View Full Version : To those with more than one dog...

PJ's Mom
06-29-2005, 04:06 PM
Do you find, when you take your dogs out in public, that one gets mre attention than the other(s)?

Today I took Peej and Bailey in to Petsmart so Peej could be groomed and Bailey got all the attention. Everyone asked what kind of dog she is, where I got her and they wanted to pet her. No one, except one little girl even looked at Peej.

Now really, Peej and I are both ok with this. Bailey is the attention stealer and Peej would just as soon be left alone than touched by strangers anyway. (snobby dog. :D ) I'm wondering though, if those of you with more than one dog have had this happen to you.

06-29-2005, 04:10 PM
Since I have matching dogs they all get equal amounts of attention. Cody will throw herself on to here back for tummy rubs though so she tends to steal the show.

06-29-2005, 04:24 PM
Bubba gets all the attention because he is a young small dog...it totally ticks me off.

I even took Casey in for a vet appt one time and the receptioniost said "oh where's bubba" all gushing...I said today is caseys day okay. She felt bad and came in the office with us and got down on the floor with casey.

06-29-2005, 05:01 PM
Yeah, When I take all of them for a walk at once I get a bunch of stares but everyone wants to hold and pet Kyra and are always asking questions about her.

06-29-2005, 05:04 PM
Yep! Buster gets compliments more than any of them but I know they are all special just the same :) of course he barks at them! lol he's one shy pup ;)

06-29-2005, 05:17 PM
Mine seem to attract different types. Men seem to be more drawn to Oz and Gull. Kids and lil' old ladies for Murph and Maddie.

I was having a similar problem at the vets though, like caseysmom. They would swoon all over Oz and Murph, but I was kind of getting the feeling they didn't really like Gull. He's a bit scared there, so I don't think they were getting a good snapshot of how friendly he can be.

But I was pleasantly surprised the last time I went in there to pick up some pills for Oz. I'd had Gull in to be groomed that same week and while I was paying for the pills, a vet tech asked me if Gulliver was my dog. Then she went on and on about how great he did and how friendly and funny he is.

That just made my day that she said that. Everybody wants their kids to be liked I think. :)


06-29-2005, 09:09 PM
Yes, Giselle (greyhound) definitely gets ALL the attention. Then, again, I have two very unique dogs, each with their own quirks- Giselle is graceful looking, long-legged with heavy eyeliner that makes her eyes look quite elegant if I do say so myself ;), plus, she's an ex-racer which seems to draw more people in. Lucky, on the other hand, is small and fluffy with a smushy face. Normally, he attracts a lot of attention by himself, but when coupled with Giselle, the larger, more graceful dog gets more loving. :p

06-29-2005, 09:12 PM
Zeus is definitely the dog everyone seems to flock to. :p

06-29-2005, 09:13 PM
We only have MAXIMUS, but Pressley still calls him the "favorite son."

06-29-2005, 09:17 PM
Yep I have the same problem. Maggie usually gets more attention. She is smaller and people don't know what kind of dog she is so they ask all the time. She will go up to people and jump on them and want to lick them where Sadie hides behind me and is quite shy. Maggie is just more outgoing than Sadie. Sadie could care less though I think, she would rather be left alone with new people. At home though they get the same attention. :)

06-29-2005, 09:19 PM
Chester always gets the most attention. He's very friendly and most people think he's a chi, so they're surprised that he's not "snippy" or "yappy".:rolleyes:

Cinny's 2nd. People like the uppy & the downy earwise. Plus, she's very friendly.

Millie's generally disliked by everyone. She's snappy and snarly. :o

06-29-2005, 09:50 PM
Well I have never had the courage to take both Bella and Ripley to PetsMart at the same time! LOL! When I walk them around the neighborhood, though, everyone pretty much pays them equal attention. You would be surprised at how many people I have run across that ask if Bella is a poodle. :rolleyes: I guess some people think they only come in toy and mini.

06-29-2005, 10:14 PM
Reece gets about 95% of the attention when I take my dogs out. Must be the black dog syndrome thing with Lolly. Those that do like Lolly REALLY like her though :D Right now while I have Pearl, she gets 99% of the attention and Reece gets 1% :o

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 10:25 PM
Originally posted by aly
Must be the black dog syndrome thing with Lolly.

Probably, that's so stupid, though. I loved both your babies! :) Finn liked Reece. ;)

06-29-2005, 10:27 PM
I Completely Understand!!
My Joey gets All The Attention!!! His Markings Attract ALL the Attention & Attraction from strangers
I can walk ALL 3 at the same time.....They Only Remember Joey!!
I Know Why...And Hobo & Deli Dog have come to terms w/This...
So It is fine...
Joey is The Most Recognizable!!!!
That is the Price that I Pay!!

06-29-2005, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by finn's mom
Probably, that's so stupid, though. I loved both your babies! :) Finn liked Reece. ;)

HEHEHE! Reece and Finn were quite the odd couple :D

finn's mom
06-29-2005, 10:29 PM
Originally posted by aly
HEHEHE! Reece and Finn were quite the odd couple :D

they'd be even odder, now. finn weighed in at sixty pounds yesterday! well, 59. but, we'll say 60. ;)

06-29-2005, 10:38 PM
Molly usually always draws a crowd. There aren't very many Collies in my area, so since she's a Collie, people feel that they automatically need to go see "Lassie". :rolleyes: She's not a very "people person" dog, so I have to tell people ahead of time that she will most likely not come up to you to say "hi", so you'll have to admire her from a distance. ;)

Daisy also attracts a lot of attention, since she's a happy-go-lucky, extremly friendly, Golden girl. She's such an attention whore and she'll do just about anything for a few pats on the head and a couple of belly rubs. :p

06-29-2005, 10:43 PM
Muskwa and Heyoka. I get asked all the time if Heyoka is available for adoption--where were all these people when he did need a home!?

Muskwa is a very striking dog. His color is unusual. He gets all sorts of attention when I take him anywhere. Last summer I took him for a hike in Miles Canyon. There was a bunch of German tourists there. Muskwa's picture is all over Germany now. I bet 80 people took his picture. Unfortunately, Muskwa knows he's beautiful and has a wee bit of an ego. He poses and turns "his good side" every time he sees a camera!

06-30-2005, 12:32 AM
When I take Sammy and Jesse for a walk, people look at Jesse like she's an alien or something. I mean, OMG! A three-legged dog! How awful! They all like to hug and kiss Sammy though. Jesse and I both hate it, Jes knows that there is something up when that happens.
Glacier, can you show me in a pm or something what Muskwa and Heyoka look like? Please?:D:D

06-30-2005, 01:58 AM
Oggy is more out going, and gets most of the attention, Flute is a bit like Peej, though is quite comfortable with a hug if she know's the person. Just about everyone falls for Possum though.:)

06-30-2005, 08:00 AM
At the dog park, Scruffy gets the most attention. And of course it's because he's a three legger. Always questions about how did that happen and how well he does-isn't it amazing!, etc. Samson and Bella Mae are just fine with that. They would rather be left alone anyway. But I feel bad for them, since I know they're nice dogs too.

Momma syndrome.


06-30-2005, 08:24 AM
Originally posted by aly
Must be the black dog syndrome thing with Lolly.
Charlie's black, and he's the one who gets the least amount of attention. I don't know why, he's the most affectionate.

I usually only take one with me when I go somewhere. But when people come to the house Nacey demands all the attention. Most people like Buster best, and he's the one who doesn't like being in the spotlight. Nova has that cute appeal that everyone loves. Nacey is just goofy all around, and Bitsy is "the pretty one".

06-30-2005, 01:25 PM
Claire hogs the attention whether she wants to or not, of course she always does haha I guess since Rebel's more of the common doxie that people don't think much about him :( Once Claire gets pets though he'll normally sneak in for some haha

06-30-2005, 01:27 PM
Yes, this happens all the time. No one pays attention to the 80 pound lab, everyone just oooohs and ahhhs over the 2 pound chihuahua. I kind of feel bad for Chico because he is the outgoing one wanting to be petted by everyone but everyone always tries to pet Guapo when all he wants me to do is pick him up to get him away from these strange people:rolleyes:

Suki Wingy
06-30-2005, 01:30 PM
It doesn't matter, we get shouts and hords of people anyway where ever we go. It gets anoying, because most of the time it's "mommy, a fire dog!!" and the parents say, "yes, that is so right! That is called a dalmatian!" And I say, "No, he is a pit bull mix." they look at me like I am insane..:mad: :rolleyes:

06-30-2005, 01:56 PM
People fear cockers! Trust me. Unless they know cockers well, most people fear them. People don't realize that nippy cockers were a result of overbreeding and that the temperment is getting much beter in the breed overall since they aren't so popular anymore. There was a lady today at the dog park with an airedale who was obviously avoiding the cockers but letting the dog when the cockers were far enough away. These were real sweet cockers too. I get comments all the time. I hate it.

06-30-2005, 02:09 PM
Yup, Nanook usually gets all the attention. Most people are scared of Raustyk because she is a Rott.
But it works out great cause Nanook would rather be paid attention to than Raustyk when it comes to strangers.

06-30-2005, 03:01 PM
Two black lab mixes...Adults usually don't give a second look. But the kids always do

06-30-2005, 05:00 PM
At the dog park, Scruffy gets the most attention. And of course it's because he's a three legger. Always questions about how did that happen and how well he does-isn't it amazing!, etc. Samson and Bella Mae are just fine with that. They would rather be left alone anyway. But I feel bad for them, since I know they're nice dogs too.
Wow! Your lucky your town is like that, I mean, I am glad Sammy gets attention, but, Jesse deserves some too!

06-30-2005, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Glacier
Unfortunately, Muskwa knows he's beautiful and has a wee bit of an ego. He poses and turns "his good side" every time he sees a camera!

That is hysterical!!!

My dogs seem to get the same amount of attention ....... when walking them, however, people seem to gravitate towards Ruby because she is smaller .......... but she doesn't like people "just coming up to her" so then they HAVE to pat Captain instead :D

HOWEVER, at home, people do seem to love them equally! No choice really, because my 2 INSIST on sticking their noses into your hand!