View Full Version : Meet Skylee <pics>

07-05-2005, 01:24 AM
You may remember me complaining about my sister/her family and pets previously. It's very frustrating and upsetting for me, they have gotten rid of several pets. Sydney was one of them who now lives with us. Anyway, my sister has twin boys and one of them (Jaxson) has some problems with touching and holding things and a doctor suggested that getting a "big friendly dog" would help this. I was not happy at all when I heard they were getting a dog but there's really nothing I could do about it.

I'm glad they didn't go out and get a puppy at least. Supposedly she's just a foster dog for now, they got her from a rescue. They renamed her Skylee, she's a 6-7 year old golden retriever. She was being mistreated by her previous home. She was so matted they had to shave parts of her so she looks rather silly right now. I met her today and I have to say she just just a gem of a dog. She has to be one of the sweetest dogs I've ever met. She's real submissive and timid, but she just loooooooves attention. She wants to be petted all the time and just be near people. I don't know if they are keeping her, wherever she ends up I hope it will be a good forever home as she deserves it, she's a great dog. I'll shut up for a minute as I'm sure you want to see pics:
Nebo meeting her. They had that shirt on her so she wouldn't get sunburned where she's shaved.
I found a dog shirt I wasn't using and put that on her instead. Nebo loved her....he tried and tried to get her to play but it didn't really happen.
She was more interested in chilling in the pool
Skylee and Nebo

07-05-2005, 01:25 AM
And here's some other pics taken the past few days:
Nebo adores kids! Here he is giving Jaylan a kiss
Reggie and Sydney together in their bed
Nebo and his buddy Cisco taking a break from playing in the yard
Nebo relaxing while we watched Rattle and Hum

That's all

07-05-2005, 02:02 AM
AWESOME pics, Amy! Skylee is just a doll. I really hope she ends up in a home that is deserving of her loving, gentle nature.

The pic of Jaylan and Nebo is adorable! :D

07-05-2005, 02:34 AM
Great pics. I really hope Skylee gets a great forever home whether that be with your sister or with someone else. She looks like such an angel. And I still get awe struck every time I see Nebo. He is just soooo gorgeous. He is one of the most beautiful dogs I have ever seen. I absolutely adore his color and those eyes are magnetic. What a baby doll.

07-05-2005, 06:59 AM
Great pictures. I especially love the one of Skylee chilling in the pool. I do hope that Skylee gets a forever home where she will be appreciated and cared for. Hopefully your sister will have the opportunity, while fostering, to make a decision on whether she can permanently commit to a dog.

07-05-2005, 08:15 AM
Skylee is so pretty. She looks like a real sweetheart. I wish her and your sister all the best. Maybe the doctor will be right and it will help out Jaxon. I hope so. Thanks for sharing her with us. Great to see that boy of yours too. Love that boy! Cisco and Nebo look so happy in that one pic.

Hugs for you and the furkids......Robin :)

07-05-2005, 09:47 AM
She's such a sweetie :)

07-05-2005, 10:31 AM
Awww what a total sweetheart! I too love the one of her laying in the pool. She certainly deserves a wonderful forever home. I do hope that if your sister and family fall for her that they will be responsible and give her what she deserves. At least they are fostering rather than jumping out to get a dog only to rehome the poor thing later. I certainly understand your frustration in watching her go through dogs, you must feel so helpless.

07-05-2005, 10:42 AM
Skylee is just beautiful! :D I'm glad they adotped an older dog, those don't tend to be adopted out as much. :(

07-05-2005, 01:04 PM
Cute photos Amy. :) Skylee is just precious.

07-05-2005, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
She was more interested in chilling in the pool

I love this picture :D

She's a gorgeous Golden!

07-05-2005, 02:54 PM
Wow, Skylee looks like a gem - what a gentle face! I hope things work out and she and Jaxon become great friends, maybe she'll be the key to helping him. After all, if Nebo approves of her, she must be a great dog! I love seeing all the pictures - and the one of Nebo and Cisco cracks me up - you can tell they're great buddies.

Ginger's Mom
07-05-2005, 07:04 PM
You always have such great pictures. I loved them all. Skylee is precious, and I hope she gets a great forever home, whether with your sister or elsewhere (obviously Nebo would enjoy having her as a cousin ;)). But in any case, fostering her, and giving her an opportunity to live in a home instead of a shelter is a wonderful thing to do. The picture of Nebo with Jaylan is just adorable. :)

07-05-2005, 07:12 PM
Very pretty dog. I'm hoping (and bet you are too) that this dog doesn't get tossed around. She really looks like a sweetheart.

*GASP* They allowed that mean-ole Husky to lick their child like that!? :eek: (That has to be the sweetest picture of the bunch) ;) That and the one of Beebo & Cisco. Kiki says she misses her buddy. :(

07-05-2005, 07:19 PM
Thanks for the comments, I'm glad you enjoyed the pictures. :) I definitely hope that Skylee will get a *forever* home where she's happy and well cared for, no matter where it is.

Kay Nebo says to tell Kiki he misses her too!

07-05-2005, 08:16 PM
Amy Skylee is so pretty, and I love that picture of her in the pool chillin'!
I hope this girl finds a great home!

07-05-2005, 08:19 PM
Great pics Amy!

07-06-2005, 01:45 AM
Skylee looks lovely. I think Nebo was impressed too.:)

07-06-2005, 04:33 AM
Skylee is beautiful and I hope too that she gets to stay and is well taken care of as she deserves it. Great pics, all of them.

07-06-2005, 06:10 AM
keeping fingers crossed that it all works out for Skylee

cute cute cute pics!!! :)

07-06-2005, 07:44 AM
Oh Amy... she is beautiful!!!
I hope everything works out for her. :D

07-06-2005, 08:42 AM
Amy, have you witnessed any progress on Jaxom's part now that Skylee is around?

07-07-2005, 03:20 PM
Aww, she's so sweet. I hope she gets a wonderful home... with your sister or elsewhere.