View Full Version : My weekend............ups and downs....

06-26-2005, 06:05 PM
Ok I know that is not a very inspirational heading, but I could not think what else to put, tired ole brain on a frosty cold morning in NZ, well that is my excuse anyhow.

This weekend was a mixed bag really, Saturday morning is an early start, to do the morning paper round, I have retired from the Sat morning, I just help in the weekdays now, and hubby goes with Melissa as it is dark still and we donot want her out in the dark alone, yep the paper people insist they have to be out by 7.30 am, stupid as most people are still enjoying the comfort of a weekend lie in on a cold morning, well I am all cosy in bed with the electric blanket on, kitty Lexie all snuggled at my feet, reading the paper, when they arrive back like 15 mins early, I find out Melissa has a bad blood nose, then sheepishly hubby admits he accidentally punched her in the nose, you see he was taking the ties off around the papers, they are sticky type stuff, and she was bending down too close obviously, it broke in his hand and of course his hand went up in the air and he plonked her one on the nose, so its mum off to the rescue, to finish the papers in the rain, fun, fun, fun.

However as it turned out, maybe it was for the best, because we found a dead kitty on the road, I thought it moved, but i imagined it, it was very cold, Steve went and took it off the road and lay it down beside a fence, next day kitty was gone, so hopefully it's owners found it, sad and I am glad melissa was not there to see it, it was one I had seen , but not one of our kitties we pat on the round. Bless you lil kitty.

Sunday was better Melissa and I went shopping at the mall and found her a lovely dress for her formal at the end of the year, will post a pic soon of it in another thread, hubby comes to pick us up, and I see this little boy around 7 or 8 years old with his bike at the pedestrian crossing, I said to hubby you had better stop, looks like he might just pull out in front of us, so we did, that was fine he went to the middle where there is a place you can stop, we had just moved on , when we heard this awful noise, my daughter screamed, oh my god I think the car on the other side has hit him, I wanted to go back, but hubby said heaps of people had gotten out and were helping him, we still don't know whether he actually got hit, or he just dropped his bike, but Melissa did not see the boy only the bike, when we got home we heard a siren, it was all too coincidental for my liking, Hubby thought we would just get in the way and be too upset if we saw him, but I wished I knew for sure, the paper will report it tonight hopefully. I saw nothing at all, just heard the bike crash, but i felt sick and shaken when I got home.

So it was certainly an bag of mixed emotions this weekend, some highs and more lows really, the lows I certainly don't want to repeat.

06-26-2005, 07:58 PM
Gee - sure was a "crazy up and down" weekend for you.

Hope Melissa's nose is OK???

06-27-2005, 01:18 AM
Sometimes days are just like that Carole, you take the good with the bad. The All Blacks won, so that was pretty good.:) Hope the boy turned out to be OK.

06-27-2005, 06:04 AM
That was a fairly awful way to start the weekend. :( BUT! Usually things swing in the other direction after days like that, so you can look forward to that. :)

{{{{HUGS}}}}} to help you until then. ;)

06-27-2005, 03:44 PM
Well there was nothing in the paper, so I can only assume he was ok, so that is a relief.

Now Trev if the All Blacks didn't win I would be hanging my head in shame, however one could say we creamed them lol.:D