictures! Ohh, that looks like so much fun. That water looks very inviting. I would love to go swimming with Kia;).

07-08-2005, 04:10 PM
Kia is such a pretty girl, Kimmy! Too bad I'm too far away to go to the OH pet talk meetings or Kia's B-day parties in the bark park now :(

I guess we'll just have to have a TX meeting and you'll have to bring Kia here :D

07-08-2005, 04:50 PM
that must be lots of fun for you all! I like the potty break one as well :D

07-08-2005, 05:25 PM
great pics!

07-08-2005, 05:32 PM
Great pictures! Looks like all three of you had fun! At least Kia knew better than to pee in the pool! :D

07-08-2005, 06:16 PM
i just love her brilliant eyes!
the jumping shots are my favorites and then the close up everyone loves..shes beautiful!

07-08-2005, 06:29 PM
Great pics!! I just love Kia's eyes. I wish we had a pool I could take mine (aka, Josie...zekedoesn't like water ;D) to

finn's mom
07-08-2005, 07:21 PM
What a great little family! Those are wonderful photos! Her eyes are fantastic! I love that you can see her toes underwater. ;) You and Andy make me smile, y'all look happy!

07-08-2005, 07:25 PM
She is sooo beautiful and what a great swimmer she is too!!!
I love her eyes too how they match , she is gorgeous!!!

07-08-2005, 08:26 PM
At least Kia knew better than to pee in the pool!
LOL! :D That's what I thought, too!

Oh Kimmy-- what great pictures of Kia!!!! She's so pretty.
I love all the pictures people are posting of their dogs swimming- how cool it would be to swim with my dogs, if I could get them anywhere near water (that isn't frozen)!

07-08-2005, 08:33 PM
Kia looks to be having a great time. Andy's looking good too, is he gaining weight? Looks like a little added.

07-08-2005, 08:33 PM
So that's the pool we heard about on Sunday...looks very refreshing and fun! No wonder you guys were late;)
I bet Kia hated it that you pulled her away from the pool to come to the meeting!

I love the ones of Kia jumping in the pool, and of course the one everyone else does. I like that you can see her feet as she's swimming:D

Thanks for sharing those Kim. Your such a great family!

07-09-2005, 02:16 AM
Great pics, she really loved the swim.:)

07-09-2005, 08:27 AM
What great pictures!! Kia's eyes look amazing next to the water!

It lookslike the set up of the pool is very similar to my in-laws...but the girls don't leap, so we have to lift them in and out to protect the liner. You get pretty scratched up inthe process, but how can we deny them a swim?

07-09-2005, 09:11 AM
Such fun! :D Fabulous pictures, Kimmy!

07-09-2005, 01:47 PM
Red would be so jelous, she loves swimming.
My local dog park has a lake and every time we go there she gallops over the hill and into the water.
It was so funny at the start of winter, she roared down the hill and ONTO the lake (frozen) and slid over the ice.
Stand up..
sniff the ice..
scratch the ice..
look at me..
look at the ice..
sniff the ice..
"mum, the lakes broken!"

It was so funny to watch, you could see her brain working :D

Buddy Blaze Lover
07-09-2005, 05:42 PM
Kia sure looks like she had loads of fun!!:D Those eyes...so crystal blue, I love them!!!!:D;)