View Full Version : Advice Please

02-17-2002, 12:23 PM
My finacee and I will close on a new home at the end of this month. We are erally excited and kitty will have lots of places to go. Here is the problem...

In order to help finances, we are going to offer our downstairs bedrooms to a couple for rent. They have two precious kitties. My kitty is male, neutered, and about 10 years old. He has had urinary probelms thart come out when he gets stressed.

I fear that he will start marking territory in our new home. He HAS become more loving and people-friendly in the past few years, (no more UTIs).

So what should I do to see if he can handle the new kitties?

02-18-2002, 04:20 AM
Will your cat have access to the downstairs of the house as well? If the couple moves in at the same time as you, perhaps the cats will have to be kept separate for a while, until your kitty adjusts to his new surroundings. When he feels comfortable in his new home you can introduce him to the other cats.

Expect a few accidents at first, moving is a stressful thing for cats too. Perhaps some of the others might have better ideas, these are a just a few thoughts I had.

02-18-2002, 10:14 AM
Yeah. I forgot to mention that Atticus will have access to the downstairs, (his potty will be in the basement). He will be in place a couple of months before the invaders.